Structures I Outline (Spring 1997)

This is an outline of the anticipated schedule of lectures and labs for the semester. It could be modified to reflect the progress of the specific term. It is imperative that you read the materials indicated if you are unable to attend a specific lecture meeting. The 1995/96 version of the lectures can be found here. The page below will link to the newest version of each lecture as it is prepared and presented.

Week Day Event Place
1 1 Introduction, L1: Strength vs. Stability
Image Summary
2 L2: S T R U C T U R E, L3: Structural Failure
Image Summary
Lab 1 Introduction 3-402
2 3 L4: Forces, L5: Moments, L6: Equilibrium
Image Summary
4 L7: Coplanar Force Resolution, L8: Graphical, L9: Algebraic
Image Summary
Lab 2 Cantilevered Equilibrium I 3-402
3 T Holiday
Day 5 L10: Varignon's Theory, L11: Other force systems, L12: Couples
Image Summary
Lab 3 Cantilevered Equilibrium II 3-402
4 Day 6 L13: Supports, L14: FBDs
Image Summary
Day 7 L15: Two- and Three-Force Members, L16: Multiple Force Members 3-133
Lab 4 Bridge I 3-402
5 Day 8 L17: Primary Loads, L18: Lateral Loads 3-133
Day 9 A Walk-about
L19: Loading Combinations and Load Distribution , L20: Load Resolution
Lab 5 Bridge II 3-402
6 Day 10 Earthquakes and Earthquake Loading
L21: Multiple Load Resolution
Day 11 L22: Materials, L23: Stress and Strain
Image Summary
Lab 6 Bridge III 3-402
7 Day 12 Final Bridge Busting and Discussion 3-133, move to Lab at 1-046
13 Load Distribution, L24: Stress-Strain Curves, L25: Elasticity and Deformation, L26: Secondary Loads, L27: Thermal Stresses 3-133
Lab no meeting
8 T, R Spring Break
9 Day 14
(1. April 97)
MIT Closed 3-133
Day 15
(3. April 97
"Nut, Bolts and People"
Guest Lecture by Mr. Andy Foster
BSc, BArch, CEng, MIStructE, RIBA
Associate, OVE ARUP & Partners
Lab 7 Cancelled 3-402
10 Day 16
(8. April 97)
Direct Stress. Stratton Walk-about. 3-133
Day 17
(10. April 97)
L28: Centroids, Moment of Inertia, L29: Columns, L30: Radius of Gyration, Buckling
Image Summary
Lab 8 Vertical Systems
Week Day Event Assignments
Day 18
(15. April 97)
L31: Beams, L32: Beam Failure Modes, L33: Internal Forces, L34: Shear, L35: Moment
Image Summary
To Do
Day 19
(17. April 97)
Planned: L36: Diagramming Shear, Moment and Deflection
Actual: Video of Varrazano Narrows Bridge Collapse, Video of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.
To Do
Lab 9 Case Study I (Prep and Pin-up) 3-402
(22. April 97)
Patriot's Day Holiday
Day 20
(24. April 97)
L36: Diagramming Shear, Moment and Deflection, L38: Bending Stress, L39: Shear Stress, L40: Beam Deflection
Image Summary
To Do
Lab "10" Truss Lab 3-402
Day 21
(29. April 1997)
More Beams, L41: Beam Sizing To Do
Day 22
(1. May 1997)
L50: Introduction to Trusses, L51: Truss Typology
Image Summary
To Do
Lab Truss Walk-About 3-402
Day 23
(6. May 1997)
Duality as Precedent: Santiago Calatrava To Do
Day 24
(8. May 1997)
Case Study Presentations in AVT/South Hall Extra Credit
Lab Class Case Studies Presentations on 6. May at 7:00 PM 3-402
15review sessions
  • Shear, Moment, Deflection diagrams (Monday 6 - 8 PM)
  • Columns (Tuesday 6 - 8 PM)
  • Load Determination, Distribution, Path, Direct Stress (Thur 5- 6:30)
  • 2 & 3 Force Members, 2 & 3 Hinged Arches (Friday 10 AM - Noon)
Day 25
(13. May 1997)
Villa Savoye, Seagram Bldg, Bach de Bridge, Kimbell Museum
">Image summary
prepare for final!
Day 26
(15. May 1997)
Final Lecture: Structural Poetry Extra Credit 2
Lab no meeting
Tuesday May 20, 9-12
Thursday May 22, 9-12
Final Exam
Bring only a calculator, two triangles, a straight edge, an architects scale, writing instruments and one 8.5 x 11 sheet (total of two sides) of handwritten notes (an official "cheat-sheet"). Photocopies are not allowed. These will be turned in with the exam, but will be returned after grading is completed.

© 1997 Chris H. Luebkeman