The "Women's Strike for Equality" march.
	I taped all the speeches--Kate Millett, Bella Abzug--
	but nothing came out clear except Betty Friedan saying:
		"We, today ... have learned
		the power of our Sisterhood!"
	And we did! I'm so glad we made the trip--even though at times
	I didn't think we were going to make it in Edie's
	old VW. It was worth risking our lives. I think the only thing that
	kept that old junkheap moving was Edie singing
	"Ain't No Mountain High Enough"
	at the top of her lungs.

	We've been on a high since we got here. Giddy, in fact.
	But I can't wait to get back to L.A. We're going to form
	a consciousness-raising group just like
	thousands of women all over the country are doing.

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