




subbottom :: 1999 ashkelon data

There's a lot still to be said about the data, but here is a small sample of it, in much reduced format:

  • You are looking at a cross-section of the seafloor, about 400 meters deep, made by Jason, flying in a computer-controlled straight line about 3.5 meters above the bottom. 
  • The orange stripe you see is the acoustic signature of a few meters of the mud below the seafloor. The shady shape which seems to lie on top of the seafloor is a pile of amphoras, or ancient shipping containers, about 2 meters deep.

  • The bright and dark spots within the orange stripe, we believe, are the remains of the structure of the ancient ship, which have been preserved because they are buried in the mud. The dark areas indicate a density similar to that of water, which is what one would expect from waterlogged wood.

  • This whole image is about twenty meters wide; the unreadable yellow text at the top are spaced every one meter. We have such profiles at about 1 meter spacings all across the wreck site, and are working on displaying all the data in a single, 3-d format.

More to come!






Deep Water Archaeology Research Group
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Rm e51-194
Cambridge, MA 02139



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