2007 |
N.C. Martins and M.A. Dahleh. Feedback Control of Noisy Channels: Bode-Like Fundamental Limitation of Performance, IEEE Trans. A-C. Accepted for publication.
N. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and J. Doyle. Fundamental Limitations of Disturbance Attenuation with Side Information. IEEE Trans. A-C. January, 2007.
S. Sarma and M.A. Dahleh, "Remote Control over Noisy Communication
Channels: A first order example", IEEE Trans. A-C. Accepted for publication.
D. Tarraf, A. Megretski, and M.A. Dahleh, "A framework for robust stability of systems over finite alphabets, IEEE Trans. A-C. Accepted for publication.
2006 |
F. Karameh, M.A. Dahleh, E. Brown, and S. Massaquoi, "Modeling the contribution of lamina 5 neuronal and network dynamics to low frequency EEG phenomena" Biological Cybernetics, Volume 95, Number 4 / October, 2006.
N. Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and N. Elia. Feedback Stabilization of Uncertain Systems in the Presence of a Stochastic Digital Link. IEEE Trans. A-C. Accepted for publication.
2005 |
S. Behesti and M.A. Dahleh. A New Information Theoretic Approach to Signal Denoising and Best Basis Selection, IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, Oct, 2005.
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, and E. Feron. Maneuver-Based Motion Planning for Nonlinear Systems With Symmetries. IEEE Transactions on Robotics : Oct, 2005.
2004 |
2003 |
Goncalves, Jorge M. and Megretski, Alexandre and Dahleh, Munther A., "Global analysis of piecewise linear systems using impact maps and quadratic surface Lyapunov functions. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(12): 2089-2106, December 2003
A Maneuver-Based Hybrid Control Architecture for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning, E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron, In Software Enabled Control: Information Technology for Dynamical Systems, G. Balas and T. Samad editors, 2003.
S. Beheshti and M.A. Dahleh. "LTI
system, Additive Noise and Order Estimation". To appear to 42nd
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003.
S. Beheshti and M.A. Dahleh. "A
New Information Theoretic Approach to Order Estimation Problem".
To appear in IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2003.
S. Beheshti and M.A. Dahleh."Noise
Variance in Signal Denoising". To appear in IEEE ICASSP, 2003.
S. Besheshti and M.A. Dahleh " A
New Minimum Description Length", Proceeding of the IEEE Conference
on American Control Conference, 2003.
G. Kotsalis and M.A. Dahleh. "Model Reduction of Irreducible Markov
Chains". To appear to 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
N.C.Martins and M.A. Dahleh. "An
Information Theoretic Approach to the Mode Estimation of Randomly Switching
FIR Systems", Mediterranean Control Conference, 2003.
N.C.Martins, M.A. Dahleh, and N.Elia. " On Specification of Stabilizing
Transition Probability Matrices for Bi-Model Markovian Jump Linear Systems",
Submitted to CDC 2003.
2002 |
O.Ayaso, S. G. Massaquoi, M.A. Dahleh. "Coarse
Gain Recurrent Integrator Model for Sensorimotor Cortical Command Generation",
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Vol 3, pp. 1736, 2002.
O.Ayaso, S. G. Massaquoi, M.A. Dahleh. "Coarse
Gain Recurrent Integrator Model for Sensorimotor Cortical Command Generation",
Program No 170.1.2002. Abstract Viewer/ Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC:Society
for Neuroscience, 2002.
S. Beheshti and M.A. Dahleh. "On
Denoising and Signal Representation", Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean
Conference on Control and Automation. Lisbon, Portugal, July 7-9, 2002.
B. Bamieh, F. Paganini, M.A. "Distributed
Control of Spatially Invariant Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, Vol. 47, No. 7, July 2002
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron.
"Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile Autonomous Vehicles", AIAA
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol.25(1) pp. 116-129, 2002.
J. Goncalves, A. Megretski,
and M.A. Dahleh."Global Analysis of Piecewise Linear Systems Using
Impact Maps and Quadratic Surface Lyapunov Functions". To appear in
the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
2001 |
S. Beshshti and M.A. Dahleh. "On
Choice of Impulse Repsonse Length in Channel Indentification",
Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing, PACRIM. IEEE Pacific Rim
Conference, Vol 2, pp. 370, August 2001.
C.I. Boussios, M.A. Dahleh, and J.N. Tsitsiklis. "Semiglobal
Nonlinear Stablilization via Approximate Policy Iteration", Proceedings
of the American Control Conference. Arlington, VA Jue 25-27, 2001.
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron. "A
Randomized Attitude Slew Planning Algorithm For Autonomous Spacecraft",
AAIA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit. Montreal,
Quebec, August 6-9, 2001
V. Gavrilets, A. Shterenberg, I. Martinos, K. Sprague, M.A. Dahleh, E.
Feron. "Avionics
System for Aggressive Maneuvers", IEEE AESS Systems Magazine, September
J. Goncalves, A. Megretski,
and M.A. Dahleh. "Global
Stability of Relay Feedback Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 46(4): 550-562, April 2001.Software available at J.
Goncalves web page.
N.C Martins, S. Venkatesh, and M.A. Dahleh. "Controller
Design and Implementation for Large-Scale Systems, A Block Decoupling Approach",
ACC 2001.
S. Venkatesh and M.A. Dahleh. "On
System-Identification of Complex-Systems with Finite Date", IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 46, No.2, February 2001.
2000 |
S. Beshshti and M.A. Dahleh. "On
Model Quality Evaluation of Stable LTI Systems", IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, Vol. 3, pp.2716-2721, 2000.
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron. "Trajectory
Tracking Control Design for Autonomous Helicopter Using a Backstepping Algorithm",
Proceedings of the American Control Conference. Chicago, IL., June 2000.
F. Karameh, M.A.Dahleh. "Automated
Classification of EEG Signals in Brain Tumor Diagnostics", Proceeding
of the American Control Conference. Chicago, IL, June 2000.
M.McConley, M. Peidemonte, B. Appleby, E. Frazzoli, E. Feron, M.A. Dahleh."
Control for Aggressive Maneuvering of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles",
IEEE, 2000.
S.Sarma, S. Massaquoi, M.A.Dahleh" Reduction
of a Wave-Variable Biological Arm Control Model", American Control
Conference. Chicago, IL, June 2000.
S. Venkatesh, A. Megretski, and M. Dahleh."Robust Control and Analysis
on a Hilbert Space," Systems and Control Letters, Jan 2000.
1999 |
C.I. Boussios, M.A. Dahleh, and J.N. Tsitsiklis."Error
Bounds in Nonlinear Control Design via Approximate Policy Iteration",
Proceedings of the American Control Conference. San Diego, CA., June 1999.
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron.
Hybrid Control Architecture for Aggressive Maneuvering of Autonomous Helicopters",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, AZ, 1999.
E. Frazzoli, M.A. Dahleh, E. Feron."Robust
Hybrid Control for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning".
1998 |
N. Elia, and M. A. Dahleh. "Computational Methods for Controller
Design", Lecture notes in Information Sciences Series, Springer Ver-Lag,
N. Elia, and M. A. Dahleh. ``Minimization of the Worst Case Peak-to-Peak
Gain via Dynamic Programming: State Feedback Case'', accepted for publication
in IEEE Trans. A-C
N. Elia, and M. A. Dahleh. ``A
Quadratic Programming Approach for Solving the l1 Multi-Block Problem,''
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 43.No.9, September 1998.
J. Goncalves, A. Megretski,
and M.A. Dahleh. "Semi-Global Analysis of Relay Feedback Systems",
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL December 1998
J. Goncalves and M.A. Dahleh.
and Sufficient Conditions for Robust Stability of a Class of Nonlinear Systems'',
Automatica, Vol 34, No. 6, pp. 705-714, 1998.
E. Hutchinson, M.A. Dahleh and K. Hynynen."The feasibility of MRI
Feedback Control for Intracavitary Phased Array Hyperthermia Treatments'',
International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 39-56, 1998.
M.W. McConley, B.D. Appleby, M.A. ``Dahleh and E. Feron. ``Computational
Complexity of Lyapunov Stability Analysis Problems for a Class of Nonlinear
Systems'', SIAM journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 36, no. 6, pp.
2176-2193, Sept 1998.
M.W. McConley, M.A. Dahleh and E. Feron. ``Polytopic Control Lyapunov
Functions for Robust Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems'', Systems
and Control Letters, 34, pp. 77-83, 1998.S.
Warnick, M.A. Dahleh, ``Feedback Control of OMVPE Growth of Submicron
Compound Semiconductor Films'', IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology,
Vol 6, pp 62-71, Jan 1998.
1997 |
N. Elia and M. A. Dahleh. ``l1 Minimization with Magnitude
Constraints in the Frequency Domain'', Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, Vol 93, No. 1, pp. 27-51, April 1997.
N. Elia and M.A. Dahleh. ``Controller Design with Multiple Objectives'',
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol 42, No. 5, pp. 596-613, May 1997.
M.W. McConley, B.D. Appleby, M.A. Dahleh and E. Feron. ``A
Control Lyapunov Function Approach to Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear
Systems'', proceeding of the American Control Conference. Albuquerque,
NM., June 1997.
S. Venkatesh and M.A. Dahleh. ``Identification in the Presence of
Classes of Unmodeled Dynamics and Noise'', IEEE Trans. A-C, December 1997.
S. Venkatesh and M.A. Dahleh. ``Towards Deterministic Identification,''
submitted to IEEE Trans. A-C.
S. Venkatesh and M.A. Dahleh."System
Identification of Complex Systems:Problem Formulation and Results",
Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control. San Diego, CA.,
December 1997.
P. Young and M.A. Dahleh. ``Infinite dimensional convex optimization
in optimal and robust control theroy'', IEEE Trans. A-C, Oct 1997.
1996 |
1995 |
M.A. Dahleh. ``l1 Robust Control: Theory, Computation and Design,''
Control Handbook, CRC Press, pp. 37-44, 1995.M.A. Dahleh, E. Sontag, D.N.
Tse and J. Tsitsiklis.
``Worst-case Identification for a Class of Fading Memory Systems, Automatica,
Vol 31, No. 3, pp. 503-508, 1995.
M.A. Dahleh and I. Diaz-Bobillo. "Control of Uncertain Systems: A Linear
Programming Approach,"Prentice-Hall, 1995.
M. Livstone and M.A. Dahleh. ``A Framework for Robust Parametric Set Membership
Identification,'' IEEE Trans. A-C, vol 40, pp. 1934-1939, Nov 1995.
M. Livstone and M.A. Dahleh. ``Set Membership Identification Algorithms
and Asymptotic Properties'', Systems and Control Letters, Vol 27, pp. 145-155,
P. Young and M.A. Dahleh. ``Controller Design for Mixed l1/LMI
Performance Objectives", Proceedings of the American Control Conference.
Seattle, Washington, June 1995
S.R. Venkatesh and M.A.Dahleh. "Does
Star Norm Capture l1Norm?"Proceedings of the American
Control Conference. Seattle, WA. June 1995.
S.R. Venkatesh, I. Chen, M. A. Dahleh, J.N. Tsitsiklis. "Identification
in the presece of bounded low-correlated noise", Proceeding of
the American Control Conference. Seattle, WA., June 1995.
P. Voulgaris and M.A. Dahleh. ``On linfty to linfty
Performance of Slowly-Varying Systems'', Systems and Control Letters, Vol
24, pp. 243-250, March 1995.
P. Young and M.A. Dahleh. ``Robust lp Stability and Performance,''
Systems and Control Letters, Vol 26, pp. 305-312, 1995.
1994 |
N. Elia, P. Young, M.A. Dahleh."Robust
Performance for Fixed Inputs", Proceedings of the 33rd Conference
on Decision and Control. Lake Buena Vista, FL., December 1994.
M. Livstone and M.A. Dahleh. ``Set Membership Identification Algorithms
and Asymptotic Properties'', to appear in systems and control letters.
M. Livstone and M.A. Dahleh. ``A
New Framework for Iterative Identification and Control'' Proceedings
of the American Control Conference. Baltimore, MD. June 1994.
M. Livstone and M.A. Dahleh. ``A
Framework for Robust Control Based Model Invalidation'' Proceedings
of the American Control Conference. Baltimore, MD. June 1994.
V. Saligrama and M.A. Dahleh. ``Extreme Examples in l_1 and H_\infty
Controllers'', Systems and Control Letters, Vol 23, pp. 229-236, Sept. 1994.
P. Voulgaris, M.A. Dahleh and L. Valavani. ``Optimal H_2 and H_\infty
Controllers for Periodic and Multirate Sampled Systems'', Automatica, vol.30,
no. 2, pp. 252-263, Feb 1994.
P. Voulgaris M.A. Dahleh and L. Valavani. ``Robust Adaptive Control via
Slowly Varying Systems Analysis'', Automatica. vol. 30, no 9, September
1993 |
B.A. Bamieh, M.A. Dahleh and J.B. Pearson. ``Minimization of the Infty-Induced
Norm for Sampled-Data Systems,'' IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol 38, No.
5, pp. 717-732, May 1993.
M.A. Dahleh and M.H. Khammash. ``Controller Design for Plants with Structured
Uncertainty'', Automatica, Vol 29, No. 1, pp. 37-56, January 1993.
M.A. Dahleh, T. Theodosopoulos and J.N.
Tsitsiklis. ``The Sample Complexity of Worst-Case Identification of
F.I.R. Linear Systems,'' System and Control. letters, Vol 20, No. 3, pp.
157-166, March 1993
I. Diaz-Bobillo and M.A. Dahleh. ``Minimization of the Maximum Peak-to-Peak
Gain: The General Multiblock Problem,'' IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol
38, No. 10, pp. 1459-1482, October 1993.
D. Tse, M.A. Dahleh and J.N.
Tsitsiklis. ``Optimal Asymptotic Identification Under Bounded Disturbances,''
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 1176-1190, August 1993.
1992 |
M.A. Dahleh and Y. Ohta. ``L1 Sensitivity Minimization for Plants with
Commensurate Delays'', Math. Control Signals and Systems, Vol 5, pp 281-293,
M.A. Dahleh, P. Voulgaris and L. Valavani. ``Optimal and Robust Controllers
for Periodic and Multi-Rate Systems'', IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol
37, No. 1, January 1992.
M.A. Dahleh. ``BIBO Stability Robustness for Coprime Factor Perturbations'',
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol 37, No. 3, pp 352-355, March 1992.
M.A. Dahleh and J.S. Shamma. ``Rejection of Persistent Bounded Disturbances:
Nonlinear Controllers'', Systems and Control Letters, Vol 18, No. 2, pp.
245-252, April 1992.
I. Diaz-Bobillo and M.A. Dahleh, ``State Feedback l1 Optimal Controllers
Can be Dynamic'', System and Control Letters, Vol 19, No. 2, pp. 87-93,
August 1992.
A.A. Rodriguez and M.A. Dahleh. ``On the Computation of Induced Norms
for Non-Compact Hankel Operators Arising from Distributed Control Problems'',
Systems and Control Letters, Vol 19, No. 6, pp. 429-438, 1992.
1991 |
M. Dahleh and M.A. Dahleh. ``On Slowly-Time Varying Systems'', Automatica,
Vol 27, No. 1, pp. 201-206, January 1991.
J.S. Shamma and M.A. Dahleh. ``Time Varying vs. Time Invariant Compensation
for Rejection of Persistent Bounded Disturbances and Robust Stability'',
IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol AC-36, pp. 838-847, July 1991.
1990 |
M. Dahleh and M.A. Dahleh. ``Optimal Rejection of Persistent and Bounded
Disturbances: Continuity Properties and Adaptation'', IEEE Trans. Automat.
Contr., Vol AC-35, No. 6, pp. 687-696, June 1990.
1988 |
M.A. Dahleh and J.B. Pearson. ``Optimal Rejection of Persistent Disturbances,
Robust Stability and Mixed Sensitivity Minimization'', IEEE Trans. Automat.
Control, Vol AC-33, pp. 722-731, August 1988.
M.A. Dahleh and J.B. Pearson. ``Minimization of a Regulated Response
to a Fixed Input'', IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol AC-33, pp. 924-930,
October 1988.
M.A. Dahleh and Y. Ohta. ``A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for BIBO
Stability'', Systems and Control Letters, Vol 11, pp. 271-275, 1988.
1987 |
M.A. Dahleh and J.B. Pearson. ``l1 Optimal Feedback Controllers
for MIMO Discrete-Time Systems,'' IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol AC-32,
pp. 314-322, April 1987.
M.A. Dahleh and J.B. Pearson. ``L1 Optimal Feedback Compensators for
Continuous-Time Systems'', IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol AC-32, pp. 889-895,
October 1987.