When I'm telling people about the twins, it suddenly
	hits me how adorable they are.  But when I'm actually
	dealing with them, sometimes I go into such overwhelm.
	I feel jittery and tired at the same time.	
	I wanted to be this wonderfully understanding mother--always
	loving, patient.
	Maybe if I cut out coffee--drink decaf and maybe some

	I don't want Bob and the twins to look back and
	remember me this way.

	I went into public relations because I have a way with people.
	Just not the people I'm closest to.

	My therapist told me this journal writing sometimes
	relieves depression.

	But it's the things that come up when I'm writing in my journal
	that seem to depress me.
	This morning I went to kiss the twins
	goodbye, they saw Hildy coming in, left me
	and ran to kiss her hello.

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