Please don't complain about the cleaning not being back;
	I can't take one more complaint!  I'll tell you why the cleaning's
	not back.

	I forgot to take it, okay?  Bob, you expect too much
	of me.  It's one thing to be a modern housewife,
	career woman, mother.  I could handle being
	modern.  Modern is popping a frozen dinner into
	the microwave, but modern isn't good enough for
	you.  No, I have to be organic,
	learn millet recipes,
	grow wheat grass, make beet juice,
	wait around for sourdough to rise.  Well, it just so happens the
	last sourdough we had wasn't sourdough--
	it was Play-Doh.

	Oh, the twins have a highly developed sense of humor, and we
	didn't even notice the difference, Bob.  So much for
	conscious cooking.

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