Week |
Day |
Event |
Place |
1 |
1 |
Introduction, L1: Strength vs. Stability Image Summary |
3-133 |
2 |
L2: S T R U C T U R E,
L3: Structural Failure
Image Summary |
3-133 |
Lab 1 |
Introduction |
3-402 |
2 |
3 |
L4: Forces, L5: Moments, L6: Equilibrium
Image Summary |
3-133 |
4 |
L7: Coplanar Force Resolution, L8: Graphical,
L9: Algebraic
Image Summary
3-133 |
Lab 2 |
Cantilevered Equilibrium I |
3-402 |
3 |
T |
Holiday |
Day 5 |
L10: Varignon's Theory, L11: Other force systems, L12: Couples
Image Summary |
3-133 |
Lab 3 |
Cantilevered Equilibrium II |
3-402 |
4 |
Day 6 |
L13: Supports, L14: FBDs Image Summary |
3-133 |
Day 7 |
L15: Two- and Three-Force Members, L16: Multiple Force Members |
3-133 |
Lab 4 |
Bridge I |
3-402 |
5 |
Day 8 |
L17: Primary Loads, L18: Lateral Loads |
3-133 |
Day 9 |
A Walk-about
L19: Loading Combinations and Load Distribution , L20: Load Resolution |
3-133 |
Lab 5 |
Bridge II |
3-402 |
6 |
Day 10 |
Earthquakes and Earthquake Loading
L21: Multiple Load Resolution |
3-133 |
Day 11 |
L22: Materials, L23: Stress and Strain
Image Summary |
3-133 |
Lab 6 |
Bridge III |
3-402 |
7 |
Day 12 |
Final Bridge Busting and Discussion |
3-133, move to Lab at 1-046 |
13 |
Load Distribution, L24: Stress-Strain Curves, L25: Elasticity and Deformation, L26: Secondary Loads, L27: Thermal Stresses |
3-133 |
Lab |
no meeting |
8 |
T, R |
Spring Break |
9 |
Day 14 (1. April 97) |
MIT Closed |
3-133 |
Day 15 (3. April 97 |
"Nut, Bolts and People"
Guest Lecture by Mr. Andy Foster
BSc, BArch, CEng, MIStructE, RIBA
Associate, OVE ARUP & Partners |
3-133 |
Lab 7 |
Cancelled |
3-402 |
10 |
Day 16 (8. April 97) |
Direct Stress. Stratton Walk-about.
3-133 |
Day 17 (10. April 97) |
L28: Centroids, Moment of Inertia, L29: Columns, L30: Radius of Gyration, Buckling
Image Summary |
3-133 |
Lab 8 |
Vertical Systems |
Week |
Day |
Event |
Assignments |
11 |
Day 18 (15. April 97) |
L31: Beams, L32: Beam Failure Modes, L33: Internal Forces, L34: Shear, L35: Moment
Image Summary |
To Do |
Day 19 (17. April 97) |
Planned: L36: Diagramming Shear, Moment and Deflection Actual: Video of Varrazano Narrows Bridge Collapse, Video of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. |
To Do |
Lab 9 |
Case Study I (Prep and Pin-up) |
3-402 |
12 |
Tuesday (22. April 97) |
Patriot's Day Holiday |
Day 20 (24. April 97) |
L36: Diagramming Shear, Moment and Deflection, L38: Bending Stress, L39: Shear Stress, L40: Beam Deflection
Image Summary |
To Do |
Lab "10" |
Truss Lab |
3-402 |
13 |
Day 21
(29. April 1997) |
More Beams, L41: Beam Sizing |
To Do |
Day 22
(1. May 1997) |
L50: Introduction to Trusses, L51: Truss Typology
Image Summary |
To Do |
Lab |
Truss Walk-About |
3-402 |
14 |
Day 23
(6. May 1997) |
Duality as Precedent: Santiago Calatrava |
To Do |
Day 24
(8. May 1997) |
Case Study Presentations in AVT/South Hall |
Extra Credit |
Lab |
Class Case Studies Presentations on 6. May at 7:00 PM |
3-402 |
15 | review sessions | - Shear, Moment, Deflection diagrams (Monday 6 - 8 PM)
- Columns (Tuesday 6 - 8 PM)
- Load Determination, Distribution, Path, Direct Stress (Thur 5- 6:30)
- 2 & 3 Force Members, 2 & 3 Hinged Arches (Friday 10 AM - Noon)
| 3-402 |
15 |
Day 25
(13. May 1997) |
Villa Savoye, Seagram Bldg, Bach de Bridge, Kimbell Museum ">Image summary |
prepare for final! |
Day 26
(15. May 1997) |
Final Lecture: Structural Poetry |
Extra Credit 2 |
Lab |
no meeting |
16 |
Tuesday May 20, 9-12 or
Thursday May 22, 9-12 |
Final Exam Bring only a calculator, two triangles, a straight edge, an architects scale, writing instruments and one 8.5 x 11 sheet (total of two sides) of handwritten notes (an official "cheat-sheet"). Photocopies are not allowed. These will be turned in with the exam, but will be returned after grading is completed. |
3-133 |