Architectonics Courseware
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Day 23: Duality as Precedent

The space created by the pergola on the upper part of the train station is quite expressive. It is expressive of a forced structural system that is indeed a shear and moment diagram frozen in steel.
Bahnhof Stadelhofen, Zurich.
The joints of the pergola are pinned. The slimming of the section to the joint is a clue. The torsion pipe (left) is of the typical types of connections that this designer always uses.
this is one of the three bridges that were designed for the train station. It has a concrete tension band holding back the "springing" steel girder. It is difficult to determine why this girder is of such enormous dimension. The space created by the railings is quite clever. It forces the user to the center of the bridge over the train tracks.
These are the garage doors at a factory. They are excellent examples of how to get the most from each design element. The building was designed by Reichlin and Rheinhart.
These two details show the potential and dissappoinment with such expensive and demanding design.

Copyright © 1996, 1997 by Chris H. Luebkeman