She's making a docu-diary of our relationship ...
	she tapes everything
	and now she's putting me
	in her performance-art pieces.

	Last night she put white greasepaint on my face,
	draped me in gauze veils,
	put on a John Cage tape
	and I had to sit in a downtown gallery
	on a stack of Harvard Classics
	while dazed art patrons milled around me,
	cocking their heads this way and that,
	whispering to each other about
	what it all meant.
	I said to her, "Janet, no one, including me, knows what's
	going on."
	But she says that was the whole point--
	that my not knowing
	and no one else not knowing
	was what it was all about.
	She makes me feel so ... so ... linear.

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