
Air Transportation | Analytics | Applied Probability | Approximation Algorithms

Fairness and Resource Allocation | Finance | Health Care | Large Deviations

Machine Learning under a Modern Optimization Lens

Moment problems | Operations Management | Optimization | Queuing Theory

Revenue Management | Robust Optimization | Stochastic Networks

Stochastic Scheduling | Vehicle Routing

Earlier Papers


Air Transportation

  1. The multi-airport ground-holding problem in air traffic control, (with A. Odoni and P. Vranas), Operations Research, 42, 2, 249-261, 1994.
  2. Dynamic ground-holding policies for a network of airports, (with A. Odoni and P. Vranas), Transportation Science, 28, 4, 275-291, 1994.
  3. Computational approaches to stochastic vehicle routing problems, (with P. Chervi and M. Peterson), Transportation Science, 29, 4, 342-352, 1995.
  4. Decomposition algorithms for analyzing transient phenomena in multi-class queuing networks in air transportation, (with A. Odoni and M. Peterson), Operations Research, 43, 6, 995-1011, 1995.
  5. Models and Algorithms for Transient Queuing Congestion at Airports, (with A. Odoni and M. Peterson), Management Science, 41, 1279-1295, 1995.
  6. The air traffic flow management problem with enroute capacities, (with S. Stock-Paterson), Operations Research, 46, 3, 406-422, 1998.
  7. The traffic flow management rerouting problem in air traffic control: a dynamic network flow approach, (with S. Stock-Paterson), Transportation Science, 34, 239-255, 2000.
  8. The Air Traffic Flow Management Problem: An Integer Optimization Approach, (with G. Lulli and A. Odoni), IPCO, 34-46, 2008.
  9. Optimal Selection of Airport Runway Configurations, (with M. Frankovitch and A. Odoni), Operations Research, 59, 1407–1419, 2011.
  10. Equitable and Efficient Coordination in Air traffic Flow Management, (with C. Barnhart, C. Caramanis, D. Fearing), submitted to Transportation Science, 2009.
  11. A Proposal for Network Air Traffic Flow Management Incorporating Fairness and Airline Collaboration, (with S. Gupta), submitted to Operations Research, 2010.

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  1. Tenure Analytics: Models for Predicting Research Impact, (with E. Brynjolfsson, S. Reichman, J. Silberholz), Operations Research 63(6):1246-1261.

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Applied Probability

  1. An asymptotic determination of the minimum spanning tree and minimum matching constants in geometrical probability, (with G. van Ryzin), Operations Research Letters, 9, 223-231, 1990.
  2. Probabilistic analysis of the Held and Karp lower bound for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem, (with M. Goemans), Mathematics of Operations Research, 1, 72-89, 1991.
  3. The minimum spanning tree constant in geometrical probability and under the independent model; a unified approach, (with F. Avram), Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 2 ,1, 113-130, 1992.
  4. On central limit theorems in geometrical probability, (with F. Avram), Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 3, 4, 1033-1046, 1993.

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Approximation Algorithms

  1. Worst case examples for the spacefilling curve heuristic for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem, (with M. Grigni), Operations Research Letters, 8, 241-244, 1989.
  2. Survivable networks, LP relaxations and the parsimonious property, (with M. Goemans), Mathematical Programming, 60, 145-166, 1993.
  3. Locating discretionary service facilities II: maximizing market size, minimizing inconvenience, (with O. Berman and R. Larson), Operations Research, 43, 4, 623-632, 1995.
  4. The parsimonious property of cut covering problems and its applications, (with C. Teo), Operations Research Letters, 21, 123-132, 1997.
  5. From valid inequalities to heuristics: a unified view of primal-dual approximation algorithms in covering problems, (with C. Teo), Operations Research, 46, 4, 503-514, 1998.
  6. Rounding algorithms for covering problems, (with R. Vohra), Mathematical Programming, 80, 63-89, 1998.
  7. Semidefinite relaxations, multivariate normal distributions, and order statistics, (with Y. Ye), Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (Vol. 3), D.-Z. Du and P.M. Pardalos (Eds.) pp.1-19 ,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
  8. Analysis of LP relaxations for multiway and multicut problems, (with C. Teo and R. Vohra), Networks, 34, 2, 102-113, 1999.
  9. On dependent randomized rounding algorithms, (with C. Teo and R. Vohra), Operations Research Letters, 24, 3, 105-114, 1999.
  10. Improved Randomized Approximation Algorithms for Lot Sizing Problems, (with C. Teo), Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 1996.

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Fairness and Resource Allocation

  1. The Price of Fairness, (with V. Farias, N. Trichakis), Operations Research, 59, 1, 17-31, 2011.
  2. Flexibility, Fairness and Efficiency in Kidney Transplantation, (with V. Farias and N. Trichakis), submitted to Operations Research, 2011.
  3. On the Efficiency-Fairness Trade-off, (with V. Farias and N. Trichakis), Management Science, 58, 12, 2234–2250, 2012.

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  1. Optimal control of execution costs, (with Andrew Lo), Journal of Financial Markets, 1, 1-50, 1998.
  2. Optimal control of execution costs for portfolios, (with Paul Hummel and Andrew Lo), Computing in Science and Engineering, 40-53, 1999.
  3. Portfolio construction through mixed integer programming, (with C. Darnell and R. Soucy), Interfaces, 29, 49-66, 1999.
  4. When is time continuous, (with Leonid Kogan and Andrew Lo), Journal of Financial Economics, 55, 173-204, 2000.
  5. Hedging Derivative Securities and Incomplete Markets: An e-Arbitrage Approach, (with Leonid Kogan and Andrew Lo), Operations Research, 49, 3, 372-397, 2001.
  6. On the relation between option and stock prices: a convex optimization approach, (with Ioana Popescu), Operations Research, 50, 2, 358-374, 2002.
  7. An Optimization Approach to Credit Risk, (with Dessi Pachamanova), December, 2002.
  8. Shortfall as a risk measure: properties and optimization, (with Geoffrey Lauprete and Alex Samarov), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 28, 7, 1353-1381, 2004.
  9. No-arbitrage bounds on American put options with a single maturity, (with P. Shah),
    submitted to Operations Research, 2008.
  10. An Analysis of the Guaranteed Withdrawal Benefits for Life Option, (with P. Shah), submitted to Journal of Insurance, 2008.
  11. Inverse Optimization: A New Perspective on the Black-Litterman Model, (with V.Gupta and I. Paschalidis), Operations Research, 60, 6, 1389–1403, 2012.

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Health Care

  1. Algorithmic Prediction of Health-Care Costs, (with M. Bjarnadottir, M. Kane, C. Kryder, R. Pandey. S. Vempala and G. Wang), Operations Research, Vol. 56, No. 6, 1382-1392, 2008.
  2. A hybrid approach to beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy, (with V. Cacchiani ,D. Craft, O. Nohadani), submitted to Computers and Operations Research, 2012.
  3. Measuring Quality in Diabetes Care: An Expert-based Statistical Approach, (with D. Czerwinski and M. Kane), 2013.
  4. An Analytics Approach to Designing Combination Chemotherapy Regimens for Cancer, (with A. O'Hair, S. Relyea and J. Silberholz), Management Science, 2016.
  5. Personalized Diabetes Management Using Electronic Medical Records, (with N. Kallus, A. Weinstein, and Y. Zhuo), Diabetes Care, 40, 210–217, 2017.

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Large Deviations

  1. On the large deviation behavior in acyclic networks of G/G/1 queues, (with I. Paschalidis and J. Tsitsiklis), Annals of Applied Probability, 8, 4, 1027-1069, 1998.
  2. Asymptotic buffer overflow probabilities in multiclass multiplexers, (with I. Paschalidis and J. Tsitsiklis), IEEE Automatic Control, 43, 3, 315-335, 1998.
  3. Large deviation analysis of the generalized processor sharing policy, (with I. Paschalidis and J. Tsitsiklis), Queuing Systems and their Applications, 32, 319-349, 1999.
  4. Deducing queuing from transactional data: the queue inference engine, revisited,(with L. Servi), Operations Research, 40, S217-S228, 1992.

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Machine Learning under a Modern Optimization Lens

  1. Estimation of time-varying parameters in statistical models: an optimization approach, (with D. Gamarnik and J. Tsitsiklis), Machine Learning, 35, 3, 225-245, 1999.
  2. Classification and Regression via Integer Optimization, (with Romy Shioda), Operations Research, 55, 252-271, 2007.
  3. An Integer Optimization Approach to Associative Classification, (with A. Chang and C. Rudin), 26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 3302-3310, 2012.
  4. Characterization of the equivalence of robustification and regularization in linear, median, and matrix regression, (with M. Copenhaver), 2014.
  5. The Power of Optimization Over Randomization in Designing Experiments Involving Small Samples, (with M. Johnson and N. Kallus), Operations Research, Vol. 63, No. 4, July–August 2015, pp. 868–876.
  6. An Algorithmic Approach to Linear Regression, (with A. King), submitted to Operations Research.
  7. Best Subset Selection via a Modern Optimization Lens, (with A. King and R. Mazumder), to appear in Annals of Statistics, 2016.
  8. Inventory Management in the Era of Big Data, (with N. Kallus and A. Hussain), Production and Operations Management, 25, 12, 2006--2009, 2016.
  9. Optimal classification trees, (with J. Dunn), Machine Learning, April 2017.
  10. Certifiably Optimal Low Rank Factor Analysis, (with M. Copenhaver and R. Mazumder), Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18, 1-53, 2017.
  11. The Trimmed Lasso: Sparsity and Robustness, (with M. Copenhaver and R. Mazumder), submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
  12. Logistic Regression: From Art to Science, (with A. King), Statistical Science, Vol. 32, No. 3, 367–384, 2017.
  13. From Predictive Methods to Missing Data Imputation: An Optimization Approach, (with C. Pawlowski and Y. Zhuo), submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (2018) 1-39.
  14. Robust Classification, (with J. Dunn, C. Pawlowski, and Y. Zhuo), INFORMS Journal on Optimization, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2019, pp. 2–34, 2018.

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Moment problems

  1. Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization: Moments, Semidefinite Programming and Asymptotic Bounds, (with Karthik Natarajan, Chung Piaw Teo), SIAM Journal of Optimization, 15, 1, 185–209, 2004.
  2. Optimal mean-variance bounds on the expectation of the highest order statistics, (with Karthik Natarajan, Chung Piaw Teo), May, 2004.
  3. Persistence in Discrete Optimization under Data Uncertainty, (with Karthik Natarajan, Chung Piaw Teo), Mathematical Programming Series B, 108, 251–274, 2006.
  4. Bounds on Linear PDEs via Semidefinite Optimization, (with Constantine Caramanis), Mathematical Programming Series A & B, 108, 135-158, 2006.
  5. Optimal inequalities in probability theory: A convex optimization approach, (with Ioana Popescu), SIAM Journal of Optimization, 15, 3, 780-804, 2004.
  6. Moment problems and semidefinite programming, (with Ioana Popescu and Jay Sethuraman), in Handbook on Semidefinite Programming: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, H. Wolkovitz, ed., 469--509, 2000.
  7. Tight bounds on expected order statistics, (with K. Natarajan and C. Teo), Probability in Engineering and Information Systems, 20, 4, 667-686, 2006.
  8. A semidefinite optimization approach to the steady-state analysis of queueing systems, (with K. Natarajan), Queuing Systems and Applications, 56, 1, 27-40, 2007.
  9. Bounds on Some Contingent Claims with Non-Convex Payoff Based on Multiple Assets, (with X. V. Doan and K. Natarajan), Technical Report, Operations Research Center, MIT, August 2007.
  10. Approximating integrals of multivariate exponentials: A moment approach, (with X. Vinh Doan and J. Lasserre), Operations Research Letters, 36, 2, 205-210, 2008.
  11. Models for Minimax Stochastic Linear Optimization Problems with Risk Aversion, (with X. V. Doan, K. Natarajan and C. P. Teo), submitted to Mathematics of Operations Research, April 2008.

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Operations Management

  1. Probabilistic service level guarantees in make-to-stock manufacturing system, (with I. Paschalidis), Operations Research, 49, 1, 119-133, 2001.
  2. Multistage Lot Sizing Problems via Randomized Rounding, (with C. Teo), Operations Research, 49, 4, 599-608, 2001.

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  1. Simulated annealing, (with J. Tsitsiklis), Statistical Science, Vol.8, No. 1, 10-15, 1993.
  2. A technique for speeding up the solution of the Lagrangean dual, (with J. Orlin), Mathematical Programming, vol. 63, 1, 23-46, 1994.
  3. On the worst case complexity of potential reduction algorithms for linear programming, (with X. Luo), Mathematical Programming. 77, 321-333, 1997.
  4. A new algebraic geometry algorithm for integer programming, (with G. Perakis and S. Tayur), Management Science, 46, 999-1008, 2000.
  5. Solving convex programs by random walks, (with Santosh Vempala), Journal of the ACM, 51, 4, 540-556, 2004.
  6. Solving Asymmetric Variational Inequalities via Convex Optimization, (with M. Aghassi and G. Perakis), Operations Research Letters, 481-490, 2006.
  7. Algorithm For Cardinality-Constrained Quadratic Optimization, (with R. Shioda), to appear in Computational Optimization and Applications, 2007.
  8. "A general purpose local search algorithm for binary optimization", (with D. Iancu, D. Katz), submitted to INFORMS Journal of Computing, 2008.
  9. "An accelerated first-order method for solving unconstrained polynomial optimization problems", (with R. Freund, A. Sun), submitted to Optimization Methods and Software, 2011.
  10. "Data-driven estimation in equilibrium using inverse optimization", (with V. Gupta, I. Paschalidis), Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2014.
  11. "Optimizing over coherent risk measures and non-convexities: a robust mixed integer optimization approach", (with A. Takeda), Computational Optimization and Applications, 62, 613–639, 2015.
  12. "Learning Preferences Under Noise and Loss Aversion: An Optimization Approach", (with A. O'Hair), Operations Research, 61(5):1190-1199, 2013.
  13. Optimizing schools’ start time and bus routes, (with A. Delarue and S. Martin), PNAS, 2019.

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Queuing Theory

  1. On the exact steady state solution of the Ek/C2/s queue, (with X. Papaconstantinou), European Journal of Operations Research, 37(2), 272-287, 1988.
  2. On the steady-state solution of the M/C2(a,b)/s queuing system, (with X. Papaconstantinou), Transportation Science, 22, 2, 125-138, 1988.
  3. An exact FCFS waiting time analysis for a general class of G/G/s queuing systems, Queuing Systems Theory and Applications, 3, 305-320, 1988.
  4. Relations between the pre-arrival and post-departures state probabilities and the FCFS waiting-time distribution for the Ek/G/s queue, (with X. Papaconstantinou), Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 37, 135-149, 1990.
  5. An analytic approach to a general class of G/G/s queuing systems, Operations Research, 38, 1, 139-155, 1990.
  6. Transient and busy period analysis of the GI/G/1 queue as a Hilbert factorization problem, (with J. Keilson, D. Nakazato, H. Zhang), Journal of Applied Probability, 28, 873-885, 1991.
  7. Transient and busy period analysis for the GI/G/1 queue; The method of stages, (with D. Nakazato), Queuing Systems and Applications, 10, 153-184, 1992.
  8. The distributional Little's law and its applications, (with D.Nakazato), Operations Research, 43, 2, 298-310, 1995.
  9. A unified method to analyze overtake free systems, (with G. Mourtzinou), Advances in Applied Probability, 28, 588-625, 1996.
  10. Multiclass queuing systems in heavy traffic: an asymptotic approach based on distributional and conservation laws, (with G. Mourtzinou), Operations Research, 45, 3, 470-487, 1997.
  11. Transient distributional laws and their applications, (with G. Mourtzinou), Queuing Systems and their Applications, 25, 115-155, 1997.
  12. Decomposition results for general polling systems and their applications, (with G. Mourtzinou), Queuing Systems and their Applications, 31, 295-316, 1999.

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Revenue Management

  1. Simulation-Based Booking Limits for Airline Revenue Management, (with Sanne de Boer), Operations Research, 53, 1, 2005.
  2. Joint network pricing and resource allocation, (with Sanne de Boer), March, 2004.
  3. Revenue Management in a Dynamic Network Environment, (with Ioana Popescu), Transportation Science, 37, 257-277, 2003.
  4. Dynamic Pricing; A Learning Approach, (with Georgia Perakis), Models for Congestion Charging/Network Pricing, 2005.
  5. Restaurant Revenue Management, (with Romy Shioda), Operations Research, 51, 3, 472--486, 2003.
  6. A Learning Approach to Customized Marketing, (with Adam Mersereau), December, 2003.
  7. Optimal Bidding in Online Auctions, (with Jeff Hawkins and Georgia Perakis), to appear in Pricing and Revenue Management, December, 2002.
  8. Simulation Based Booking Limits for Airline Revenue Management, (with S. de Boer), Operations Research, 53, 1, 90-106, 2005.
  9. Dynamic pricing and inventory control for multiple products, (with S. de Boer), Journal of Revenue Management, 17, 303-319, 2005.
  10. A learning Approach for Interactive Marketing to A Customer Segment, (with A. Mersereau), Operations Research, 55, 6, 1120-1135, 2007.

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Robust Optimization

  1. Tractable Approximations to Robust Conic Optimization Problems, (with Melvyn Sim), Mathematical Programming, 107(1), 5-36, 2006.
  2. Robust Discrete Optimization under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty Sets, (with Melvyn Sim), April 2004.
  3. Robust Linear Optimization under General Norms, (with Dessi Pachamanova and
    Melvyn Sim), Operations Research Letters, 32, 510-516, 2004.
  4. A Robust Optimization Approach to Inventory Theory, (with Aurelie Thiele), Operations Research, 54, 1, 150-168, 2006.
  5. The price of Robustness, (with Melvyn Sim), Operations Research, 52, 1, 35-53, 2004.
  6. Robust Discrete optimization and Network Flows, (with Melvyn Sim),
    Mathematical Programming Series B, 98:49-71, 2003.
  7. Robust Game Theory, (with M. Aghassi), Mathematical Programming, 107, 231-273, 2006.
  8. Robust and data-driven optimization: modern decision making under uncertainty, (with A. Thiele), Tutorials on Operations Research, INFORMS, Chapter 4, 195-122, 2006.
  9. Constrained Stochastic LQC: A Tractable Approach, (with D. Brown), IEEE Journal of Automatic Control, 52, 10, 1826-1841, 2007.
  10. Robust Optimization in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems, (with O. Nohadani and K. M. Teo), Journal Applied Physics, 101, 7, 074507, 2007.
  11. Robust Multiperiod Portfolio Management in the Presence of Transaction Costs, (with D. Pachamanova), Computers and Operations Research, 35, 1, 3-17, 2008.
  12. Constructing uncertainty sets for robust linear optimization, (with D. Brown), to appear in Operations Research.
  13. Finite adaptability in linear optimization, (with C. Caramanis), to appear in IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control.
  14. Robust nonconvex optimization for simulation based problems, (with O. Nohadani and K. M. Teo), to appear in Operations Research.
  15. Robust chirped mirrors, (with J. Birge, O. Nohadani and F. Kartner), Applied Optics, 47, 14, 2630-2636, 2008.
  16. Data-Driven and Robust Optimization Approaches to Call Centers, (with X. V. Doan), revised and resubmitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, November 2008.
  17. On the Power of Robust Solutions in Two-Stage Stochastic and Adaptive Optimization Problems, (with Vineet Goyal), submitted to Mathematics of Operations Research, 2009.
  18. A soft robust model for optimization under ambiguity, (with Aharon Ben-Tal and David B. Brown), September 2009.
  19. Nonconvex Robust Optimization for Problems with Constraints, (with Omid Nohadani and Kwong Meng Teo), INFORMS Journal on Computing (preprint), 2009.
  20. Robust optimization with simulated annealing, (with Omid Nohadani), Journal of Global Optimization, 2009.
  21. Optimality of Affine Policies in Multistage Robust Optimization, (with Dan A. Iancu and Pablo A. Parrilo), Mathematics of Operations Research, May 2010.
  22. Performance analyis of queueing networks via robust optimization, (with D. Gamarnik and A. Rikun), to appear in Operations Research.
  23. Theory and applications of robust optimization, (with D. Brown and C. Caramanis), to
    appear in SIAM Review.
  24. A hierarchy of policies for adaptive optimization, (with D. Iancu and P. Parrilo), to appear in IEEE Automatic Control.
  25. A Geometric Characterization of the Power of Finite Adaptability in Multi-stage Stochastic and Adaptive Optimization, (with V. Goyal and A. Sun), to appear in Mathematics of
    Operations Research
  26. On the Power and Limitations of Affine Policies in Two-Stage Adaptive Optimization, (with V. Goyal), to appear in Mathematical Programming.
  27. Robust Logistic Regression, (with A. Fertis), submitted to Operations Research, 2008.
  28. On the Equivalence of Robust Optimization and Regularization in Statistics, (with A.
    Fertis), submitted to Operations Research, 2009.
  29. An Adaptive Local Search Algorithm for Solving Mixed Integer Optimization Problems,
    (with V. Goyal), submitted to Mathematical Programming, 2009.
  30. Robust Option Pricing (with C. Bandi), European Journal of Operations Research, 238, 842-853, 2014.
  31. On the Power of Robust Solutions in Nonlinear Adjustable Optimization Problems, (with
    V. Goyal), submitted to Operations Research, 2011.
  32. Adaptive Robust Optimization for the Security Constrained Unit Commitment Problem, (with E. Litvinov, A. Sun, J. Zhao, and T. Zheng), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28, 1, 52-63, 2013.
  33. Tractable Stochastic Analysis in High Dimensions via Robust Optimization, (with C. Bandi), Mathematical Programming, 134, 1, 23-70, 2012.
  34. On the Performance of Affine Policies for Two-Stage Adaptive Optimization: a Geometric Perspective, (with H. Bidkhori), Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2013.
  35. Multistage Robust Mixed Integer Optimization with Adaptive Partitions, (with I. Dunning), Submitted to Operations Research, 2014.
  36. Data-driven learning in dynamic pricing using adaptive optimization, (with P. Vayanos), Submitted to Operations Research, 2014.
  37. Robust Queueing Theory, (with C. Bandi and N. Youssef), Submitted to Operations Research, 2014.
  38. Robust Transient Multi-Server Queues and Feedforward Networks, (with C. Bandi and N. Youssef), Submitted to Operations Research, 2014.
  39. Robust Fluid Processing Networks, (with E. Nasrabadi and I. Paschalidis), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 60, NO. 3, MARCH 2015.
  40. Duality in Two-Stage Adaptive Linear Optimization: Faster Computation and Stronger Bounds, (with F. de Ruiter), INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 500–511, Summer 2016.
  41. Data-driven robust optimization, (with V. Gupta and N. Kallus), Mathematical Programming, Series A, DOI 10.1007/s10107-017-1125-8, February, 2017.
  42. Robust Sample Average Approximation, (with V. Gupta and N. Kallus), Mathematical Programming, Series A, DOI 10.1007/s10107-017-1174-z, June, 2017.
  43. Robust transient analysis of multi-server queueing systems and feed-forward networks, (with C. Bandi and N. Youssef), Queueing Systems, pp 1–63, January 2018.
  44. Binary decision rules for multistage adaptive mixed-integer optimization, Mathematical Programming, pp 395–433, February 2018.

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Stochastic Networks

  1. Optimization of multiclass queuing networks: polyhedral and nonlinear characterizations of achievable performance, (with I. Paschalidis and J. Tsitsiklis), Annals of Applied Probability, 4, 1, 43-75, 1994.
  2. Optimization of multiclass queuing networks:a linear control approach, (with F. Avram and M. Ricard), Stochastic networks; proceedings of the IMA,(F. Kelly and R. Williams, editors), 199-234, 1995.
  3. Stability conditions for multiclass fluid networks, (with D. Gamarnik and J. Tsitsiklis), IEEE Automatic Control, 41, 1618-1631, 1996.
  4. A new algorithm for state-constrained separated continuous linear programs, (with X. Luo), SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 37, 1, 177-210, 1998.
  5. Bounds and policies for loss networks, (with T. Chryssikou), Operations Research, 47, 3, 379-394, 1999.
  6. Asymptotically optimal algorithms for job shop scheduling and packet routing, (with D. Gamarnik), Journal of Algorithms, 33, 296-318, 1999.
  7. An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problems, (with Ramazan Demir), Management Science, 48, 4, 550--565, 2002.
  8. From fluid relaxations to practical algorithms for job shop scheduling: the holding cost objective, (with David Gamarnik and Jay Sethuraman), Operations Research, 51, 5, 798--813, 2003.
  9. From fluid relaxations to practical algorithms for job shop scheduling: the makespan objective, (with Jay Sethuraman), Mathematical Programming, 92, 1, 61--102, 2002.
  10. Performance of Multiclass Markovian Queueing Networks Via Piecewise Linear Lyapunov Functions, (with David Gamarnik and John Tsitsiklis), Annals of Applied Probability, 11, 4, 1384-1428, 2001.
  11. Dynamic Classification of Online Customers, (with A. Mersereau and N. Patel), 3rd SIAM Conference in Data Mining, 107-118, 2003.

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Stochastic Scheduling

  1. Branching bandits and Klimov's problem: achievable region and side constraints, (with I. Paschalidis and J. Tsitsiklis), IEEE Automatic Control, 40, 12, 2063-2075, 1995.
  2. The achievable region method in the optimal control of queuing systems; formulations, bounds and policies, Queuing Systems and Applications, 21, 3-4,337-389, 1995.
  3. Conservation Laws, Extended Polymatroids and Multiarmed Bandit Problems; a Polyhedral Approach to Indexable Systems, (with Jose Niño-Mora), Mathematics of Operations Research, 21, 2, 257-306, 1996.
  4. Optimization of multiclass queuing networks with changeover times via the achievable region approach: Part I, the single-station case, (with J. Niño-Mora), Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, 2, 306-329, 1999.
  5. Optimization of multiclass queuing networks with changeover times via the achievable region approach: Part II, the multi-station case, (with J. Niño-Mora), Mathematics of Operations Research, 24, 2, 331-361, 1999.
  6. Restless bandits, linear programming relaxations and a primal-dual heuristic, (with J. Niño-Mora), Operations Research, 48, 80-90, 2000.
  7. The Generalized Restless Bandit Problem: Algorithms and Applications, (with A. Becker
    and Xuan Vinh Doan), submitted to Operations Research, 2011.

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Vehicle Routing

  1. On probabilistic traveling salesman facility location problems, Transportation Science, 3, 184-191, 1989.
  2. The probabilistic minimum spanning tree problem, Networks, 20, 245-275, 1990.
  3. A priori optimization, (with P. Jaillet and A. Odoni), Operations Research, 38, 6, 1019-1033, 1990.
  4. A stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problem in the Euclidean plane, (with G. van Ryzin), Operations Research, 39, 4, 601-615, 1991.
  5. A vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand, Operations Research, 40, 574-585, 1992.
  6. Stochastic and Dynamic Vehicle Routing in the Euclidean Plane with Multiple Capacitated Vehicles, (with G. van Ryzin), Operations Research, 41, 60-76, 1993.
  7. Further results on the probabilistic traveling salesman problem, (with L. Howell), European Journal of Operations Research, 65, 1, 68-95, 1993.
  8. Stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing with general arrival and demand distributions, (with G. van Ryzin), Advances in Applied Probability, 25, 4, 947-978, 1993.
  9. A new generation of vehicle routing research, (with D. Simchi-Levi), Operations Research, 44, 2, 286-304, 1996.

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Earlier Papers

  1. Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Facility Location Problems, (with C. Teo and R. Vohra), submitted to INFORMS Journal of Computing
  2. A Linear Optimization Approach to the Lov\'asz Local Lemma,(with E. Perevalov), submitted to Mathematical Programming
  3. Constructing cutting plane algorithms for integer programming: a geometric approach, (with R. Weismantel), submitted to Mathematical Programming
  4. A duality theory for 0/1 integer programming, (with R. Weismantel),submitted to Mathematics of Operations Research

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