Ramin Haghgooie
Research Affiliate
Chemical Engineering, MIT
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Room E18-520
Cambridge, MA 02139
Personal website
Ramin Haghgooie
B.S.E. Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2001
M.S.E. Chemical Engineering Practice, MIT, 2003
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2006
Research Interests:
Magnetorheological (MR) fluids are suspensions of colloids which acquire dipole moments under application of a magnetic field.
Traditionally, these colloids have been used in macroscopic applications, such as controllable dampers, where the ability to tune their
bulk rheological properties with a magnetic field has been exploited. We have recently shown that the microstructures formed by the
colloids in thin gaps can be used to efficiently separate DNA in microfluidic devices. I am interested in studying the parameters
affecting the types of structures that form in these devices. I use Brownian dynamics simulations as well as microscopy experiments to
study this problem.

Simulation of
self-assembled MR fluid in a microchannel |