23.5. Porting from Oracle PL/SQL

Author: Roberto Mello ()

This section explains differences between Oracle's PL/SQL and PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL languages in the hopes of helping developers port applications from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Most of the code here is from the ArsDigita Clickstream module that I ported to PostgreSQL when I took an internship with OpenForce Inc. in the Summer of 2000.

PL/pgSQL is similar to PL/SQL in many aspects. It is a block structured, imperative language (all variables have to be declared). PL/SQL has many more features than its PostgreSQL counterpart, but PL/pgSQL allows for a great deal of functionality and it is being improved constantly.

23.5.1. Main Differences

Some things you should keep in mind when porting from Oracle to PostgreSQL: Quote Me on That: Escaping Single Quotes

In PostgreSQL you need to escape single quotes inside your function definition. This can lead to quite amusing code at times, especially if you are creating a function that generates other function(s), as in Example 23-6. One thing to keep in mind when escaping lots of single quotes is that, except for the beginning/ending quotes, all the others will come in even quantity.

Table 23-1 gives the scoop. (You'll love this little chart.)

Table 23-1. Single Quotes Escaping Chart

No. of QuotesUsageExampleResult
1To begin/terminate function bodies
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
as is
2In assignments, SELECTs, to delimit strings, etc.
a_output := ''Blah'';
SELECT * FROM users WHERE f_name=''foobar'';
SELECT * FROM users WHERE f_name='foobar';
4 When you need two single quotes in your resulting string without terminating that string.
a_output := a_output || '' AND name 
    LIKE ''''foobar'''' AND ...''
AND name LIKE 'foobar' AND ...
6 When you want double quotes in your resulting string and terminate that string.
a_output := a_output || '' AND name 
    LIKE ''''foobar''''''
AND name LIKE 'foobar'
10 When you want two single quotes in the resulting string (which accounts for 8 quotes) and terminate that string (2 more). You will probably only need that if you were using a function to generate other functions (like in Example 23-6).
a_output := a_output || '' if v_'' || 
    referrer_keys.kind || '' like '''''''''' 
    || referrer_keys.key_string || '''''''''' 
    then return ''''''  || referrer_keys.referrer_type 
    || ''''''; end if;''; 
if v_<...> like ''<...>'' then return ''<...>''; end if;

23.5.2. Porting Functions

Example 23-5. A Simple Function

Here is an Oracle function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(v_name IN varchar, v_version IN varchar)
RETURN varchar IS
    IF v_version IS NULL THEN
        RETURN v_name;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_name || '/' || v_version;

Let's go through this function and see the differences to PL/pgSQL:

  • The OR REPLACE clause is not allowed. You will have to explicitly drop the function before creating it to achieve similar results.

  • PostgreSQL does not have named parameters. You have to explicitly alias them inside your function.

  • Oracle can have IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters passed to functions. The INOUT, for example, means that the parameter will receive a value and return another. PostgreSQL only has "IN" parameters and functions can return only a single value.

  • The RETURN key word in the function prototype (not the function body) becomes RETURNS in PostgreSQL.

  • On PostgreSQL functions are created using single quotes as delimiters, so you have to escape single quotes inside your functions (which can be quite annoying at times; see Section

  • The /show errors command does not exist in PostgreSQL.

So let's see how this function would be look like ported to PostgreSQL:

DROP FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(varchar, varchar);
CREATE FUNCTION cs_fmt_browser_version(varchar, varchar)
RETRUNS varchar AS '
    v_name ALIAS FOR $1;
    v_version ALIAS FOR $2;
    IF v_version IS NULL THEN
        return v_name;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_name || ''/'' || v_version;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Example 23-6. A Function that Creates Another Function

The following procedure grabs rows from a SELECT statement and builds a large function with the results in IF statements, for the sake of efficiency. Notice particularly the differences in cursors, FOR loops, and the need to escape single quotes in PostgreSQL.

create or replace procedure cs_update_referrer_type_proc is 
    cursor referrer_keys is 
        select * from cs_referrer_keys 
        order by try_order;

    a_output varchar(4000); 
    a_output := 'create or replace function cs_find_referrer_type(v_host IN varchar, v_domain IN varchar, 
v_url IN varchar) return varchar is begin'; 

    for referrer_key in referrer_keys loop 
        a_output := a_output || ' if v_' || referrer_key.kind || ' like ''' || 
referrer_key.key_string || ''' then return ''' || referrer_key.referrer_type || 
'''; end if;'; 
    end loop; 

    a_output := a_output || ' return null; end;'; 
    execute immediate a_output; 
show errors

Here is how this function would end up in PostgreSQL:

CREATE FUNCTION cs_update_referrer_type_proc() RETURNS integer AS '
    referrer_keys RECORD;  -- Declare a generic record to be used in a FOR
    a_output varchar(4000);
    a_output := ''CREATE FUNCTION cs_find_referrer_type(varchar,varchar,varchar) 
                  RETURNS varchar AS '''' 
                         v_host ALIAS FOR $1; 
                         v_domain ALIAS FOR $2; 
                         v_url ALIAS FOR $3; ''; 

    -- Notice how we scan through the results of a query in a FOR loop
    -- using the FOR <record> construct.

    FOR referrer_keys IN select * from cs_referrer_keys order by try_order LOOP
        a_output := a_output || '' if v_'' || referrer_keys.kind || '' like '''''''''' 
                 || referrer_keys.key_string || '''''''''' then return '''''' 
                 || referrer_keys.referrer_type || ''''''; end if;''; 
    END LOOP; 
    a_output := a_output || '' return null; end; '''' language ''''plpgsql'''';''; 
    -- This works because we are not substituting any variables
    -- Otherwise it would fail. Look at PERFORM for another way to run functions
    EXECUTE a_output; 
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Example 23-7. A Procedure with a lot of String Manipulation and OUT Parameters

The following Oracle PL/SQL procedure is used to parse a URL and return several elements (host, path and query). It is an procedure because in PL/pgSQL functions only one value can be returned (see Section 23.5.3). In PostgreSQL, one way to work around this is to split the procedure in three different functions: one to return the host, another for the path and another for the query.

create or replace procedure cs_parse_url(
    v_url IN varchar,
    v_host OUT varchar,  -- This will be passed back
    v_path OUT varchar,  -- This one too
    v_query OUT varchar) -- And this one
    a_pos1 integer;
    a_pos2 integer;
    v_host := NULL;
    v_path := NULL;
    v_query := NULL;
    a_pos1 := instr(v_url, '//'); -- PostgreSQL doesn't have an instr function

    if a_pos1 = 0 then
    end if;
    a_pos2 := instr(v_url, '/', a_pos1 + 2);
    if a_pos2 = 0 then
        v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2);
        v_path := '/';
    end if;

    v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2, a_pos2 - a_pos1 - 2);
    a_pos1 := instr(v_url, '?', a_pos2 + 1);

    if a_pos1 = 0 then
        v_path := substr(v_url, a_pos2);
    end if;

    v_path := substr(v_url, a_pos2, a_pos1 - a_pos2);
    v_query := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 1);
show errors;

Here is how this procedure could be translated for PostgreSQL:

drop function cs_parse_url_host(varchar); 
create function cs_parse_url_host(varchar) returns varchar as ' 
    v_url ALIAS FOR $1; 
    v_host varchar; 
    v_path varchar; 
    a_pos1 integer; 
    a_pos2 integer; 
    a_pos3 integer; 
    v_host := NULL; 
    a_pos1 := instr(v_url,''//''); 

    if a_pos1 = 0 then 
        return '''';  -- Return a blank
    end if; 

    a_pos2 := instr(v_url,''/'',a_pos1 + 2); 
    if a_pos2 = 0 then 
        v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2); 
        v_path := ''/''; 
        return v_host; 
    end if; 

    v_host := substr(v_url, a_pos1 + 2, a_pos2 - a_pos1 - 2 ); 
    return v_host; 
' language 'plpgsql';

Note: PostgreSQL does not have an instr function, so you can work around it using a combination of other functions. I got tired of doing this and created my own instr functions that behave exactly like Oracle's (it makes life easier). See the Section 23.5.6 for the code.

23.5.3. Procedures

Oracle procedures give a little more flexibility to the developer because nothing needs to be explicitly returned, but it can be through the use of INOUT or OUT parameters.

An example:

create or replace procedure cs_create_job(v_job_id in integer)
    a_running_job_count integer;
    pragma autonomous_transaction;(1)
    lock table cs_jobs in exclusive mode;(2)

    select count(*) into a_running_job_count from cs_jobs
    where end_stamp is null;

    if a_running_job_count > 0 then
        commit; -- free lock(3)
        raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable to create a new job: a job is currently running.');
    end if;

    delete from cs_active_job;
    insert into cs_active_job(job_id) values(v_job_id);

        insert into cs_jobs(job_id, start_stamp) values(v_job_id, sysdate);
        exception when dup_val_on_index then null; -- don't worry if it already exists(4)
show errors

Procedures like this can be easily converted into PostgreSQL functions returning an INTEGER. This procedure in particular is interesting because it can teach us some things:

There is no pragma statement in PostgreSQL.
If you do a LOCK TABLE in PL/pgSQL, the lock will not be released until the calling transaction is finished.
You also cannot have transactions in PL/pgSQL procedures. The entire function (and other functions called from therein) is executed in a transaction and PostgreSQL rolls back the results if something goes wrong. Therefore only one BEGIN statement is allowed.
The exception when would have to be replaced by an IF statement.

So let's see one of the ways we could port this procedure to PL/pgSQL:

drop function cs_create_job(integer);
create function cs_create_job(integer) returns integer as ' declare
    v_job_id alias for $1;
    a_running_job_count integer;
    a_num integer;
    -- pragma autonomous_transaction;
    lock table cs_jobs in exclusive mode;
    select count(*) into a_running_job_count from cs_jobs where end_stamp is null;

    if a_running_job_count > 0 then
        -- commit; -- free lock
        raise exception ''Unable to create a new job: a job is currently running.'';
    end if;

    delete from cs_active_job;
    insert into cs_active_job(job_id) values(v_job_id);

    SELECT count(*) into a_num FROM cs_jobs WHERE job_id=v_job_id;
    IF NOT FOUND THEN  -- If nothing was returned in the last query
        -- This job is not in the table so lets insert it.
        insert into cs_jobs(job_id, start_stamp) values(v_job_id, sysdate());
        return 1;
        raise NOTICE ''Job already running.'';(1)
    END IF;

    return 0;
' language 'plpgsql';
Notice how you can raise notices (or errors) in PL/pgSQL.

23.5.4. Packages

Note: I haven't done much with packages myself, so if there are mistakes here, please let me know.

Packages are a way Oracle gives you to encapsulate PL/SQL statements and functions into one entity, like Java classes, where you define methods and objects. You can access these objects/methods with a "." (dot). Here is an example of an Oracle package from ACS 4 (the ArsDigita Community System):

create or replace package body acs
  function add_user (
    user_id     in users.user_id%TYPE default null,
    object_type     in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE
               default 'user',
    creation_date   in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
               default sysdate,
    creation_user   in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
               default null,
    creation_ip     in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
  ) return users.user_id%TYPE
    v_user_id       users.user_id%TYPE;
    v_rel_id        membership_rels.rel_id%TYPE;
    v_user_id := acs_user.new (user_id, object_type, creation_date,
                creation_user, creation_ip, email,
    return v_user_id;
end acs;
show errors

We port this to PostgreSQL by creating the different objects of the Oracle package as functions with a standard naming convention. We have to pay attention to some other details, like the lack of default parameters in PostgreSQL functions. The above package would become something like this:

CREATE FUNCTION acs__add_user(integer,integer,varchar,datetime,integer,integer,...)
RETURNS integer AS '
    user_id ALIAS FOR $1;
    object_type ALIAS FOR $2;
    creation_date ALIAS FOR $3;
    creation_user ALIAS FOR $4;
    creation_ip ALIAS FOR $5;
    v_user_id users.user_id%TYPE;
    v_rel_id membership_rels.rel_id%TYPE;
    v_user_id := acs_user__new(user_id,object_type,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip, ...);

    return v_user_id;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

23.5.5. Other Things to Watch For EXECUTE

The PostgreSQL version of EXECUTE works nicely, but you have to remember to use quote_literal(TEXT) and quote_string(TEXT) as described in Section Constructs of the type EXECUTE ''SELECT * from $1''; will not work unless you use these functions. Optimizing PL/pgSQL Functions

PostgreSQL gives you two function creation modifiers to optimize execution: iscachable (function always returns the same result when given the same arguments) and isstrict (function returns NULL if any argument is NULL). Consult the CREATE FUNCTION reference for details.

To make use of these optimization attributes, you have to use the WITH modifier in your CREATE FUNCTION statement. Something like:

' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
WITH (isstrict, iscachable);

23.5.6. Appendix Code for my instr functions

-- instr functions that mimic Oracle's counterpart
-- Syntax: instr(string1,string2,[n],[m]) where [] denotes optional params.
-- Searches string1 beginning at the nth character for the mth
-- occurrence of string2. If n is negative, search backwards. If m is
-- not passed, assume 1 (search starts at first character).
-- by Roberto Mello (rmello@fslc.usu.edu)
-- modified by Robert Gaszewski (graszew@poland.com)
-- Licensed under the GPL v2 or later.

DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar);
CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar) RETURNS integer AS '
    pos integer;
    pos:= instr($1,$2,1);
    RETURN pos;
' language 'plpgsql';

DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar,integer);
CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar,integer) RETURNS integer AS '
    string ALIAS FOR $1;
    string_to_search ALIAS FOR $2;
    beg_index ALIAS FOR $3;
    pos integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    temp_str varchar;
    beg integer;
    length integer;
    ss_length integer;
    IF beg_index > 0 THEN

       temp_str := substring(string FROM beg_index);
       pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);

       IF pos = 0 THEN
	         RETURN 0;
	         RETURN pos + beg_index - 1;
	     END IF;
       ss_length := char_length(string_to_search);
       length := char_length(string);
       beg := length + beg_index - ss_length + 2;

       WHILE beg > 0 LOOP

           temp_str := substring(string FROM beg FOR ss_length);
	         pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);

	         IF pos > 0 THEN
		           RETURN beg;
	         END IF;

	         beg := beg - 1;
       END LOOP;
       RETURN 0;
    END IF;
' language 'plpgsql';

-- Written by Robert Gaszewski (graszew@poland.com)
-- Licensed under the GPL v2 or later.
DROP FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar,integer,integer);
CREATE FUNCTION instr(varchar,varchar,integer,integer) RETURNS integer AS '
    string ALIAS FOR $1;
    string_to_search ALIAS FOR $2;
    beg_index ALIAS FOR $3;
    occur_index ALIAS FOR $4;
    pos integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    occur_number integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    temp_str varchar;
    beg integer;
    i integer;
    length integer;
    ss_length integer;
    IF beg_index > 0 THEN
        beg := beg_index;
        temp_str := substring(string FROM beg_index);

        FOR i IN 1..occur_index LOOP
            pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);

            IF i = 1 THEN
                beg := beg + pos - 1;
                beg := beg + pos;
            END IF;

            temp_str := substring(string FROM beg + 1);
        END LOOP;

        IF pos = 0 THEN
            RETURN 0;
            RETURN beg;
        END IF;
        ss_length := char_length(string_to_search);
        length := char_length(string);
        beg := length + beg_index - ss_length + 2;

        WHILE beg > 0 LOOP
            temp_str := substring(string FROM beg FOR ss_length);
            pos := position(string_to_search IN temp_str);

            IF pos > 0 THEN
                occur_number := occur_number + 1;

                IF occur_number = occur_index THEN
                    RETURN beg;
                END IF;
            END IF;

            beg := beg - 1;
        END LOOP;

        RETURN 0;
    END IF;
' language 'plpgsql';