Numbers Thing
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Previous: Zephyr Love
[enter S1 from right, S2 from left. they see each other and begin
a conversation.]
- S1:
- I'll see you in .001 at 11.
- S2:
- Where is it?
- S1:
- 10-250.
[S1 and S2 pretend to be continuing the conversation.]
- T1:
- What are those students talking about?
- TG:
- They were discussing their class schedule.
- T2:
- Sounds like a bunch of numbers to me.
- TG:
- Well, the academic departments at MIT are numbered, as well as
the buildings.
- T1:
- Really?
- TG:
- So they were merely arranging to meet at a computer programming
class in building 10 at 11 o clock.
[enter S3]
- S2:
- 8.01 at 12:30 in 26-100?
- S1:
- 10 4.
[they wave at each other and continue off the stage.]
- T2:
- I still don't get it.
- TG:
- [twilight zoney] Look, it's all very seven.
There are numbers four three departments, and ten four
three buildings there are another set of numbers.
- T1:
- What!?
[S3 stops at begin punching in numbers]
- S3:
- ``7 4 0 8 5 *!''
[exit S3]
[enter S4 and some friends]
- TG:
- You see, nineteen eight, forty-two, one thousand three hundred and
- T2:
- What's going on?
- TG:
- One zero zero one one one zero. One one zero one zero zero zero etc
(fading away into the background so you could hear the other students
talking only in numbers now)
- S4:
- [telling a joke] So, 76-11-03 ...11.2!!
(other students laugh as if it was hilarious...)
- T3:
- [clutching his head - à la Susan Pouter] STOP THE INSANITY!!
- T2:
- This is scaring me!!
- TG:
- (still going) three point one four one five nine two six five three five
eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six four three
three eight three...etc.
- T1:
- [laughing] Wait, I've got it! 76-11-03 ... ...11.2!
(Everyone stops and stares at T1 like he's a buffoon)
[exit S4 and friends]
- T1:
- 11.2! Don't you get it? Oh, come on!
- TG:
- Some people just don't know how to tell a joke! Come on,
we're walking ...we're walking.
Next: Lecture Hall
Up: No Title
Previous: Zephyr Love
Tue Feb 18 10:30:44 EST 1997