LAB 4: Echocardiographic Imaging
Robert Manzke, Ph.D.
a. Technical principles
of ultrasound
b. Clinical aspects of
This lab is an introduction to
echocardiographic imaging. Echocardiography is a non-invasive (transthoracic
echo,TTE) or minimally-invasive (transesophageal echo,TEE; intracardiac echo,
ICE; intravascular ultrasound, IVUS) imaging technique which allows for
real-time visualization of the cardiac anatomy and function. Echocardiographic
imaging is the clinical standard for functional assessment of the heart and is
the firstline modality for assessing heart anatomy, structure, and function. It
provides a wealth of essential clinical information such as the size and shape
of the heart, its pumping capacity (Ejection Fraction, EF), as well as the
location and extent of any damage to its tissues. Due to the real-time
character and fine spatial resolution of ultrasound, it is especially useful
for assessing diseases of the heart valves. Doppler imaging techniques allow
physicians to detect abnormalities in the pattern of blood flow, such as the
retrograde flow of blood through leaky heart valves, known as regurgitation. By
imaging the motion of the heart wall, echocardiography can help detect the
presence and assess the severity of coronary artery disease and myocardial
infarcts. Echocardiography is also used to detect pathologies such as
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in which the walls of the heart thicken in an
attempt to compensate for heart muscle weakness. A limitation in 2-dimensional
ultrasound is that the true three-dimensional anatomy is not captured.
Recently, new 3-dimensional ultrasound imaging techniques have been introduced,
which give a more complete picture of the anatomy in its entirety.
In preparation for this lab, you
will read three review papers on echocardiography [1-3] which summarize recent technological and clinical developments. Focus
on [1]. For further reading, we recommend
[4] for technical aspects of
ultrasound imaging and [5] for the clinical applications, as
well as material readily available on the web.
Ultrasound waves used in medical applications are primarily longitudinal waves
of mechanical pressure, which propagate in a medium such as human tissue
(though more recently, medical research into shear waves for ultrasound-based
strain imaging has also been extensive). The wave equation for pressure fields
in liquids and gases is given by
where pressure is given by , the density of the medium is represented by
, the time by t and the bulk modulus by
The wave propagation velocity is where
is the wavelength and
is the frequency of the pressure wave. The sound impedance is defined as
which represents the ratio of the stress force per unit area to the
displacement velocity (Table
1 shows typical values for different biological
The intensity reflection and transmission factors are given by the expressions
The ratio
of a reflected signal to the source signal is often expressed in decibels
Table 1: Ultrasound parameters.
Material |
Density in kgm-3 |
Propagation velocity in m/s |
Impedance in |
Water |
1000 |
1480 |
1.48 |
Muscle |
1080 |
1580 |
1.7 |
Fat |
900 |
1450 |
1.3 |
Brain |
1050 |
1540 |
1.6 |
Blood |
1030 |
1570 |
1.58 |
Bone |
1850 |
3500-4300 |
6.5-8.0 |
Air |
1.3 |
330 |
4´10-4 |
Note the very large differences between the soft tissues
and bone and air.
reflection factors at boundaries between soft
tissues are small:
e.g. fat
to muscle .
factors between soft tissues and bone or
air are large:
e.g. bone
to brain .
intensity of the ultrasound wave decreases exponentially with the penetration
depth. The attenuation coefficient can be used to determine the total attenuation in dB/cm in
the medium according to
At an
ultrasound frequency of 1MHz, the attenuation is on the order of 1 dB/cm for
soft tissue such as kidney or liver (see Table
2), whereas for bone the coefficient is in the order of
20 dB/cm. The spatial resolution is dependent on the wavelength. A detectable
echo occurs if the structural distance is at the order of half the wavelength.
Table 2: Penetration depth and resolution in soft tissue.
f in MHz |
wavelength in mm |
in cm |
application |
3.5MHz |
0.44 |
15 |
Heart |
7.5MHz |
0.21 |
7 |
Prostate |
15MHz |
0.1 |
1 |
applications |
In a
practical setup, ultrasound waves are produced and detected by piezoelectric
crystals, which change dimensions depending on an applied alternating
electrical field. In the simplest setup, a single transducer element transmits
a pulse into the tissue (see Figure
1). Immediately after transmission, the transducer is
switched to receive mode and reflected waves are detected, forming an image.
This simplistic setup is used for 1-dimensional A-mode imaging.
Figure 1: Simple A-line one element setup.
If a time
series of A-mode images is recorded, an M-mode image is obtained (see Figure 2).
2: M-mode image of the heart. Upper row shows
If the
single element transducer is physically swept along the one spatial axis, one
can form a 2-dimensional image (B-mode, see Figure
3: Mechanical movement of the single element
transducer (B-mode).
In most
cardiac applications today, electronically-steered phased arrays are used to
steer the focus of the ultrasound transducer to sample a 2D image slice through
the volume.
Such phased arrays typically consist of several piezo-electric elements
organized into a one-dimensional array. Each element of the phase array can be
pulsed with a certain transmission delay. This way, the focus of the resulting
wave field of all elements can be swept around a scan sector as shown in Figure 4.
Note that the smaller the imaging sector is, the faster echoes can be received
and, hence, the higher the frame rate and temporal resolution is. Likewise, the
shorter the imaging depth, the higher the pulse repetition frequency, the
higher the frame rate and associated temporal resolution.
If the phased
array is extended into a two-dimensional plane of elements, the focus can be
steered in three dimensions to sweep a conical volume. This is the basis for modern 3-dimensional
ultrasound transducers.
4: Beam forming of phased array and B-mode scanning.
important aspect of ultrasound imaging is its Doppler imaging capability. When
a wave is reflected or scattered from a moving object, the apparent frequency
received by the transducer is changed. This is called the Doppler effect.
A wave
scattering object (e.g. blood cell) is moving at vs at angle q.
frequency of the reflected signal is ,
so the Doppler shift from the transmitted
frequency is
Doppler shift frequencies are typically detected in the 0
- 1.3 kHz and 0 - 8 kHz ranges.
Imaging of Doppler frequency versus position can give
useful indications of arterial blood flow in tissue regions and major organs. Also
valvular function such as mitral valve regurgitation is assessed using Doppler
5: Color-Doppler imaging of the mitral valve, for
assessment of regurgitation.
b. Clinical aspects of echocardiography
imaging finds applications in all clinical fields. Here, we will focus on the
subspecialty of echocardiography, imaging of the heart using ultrasound.
Depending on the examination type, the echocardiographer performs transthoracic
(TTE) acquisition of standard views.
Typical TTE views are (see Figure
(basal, MV-level, papillary muscle level, apical)
(basal, mid-ventricular)
arch short and long-axis
6: View nomenclature in echocardiography, taken from
invasive versions of echocardiographic imaging include transesophageal imaging
(TEE, see Figure
7), intracardiac echo (ICE, see Figure 8) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS, see Figure 9). With TEE, a transducer is placed down in the
esophagus close to the heart with the patient under anesthesia. TEE and ICE
imaging enable acquisition of different views of the heart with significantly
fewer artifacts such as rib shadowing, lung artifacts, etc.
7: TEE probe, taken from [5].
8: ICE probe, taken from [5].
imaging uses higher frequencies in the range of 15-40MHz to image vascular
walls and atherosclerotic plaques within arteries.
9: IVUS image of plaque (c) , taken from [5].
images are acquired, different quantitative analyses can be performed. Linear
measurements of the left ventricle such as internal dimensions, fractional
wall stress, volume and velocity can be obtained. 2-dimensional measurements
can include short-axis area, four-chamber ventricular area, left ventricular
volume, stroke volume,
ejection fraction and ventricular mass. Image-processing techniques enable
automated measures of cardiac parameters such as EF, strain, and tissue
velocity from acquired echo sequences.
imaging, however, limits the accuracy of measurements due to limitations
inherent to 2-dimensional slice interrogation within a 3-dimensional object
(e.g. off-axis foreshortening). 3-dimensional echocardiography aims at
improving this shortcoming by visualizing true 3-dimensional anatomy in a
single acquisition.
will introduce different ultrasound probes used for specific medical imaging
will evaluate different scan modes such as 2D and 3D imaging, tissue and color
Doppler, and play with acquisition parameters such as depth/ gain/ mechanical
index etc.
will evaluate a data set with a quantitative evaluation software called Qlab,
assessing, for example, regional wall motion and EF
will acquire some example data sets with TTE, aiming at typical views based on
volunteer scanning
take notes to answer the following questions
Part (a)
of the questions can be answered using this preparation material. Part (b) can
be answered most likely after attending the lab exercise.
Q1: Why is 2-dimensional ultrasound limiting correct quantitative
assessment of the heart geometry / sizes of specific structures, sketch?
Q2: What type of equation is the wave equation?
Q3: What is limiting the frame rate in ultrasound?
Q4: What implications does it have that reflection factors are high
at boundaries such as bone brain and small at soft tissue boundaries?
Q5: What ultrasound parameters have to be considered given a certain
required penetration depth?
Q6: Which ultrasound parameter is important to choose correctly
given a required spatial resolution?
Q7: What is a major limitation in 3-dimensional ultrasound?
Q8: Explain why higher frequencies are used for IVUS imaging.
Q9: What temporal resolution is desirable for a 10 phasic echo loop
given a heart rate of 60bpm?
Q10: What is the theoretical spatial resolution of a 7.5MHz ultrasound
wave in soft-tissue?
Q11: What are typical TEE views?
Q12: Explain why views are called two, three, four, five chamber,
explain terms such as short axis apical, medial and basal. Sketch a set a
typical views and explain terms.
Q12: Which views are easier to obtain (TTE) and why?
Q13: Explain the difference between CW and PW Doppler imaging.
Q14: Explain why TEE and ICE deliver images generally with less
Q15: Define the term ejection fraction (EF) and
describe a 2-dimensional method to measure it.
Q16: Define and sketch how stroke volume can be measured using
2-dimensional methods.
Q17: How can one obtain information about tissue elasticity using
The lab
will be held
2. Salgo, I.S., Three-dimensional echocardiographic technology. Cardiol Clin, 2007.
25(2): p. 231-9.
3. Weyman, A.E., The year in echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2007. 49(11): p. 1212-9.
4. Duck,
F.A., A.C. Baker, and H.C. Starritt, Ultrasound
in Medicine. 1998: Institute of Physics Pub.
5. Feigenbaum,
H., Echocardiography. 1994: Lea &
Febiger Philadelphia.