[A NEIGHBORHOOD HANGOUT, 1973 continued]

	At least Marge has figures out from those women's magazines
	what shape face she has, Edie-
	something I've never been sure of.

	So she can apply makeup to overcome flaws? If your face is oval,
	they tell you to make it square. If it's square,
	they tell you to make it longer. Sometimes you make it too long
	and got to make it square again
	which was how it looked at the start
	only now you've got a square face that's too made up where before
	you had a nice natural-looking square face. I don't care if I got
	the cheekbones of an
	isosceles triangle or the forehead of a Pithecanthropus.
	I look at myself and I don't see any flaws;
	that's what these consciousness-raising
	self-examinations are all about.

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