Writing for Technicians
Technicians are the people who construct, operate, and fix things. An
office worker expert in desktop publishing is a technician, as is the person
who repairs your telephone or washing machine.
Levels of Knowledge
Technicians are often more expert than anyone else in how a particular
thing works or why it doesn't work. They are also usually familiar
with the common technical terms associated with
the devices they use and the processes they perform. They may not be familiar,
however, with general or abstract concepts about a device or a process.
Purposes in Using Document
Technicians read technical and scientific documents for a variety of
Strategies for Writing to Technicians
- Keep introductions and background information brief.
- Make information accessible:
- When appropriate, reduce information to instructions on how to perform
a procedure or diagnose and fix a problem.
- Use graphs and tables.
- Keep sections and overall instructions as short as possible;
- Index and cross-reference material.
- Provide short definitions or explanations of any unfamiliar terms,
tools, devices, or procedures.
## Writing for Technicians ##
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