[A FEW WEEKS LATER continued]


	For Christ's sake,
	you don't need plants, you need Yosemite Park.
	Hi.  Bob, make me a drink, and make it a stiff one.
	C'mon, you two, don't give me that look.
	I've discovered a great medical cure for sobriety-

	But you don't have to pack me off to 
	Raleigh Hills treatment center quite yet.  Hey, Bob, how's the
	isolation tank?
	You think it would help me?  Hell, my whole life feels like one big
	isolation tank.  Okay, please, don't go to any trouble, you two;
	I'll pour my own drink.


	Marge, it's so ironic.  I mean, that a woman as
	nurturant as you could be so

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