Edie, Marge called the other day.
	I can't stop worrying about her.  She wanted
	to take the twins someplace again.  I had
	to say no.  Bob says he doesn't even want the twins
	to be around her anymore at all.  I think she knows we're cutting
	her off from them,
	but what can we do?  She adores them, and they adore her,
	but the last time I picked them up, I found her
	on the floor.  I thought they were playing Wild Kingdom again,
	but turns out she was drunk and had fallen.
	We think now she's taking pills
	along with everything else.

	Did you know Daniel split again?  He just never
	got over the rape.  I don't think she has, either.
	And I don't know that she'll ever get over Daniel.
	Could you go by tonight, to see if she's okay?
	Bob's just walked out in a huff, so I've got the kids, or I'd go.

	Just a minute.
	Come on, boys!  Supper's almost ready.  Settle
	down.  You know our agreement--if you're going to fight,
	use your Bataca encounter bats.

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