PUBLICATIONS BY DEEPARCH MEMBERS D.A. Mindell, H. Singh, D. Yoerger, L.Whitcomb, J.Howland, "Precision mapping and imaging of underwater sites at Skerki Bank using robotic vehicles," in A.M. McCann and J.P. Oleson, eds., Deep-water Shipwrecks off Skerki Bank: the 1997 Survey, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. Series. Forthcoming, 2004. A.M. McCann and J.P. Oleson, eds., Deep-water Shipwrecks off Skerki Bank: the 1997 Survey, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. Series. Forthcoming, 2004. C. Calcagno, "H.E.Edgerton and Maritime Archaeology: Collaborations in Science and Technology," in H. Tzalas, ed., TROPIS VIII. Proceedings, VIIIth International Conference on Ship Construction in Antiquity (Hydra, Greece: Aug. 27-31, 2002). Athens, Hellenic Institute for the Preservation of Nautical Tradition. Forthcoming, 2004. B. Bingham, D.A. Mindell, D.Yoerger, B.P. Foley and W.Seering, "Acoustic Multipath Identification with Expectation-Maximization," IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference, Sept. 2003. A.J. Brody & A.M. McCann, "Cargoes from the Deep", Archaeology Odyssey, January 2003. D.A. Mindell and K. Croff,
"Deep Water,
Archaeology and Technology Development," MTS Journal,
Vol 36, No. 3, 13-20, 2002. B.P. Foley and D.A. Mindell, "Precision Survey and Archaeological Methodology in Deep Water" ENALIA The Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Marine Archaeology, Volume VI (2002): 49-56. R.D. Ballard, L.E. Stager, D. Master, D.R. Yoerger, D.A. Mindell, L.L. Whitcomb, H. Singh, and D. Piechota, "Iron Age Shipwrecks in Deep Water off Ashkelon, Israel" American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 106 No. 2 (April 2002). D.A. Mindell and B. Bingham, "New Archaeological Uses of Autonomous Undersea Vehicles" IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference, (November 2001). D.A. Mindell and B. Bingham, "A High-frequency, Narrow-beam Sub-bottom Profiler for Archaeological Applications" IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference, (November 2001). R.D. Ballard, F.T. Hiebert, D.F. Coleman, C. Ward, J. Smith, K. Willis, B. Foley, K. Croff, C. Major, and F. Torre, "Deepwater Archaeology of the Black Sea: The 2000 Season at Sinop, Turkey" American Journal of Archaeology Volume 105 No. 4 (October 2001): 607-623. H. Singh, J. Adams, D. Mindell, and B.P. Foley, "Imaging Underwater for Archaeology," Journal of Field Archaeology Volume 27 No. 3 (Fall 2000): 319-328. D.A. Mindell, War, Technology, and Experience aboard the USS Monitor . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. R.D. Ballard, A.M. McCann, D.Yoerger, L. Whitcomb, D. Mindell, J. Oleson, H.Singh, B. Foley, J. Adams, and D. Picheota, "The Discovery of Ancient History in the Deep Sea Using Advanced Deep Submergence Technology," Deep-Sea Research I Volume 47 No. 9 (September 2000): 1591-1620. [Full text available here for some institutions] A.J. Brody, Each Man Cried Out to His God : The Specialized Religion of Canaanite and Phoenician Seafarers (Harvard Semitic Monographs No. 58), Atlanta GA, Scholars Press, 1999. L. Whitcomb, D. Yoerger, H. Singh, and D. Mindell, "Toward Precision Robotic Maneuvering, Survey, and Manipulation in Unstructured Undersea Environments," in Y. Shirai and S. Hirose, editors, Robotics Research: The Eighth International Symposium (London Springer-Verlag, 1998). D.A. Mindell (contributing writer and editor), National Research Council, Marine Board, Committee on Undersea Vehicles, Undersea Vehicles and National Needs 1997. D.A. Mindell, "Shipwrecks of Memory: Excavating Guadalcanal," Thresholds (MIT Department of Architecture and Urban Planning), Spring, 1995. A. M. McCann and J. Freed, "Deep Water Archaeology: A Late Roman Ship from Carthage and an Ancient Trade Route near Skerki Bank off Northwest Sicily", Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series No. 13, 1994. D.A. Mindell and Dana R. Yoerger, "A Hybrid Parallel Control and Navigation System for the Autonomous Underwater Benthic Explorer (ABE) Vehicle," 8th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Boston, Mass., September, 1993. (Conference Proceedings published by Portsmouth, NH: Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute, 1993.) D.A. Mindell, D.R. Yoerger, L.E. Freitag, L.L. Whitcomb, and R.L. Eastwood, "JASONTALK: A Standard Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Vehicle Control System," IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference. Victoria, B.C., Canada., 1993. A.M. McCann, "The Roman Port of Cosa" Scientific American (March, 1988) pp. 102-109. A.M. McCann, The Roman Port
& Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1987).