Welcome, new users!
We of the Kopfberg Historical society hope to make your experience here as useful and enjoyable as we can. If you have any suggestions or questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Confused by the Annotated Glossary? Don't worry! We recommend that you start out by reading the more general entries for background, then proceed to more specific ones as your curiosity grows. Good entries to start with include:
The KHA is a reference base devoted to the events surrounding the Kopfberg Project, and their significance with regard to the the People's Democratic Revolution in San Corenzo, between the years of 2012, and 2018.
The KHS is a citizens' group devoted to the study of the Kopfberg Project. Our members include professional historians, amateur students of the Project, and even a few former Project members!
Currently, the heart of the Archive is our Annotated Glossary. Its entries provide the student of history with a strong background into the Kopfberg Project and Operation Nightshade.
New! Thanks to the Revised Freedom of Information Act, we are now able to offer actual transcripts of the Kopfberg Operatives in action!