
Sneezing **no dust something new instead** he crouches, pounces on mysterious wiggling creature of DOOM! **cannot escape me** The girl reaches down and moves him aside roughly and rubs her feet **creature** with one hand. **what? that hand could be useful** He rubs her leg seductively, but she walks away. **curled on the bed, no tail, no fur, how sad how cold! poor girl** Snuggling by her side and purring for two, but to no avail. **open door! outside smells!** He follows her to the metal cage room. Windy air teases sensitive ears, but sad girl needs warming, purring, comforting.

Scents of trees and living things, burning oil and old fast food. Somewhere out there is the vet's office with all the fear and pain, but also there is running and warm sunshine and clear cold nights. Memory tugs deeply and reminds him of something half forgotten and never lived.
