Every experiment must have a guiding vision. At MIT, the vision for many of our educational technology initiatives is openness. We envision a new engineering university in Ghana, a precocious high school student in New Mexico, an architect in Madrid, and an executive in Hong Kong, all finding the materials they need freely and instantly. Together, they will build a web of knowledge that will enhance human learning worldwide To realize this vision, we have initiated a number of independent and synergistic initiatives.
- OpenCourseWare: The course materials for nearly all our 2,000 courses are available over the Internet, for use by anyone, anywhere. Currently, 40 universities around the world have begun to offer course materials through their own "opencoursewares,"and thousands of individuals worldwide are touched by this—and the number is growing rapidly.
- DSpace: A new system captures and archives materials "born digital" in formats that will remain accessible as digital media evolve—then places that information online to be universally available and searchable. Currently more than 100 institutions are using our open technology to preserve and disseminate their own publications.
- iLabs: Online laboratories enable students worldwide to access MIT equipment. "If you can't come to the lab, the lab will come to you."
- iMOAT: This web service enables universities to collaborate in administering and grading essay exams; it simultaneously has established what may be the premier research database for writing analysis. A number of universities share this innovative method of essay evaluation for placing freshmen in appropriate writing classes
As an institution, MIT is committed to generating, disseminating and preserving knowledge. The Internet offers us a host of innovative ways to achieve these goals—and we are taking full advantage of them.