Translation of Papyrus #27, Batch #7, Site A

Translation by Dr. Sarah Mercer

Early in the morning today before (the sun g-d) crossed the sky, the strange lights returned. Not like any other time. Other times they crossed the sky, faster than (the sun g-d) and not bright. Other times they stopped far away, in the distance, or near the site [but] slowly. Before they were quiet and this one was loud.
Future instances of "the sun g-d" will be translated as "Ra". Unfortunately, this cutter did not know how to compare quantitatively. How much faster did the "strange lights" travel?

The whole camp, all the carvers, all the masons, all the (royalty) woke up but it was still night. The orange glow near the Great Pyramid was hot and glowed many colors: orange, yellow, red, green. So bright and hot was it today that we were not allowed near it or inside the Pyramid to work.
If these lights appeared just before dawn (or "early in the morning" as Ehab writes, then could this orange glow just be the sunrise? From what we understand of society at the time, only in extreme cases did workers get free days. Either this was an extreme case or Ehab was a very lucky worker.