Oh, Edie, I can't go to the conference this weekend.
        I've got to finish this campaign.

Office buzzer

        Hear that?
        Just a second.

        I told you to tell Sindell I will be there in
        a moment.

Back with Edie

        Look, I'll write a check right now. How should I make it out?
        Oh, I can't find my checkbook--oh, no wonder, I've got Bob's bag
        uh, look, I'll call you later.

Office buzzer buzzes again and again

        Tell Sindell I'll be right in.

        I really have to say to you I was sure you were
        thinking of me for that promotion. I mean, for you
        to hire someone from outside the company
        to do a job you know I can do because I have been
        doing it...and my own job...

        But I'm really glad it's all out in the open.
        You've been holding out this new position, making me try to
        prove myself to you
        over and over again by outperforming everybody else,
        staying late, taking work home...

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