Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue - Room 10-110
Cambridge, MA 01239
(617) 253-4366
3 Peacock Farm Road
Lexington, MA 02173
Born: 4 December 1945
Ph.D., MIT and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Joint Program in Oceanographic Engineering, February 1975.
S.M., Ocean Engineering, MIT, August 1969.
B.S., Engineering, Harvey Mudd College of Science and Engineering, June
Registered Mechanical Engineer, State of Massachusetts.
Consulting practice in structural dynamics, ship vibration, and
downhole drillstring dynamics; clients include BP/Amoco, Exxon/Mobil,
Chevron, and Unocal.
June 1999: Present Dean, Undergraduate Research
July 1992: Present Director, Edgerton Center
June 1991: 1993 MIT Faculty Chairman
July 1985: Present Professor, MIT, Department of Ocean Engineering
July 1984-June 1989: Director, Experimental Study Group, MIT
1978-1985: Associate Professor, MIT, Department of Ocean Engineering
1975-1978: Assistant Professor, MIT, Department of Ocean Engingeering
1968-69 & 1972-74: Research Assistant, MIT, Department of Ocean
1972-1973: Teaching Assistant to Harold Edgerton, MIT, Department of
Electrical Engineering
1970-1971: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Post
Engineer, Nha Trang, South Viet Nam
1st Recipient of the Arthur Lubinski Best Mechanical
Engineering Paper Award, 1984 Offshore Technology Conference
Program Committee Chairman of the 1987 Offshore Technology Conference
Graduate Student Council Teaching Award, May 1987.
MIT President's Award for Community Service, 1999.
MIT MacVicar Award for Excellence in teaching, 2001.
Offshore Technology Conference Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals, 2005.
ASME A. Lubinski Best Paper Award for the Offshore Technology Conference, 2006.
MIT Arthur C. Smith Award for meaningful contributions and devotion to undergraduate student life, 2011.
MIT Gordon Y. Billard Award for special service of outstanding merit, 2012.
Soaring, sailing, antique vehicles
"Color Schlieren Photography of High Speed Transient
Events", with H. E. Edgerton, Proceedings of the 11th International
Congress on High Speed Photography, September 1974, pp. 398-403,
Chapman Hall, Ltd., London, 1975.
"Detection of Structural Failure on Fixed Platforms by Measurement of
Dynamic Response", Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. XXIX, March
"The Effect of Liquid Storage Tanks on the Dynamic Response of Offshore
Platforms", Proceedings of the 1978 Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, May 1978; also published in Journal of Petroleum Technology,
October 1979, and Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1979.
"Prediction of the Damping Controlled Response of Offshore Structures
to Random Excitation", Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, February
1980; also published in Proceedings of the 1979 Offshore Technology
Conference, Vol. II, Houston, Texas, May 1979.
"A Random Vibration Model for Cable Strumming Prediction", with M. B.
Kennedy, Proceedings of Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, Vol. I, pp.
273-292, September 1979.
"The Influence of Separated Flow on the Dynamic Response of Offshore
Structures to Random Waves", with A. B. Dunwoody, Proceedings of the
Hydrodynamics in Ocean Engineering Conference, Trondheim, Norway,
August 1981.
"The Sensitivity of Fatigue Life Estimates to Variations in Structural
Natural Periods, Modal Damping Ratios, and Directional Spreading of the
Seas," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the
Behavior of Offshore Structures, MIT, 1982.
"The Determination of Modal Damping Ratios from Maximum Entropy
Spectral Estimates", with R. B. Campbell, Proceedings of the 1980
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 1980; also ASME Journal of
Dynamic Systems and Control, Vol. 104, March 1982.
"A Mathematical Basis for the Random Decrement Vibration Signature
Analysis Technique", with A. B. Dunwoody, R. B. Campbell, and M. F.
Cook, in The Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 104, April 1982.
"Measured and Predicted Dynamic Response of a Single Pile Platform to
Random Wave Excitation," with M. F. Cook, Proceedings of the 14th
Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 1982.
"Direct Wave Force Measurements on a Model Tension Leg Platform,"
presented at the Ocean Structural Dynamics Symposium, Corvallis,
Oregon, September 1982.
"Measurements of the Vortex Excited Strumming Vibrations of Marine
Cables", with O. M. Griffin, presented at the Ocean Structural Dynamics
Symposium, Corvallis, Oregon, September 1982.
"Drag Coefficients of Long Flexible Cylinders", Proceedings of the 1983
Offshore Technology Conference, Paper No. 4490, Houston, 1983. ASME
Best Paper Award.
"A Numerically Efficient Technique for the Simulation of Random Wave
Forces on Offshore Structures", with Kamyab Samii Proceedings of the
1984 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 1984.
"Prediction of Lockin Vibration on Flexible Cylinders in Sheared Flow,"
Proceedings of the 1985 Offshore Technology Conference, Paper No. 5006,
Houston, May 1985.
"The Identification of the Quadratic System Relating Cross-Flow and
In-Line, Vortex-Induced Vibration", with Jen-Yi Jong, ASME, Winter
Annual Meeting, November 1985.
"Vortex-Induced Vibration and Drag Coefficients of Long Cables
Subjected to Sheared Flow", with Y. H. Kim and R. Holler, Proceedings
of the 4th OMAE Symposium, Volume One, ASME, Dallas, Texas, February
1985; Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Volume 108, March 1986.
"The Relationship Between In-Line and Cross-flow Vortex-induced
Vibration of Cylinders", with J. Y. Jong. Journal of Fluids and
Structures, Vol. 1, pp. 381-399, 1987.
"Predicted and Measured Response of Flexible Cylinders In Sheared
Flow", with T. Y. Chung, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Symposium on
Vortex-Induced Vibration, Chicago, December 1988.
"Hydrodynamic Damping on Flexible Cylinders in Sheared Flow", with T.
Y. Chung, Proceedings of the 1987 Offshore Technology Conference, Paper
No. 5524, pp. 343-353, Houston, May 1987. Reprinted in Journal of
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 115, Number 2,
March 1989.
"Case Studies of the Bending Vibration and Whirling Motion of Drill
Collars", with J. W. Nicholson and R. J. Shyu, SPE Drilling
Engineering, pp. 282-290, December 1990, and presented at the 1989
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 3, 1989.
"The Effect of Surface and Downhole Boundary Conditions on the
Vibration of Drillstrings", with F. Clayer et al., Proceedings of the
1990 SPE Annual Meeting, Paper No. SPE 20447, New Orleans, September
"The Design of Fatigue-Resistant Structural Members Excited by Wind",
with D. Rudge, C.-Y. Fei, and S. Nicholls, presented at the 24th Annual
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 1992.
"Drillstring Axial Vibrations Control and Shock Absorber Positioning
Criteria", with A. Ligrone, P. Ferrara, and R. Rao, Offshore
Mediterranean Conference (OMC93), Italy, March 11-13, 1993.
"Dimensionless Parameters Important to the Prediction of Vortex-Induced
Vibration of Long, Flexible Cylinders in Ocean Currents", Journal of
Fluids and Structures, Vol. 7, No. 5., pp. 423-455, July 1993.
"Suppression of Cable Vibration by Means of Wave Absorbing
Terminations", with L. Li, Proceedings of the Behavior of Offshore
Structures Conference, Vol. 2, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Pergamon Press,
pp. 633-643, July 1994.
"A Gaussian Model for Predicting the Effect of Unsteady Windspeed on
the Vortex-Induced Vibration Response of Structural Members", with C.
Y. Fei, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Copenhagen, 1995.
"Wave Propagation in Strings with Rigid Bodies", with L. Li. Journal of
Vibrations and Acoustics, Vol. 117, pp. 493-500, 1995.
"On Multi-Frequency Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Long Marine Risers",
with C. M. Larsen and K. Vikestad, Proceedings of the International
OCEANS '96 Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 1996.
"A Procedure for Predicting the Fatigue Damage of Structural Members in
Unsteady Winds", with C. Y. Fei, R. B. Campbell, and D. Rudge, Offshore
Technology Conference, Paper 8081, May 6-9, 1996.
"The Occurrence of Lock-in under Highly Sheared Conditions:, with D.
Allen, and L. Li. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 10, pp. 555-561,
"Vortex Induced Vibrations of Long Marine Risers - Experimental
Investigations of Multi-frequency Response", with C. L. Larsen, K.
Vikestad, and H. Lie, presented at the 8th International Conference on
the Behavior of Offshore Structures, BOSS, Delft, The Netherlands, July
7-10, 1997.
"Vortex Induced Vibrations of Long Marine Risers: Model Test in a
Rotating Rug", with J. Lie and C. M. Larsen, Proceedings of the
International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference,
OMAE, Yokohama, 1997.
"Experimental Study of Excited Circular Cylinder in Current", with K.
Vikestad and C. M. Larsen, Proceedings of the International Offshore
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, OMAE, Yokohama, 1997.
"VIV model test of a bare and staggered buoyancy riser in a rotating
rug", with H. Lie and K. Mo, Proceedings of the Offshore Technology
Conference, Paper No. 8700, Houston, TX, May 1998.
"Research Challenges in the Vortex-induced Vibration Prediction of
Marine Risers", Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference,
Paper No. 8698, Houston, May 1998.
"Added Mass and Oscillation Frequency for a Circular Cylinder Subjected
to Vortex-induced Vibrations and External Disturbance", with K.
Vikestad and C. M. Larsen, 2nd International Conference on
Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, December 1-3,
"Offshore VIV Monitoring at Schiehallion - Analysis of Riser VIV
Response", with S. Cornut. Proceedings of ETCE/OMAE 2000 Joint
Conference: Energy for the New Millenium, Paper No. 005022, New
Orleans, LA, February 14-17, 2000.
"Norwegian Deepwater Program: Analysis of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of
Marine Risers Based on Full-Scale Measurements", with K. E. Kaasen, H.
Lie, and F. Solaas. Proceedings of the 2000 Offshore Technology
Conference, Paper No. 11997, Houston, TX, May 1-4, 2000.
"Norwegian Deepwater Riser and Mooring: Damping of Vortex-Induced
Vibrations", with K. Vikestad and C. M. Larsen. Proceedings of the 2000
Offshore Technology Conference, Paper No. 11998, Houston, TX, May 1-4,
"Vortex induced vibrations measured in service in the Foinaven dynamic
umbilical, and comparison with predictions", with G. J. Lyons, C. M.
Larsen, and G. T. Ashcombe. Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Flow-Induced Vibrations, FIV 2000, Lucerne, June 2000.
"Predicting Lock-in on Drilling Risers in Sheared Flows", Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibrations, FIV
2000, Lucerne, June 2000. [PDF]
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