Dhananjaya Dendukuri
Ph.D Candidate
Chemical Engineering, MIT
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Room E18-520
Cambridge, MA 02139
Personal website
Dhananjaya Dendukuri
B.Tech. Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, 1999
M.A.S.C. Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2001
Research Interests:
Particles with complex geometric shapes and chemical anisotropy are useful in chemical separations, biological applications and
optical devices. Our research has resulted in the design of new processes that can synthesize such particles. Using our
confined droplet approach (
we were able to synthesize polymeric plugs, disks and ellipsoids in a continuous fashion.
Figure 1. Langmuir, 2005 (c)
Using the more general approach of Continuous Flow Lithography (CFL, http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nmat1617.pdf),
we are able to synthesize any two-dimensional extruded shape
and also particles with chemical anisotropy. We intend to use these particles for their self-assembly applications.
Figure 2. Nature Materials, 2006 (c)