
The M Language: updates and applications





A meeting for sponsors and invited quests hosted by the MIT Data Center


(to receive an invitation, please contact Ed Schuster at


March 7 & 8, 2006


Hotel @ MIT - Cambridge, MA


Dinner, March 7 (7:30 PM) - Legal Seafoods (Kendall Square)


Cost of Program - $400 (including March 7 dinner)*


*For MIT Data Center sponsors no cost

  ILP members, $300

  Academic, $275


Total registration limited to 20 people.


To register, click on The M Language; Updates and applications





  -- Introduction to the M Language and its impact on data, information handling,

     and modeling.


   -- A general discussion of applications in the Petroleum, agriculture, consumer goods, and healthcare industries.


   -- Specific applications including:


             Merging data from the Internet with field data for improved agricultural



 Agenda at a Glance


March 7

          7:30     Registration and Continental Breakfast.


          8:30     An Update on the M Language

             David Brock

             Director, the MIT Data Center

             Principal Research Scientist

             Massachusetts Institute of Technology


             Dr. Brock's Background

          9:45     Break

10:00   An Update on the M Language (continued)


11:00   Break

          11:30   Applications of the M Language


                       Edmund W. Schuster

                       Co-Director, The Data Center

                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology


                       Mr. Schuster's Background


          12:30   Lunch


          1:30     Improving Supply Chain Performance through Stochastic Modeling


                       David Simchi-Levi

                       Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems

                       Co-Director, LFM and SDM Programs

                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3:00     Break


3:15     Applications in Healthcare


             Dr. Michael R. Marohn, F.A.C.S., COL, USAF (Ret)

             Associate Professor of Surgery

             Johns Hopkins School of Medicine


             Dr. Marohn's Background


4:15     Break


4:30     Sponsor meeting (closed)


5:30     Adjourn



7:30     Dinner  - Legal Seafoods



March 8


7:30     Registration and Continental Breakfast.


8:30     Applications in Agriculture - Ed Schuster


9:45     Break


10:15   A Standard for Spatial Data - Marat Zborovskiy


11:30   Introduction to Healthcare - Julian Goldman


12:00   Lunch


1:30     Applications in Petroleum - Dave Brock



3:00     Break


3:30     Next Steps


4:30     Adjourn






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