Bob, honey, Marge called and wanted to come over.
	She sounded so down.  Daniel's left her; I said yes.  I told her we
	were finishing up the house and could use her touch and to 
	bring a plant or two.
	This area really needs something, no matter what I do, it still
	looks like the living room of a flying saucer...
	and have you noticed when you talk with your head tilted up,
	there's an echo...echo...echo...
	Maybe the ceiling wasn't meant to be this high, Bob...Bob...
	Bob.  I bet we added the garage pieces to the ceiling by mistake.
	Now all we have left for the garage are these pieces
	that are supposed to be
	our closet.
	Oh, well, since it's new, we'll have to give the Honda Civic our
	closet space.  I like their politics,
	but we never should have bought a home advertised in 
	Mother Jones.

	If we can't find the Dome Owner's Manual, we'll 
	just have to write for another.
	Oh, there's Marge.  I'll let her in.  Honey, you
	keep working on the tank.

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