[THE NEXT SESSION continued LYN speaking]

        See, her theory is if no one knows
	what it's about, it might jolt us out of our normal
	mode of perceiving,
	and in having no information whatsoever,
	we'd be forced to confront new information....

	Of course, Edie cut through it all;
	she looked Janet straight in the eye and said,
	"New information about what ... ?"

	I sat for forty minutes under veils
	and then Janet's little five-year-old, Agnus, came in
	carrying a candle, which, for reasons known only to Janet,
	was burning at both ends.
	I took the candle
	and that's when my veil caught on fire.
	I grabbed Agnus up,
	trying to protect her, but she ran away.
	I swear she was worried we'd ruined her mother's performance piece.

[next therapy session]

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