Models and Data Sets

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The research in Eltahir Group focuses on the development of theoretical hypotheses regarding the role of the biosphere in the climate system and the hydroclimatology of large regions. These hypotheses are then tested using several data sets that are obtained through satellite remote sensing as well as standard observational techniques. The same hypotheses are investigated further using models, with  different levels of complexity,  that describe the coupled biosphere -atmosphere system. The following are examples of the Models and the Data Sets that are used by the group.


  • Simple Models of the Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere System:

    1. 1-D Model of the Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere System
    2. Zonally Symmetric Model for the Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere System

    These two  models are being developed by this group and include detailed representations of the dynamics in the biosphere and the atmosphere, and allow for feedbacks between the two. Atmospheric conditions affect vegetation types at the land surface which in turn impact the atmosphere.

  • Second-Generation Regional Climate Model (RegCM2)

    Giorgi, F., M. Marinucci and G. Bates (1993) Development of a Second-Generation Regional Climate Model (RegCM2) Part 1: Boundary-layer and radiative transfer processes, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2794-2813.

    Giorgi, F., M. Marinucci, G. Bates, and G. De Canio (1993) Development of a Second-Generation Regional Climate Model (RegCM2) Part II: Convective processes and assimilation of lateral boundary conditions, Monthly Weather Review, 121, 2814-2832.

  • Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5)

    Grell, Georg A., Jimy Dudhia, and David R. Stauffer (1995), A Description of the Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale  Model (MM5), NCAR Technical Note 398.

Data Sets

  • NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project

    40-year assimilated dataset of global atmospheric and surface variables.

    Kalnay, E. et. al. (1996) The NCEP/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 77, 437-471.

  • Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)

    Monthly gridded global dataset of surface radiative fluxes, 1983-1991.

    Darnell, W.L., W.F. Staylor, S.K. Gupta, N.A. Ritchey and A.C. Wilber (1995) A global long-term dataset of the shortwave and longwave surface radiation budget, GEWEX NEWS, 5, 1.

  • Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP)

    Monthly gridded global dataset of precipitation, 1986-1995.

    Huffman, G.J., ed. (1997) The Global Precipitation Climatology Project  monthly mean precipitation data set. ,WMO/TD No. 808, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland. 37pp.

  • Illinois State Water Survey Soil Moisture Dataset

    Monthly and Bi-weekly station data for 1981-1996 at 19 sites across Illinois.

    Hollinger, S. E., and S. A. Isard (1994) A soil moisture climatology of Illinois, Journal of Climate, 7, 822-833.

  • Illinois State Water Survey Groundwater Level Dataset

    Monthly data for 18 wells in Illinois for the period 1950-1997.

    Changnon, S. A., F. A. Huff, and C. F. Hsu (1988) Relations between precipitation and shallow groundwater in Illinois, Journal of Climate,1, 1239-1250.

  • Midwest Climate Center Precipitation Dataset

    Daily precipitation for 129 stations in Illinois, 1981-1996.

    Kunkel, K. E., S. A. Changnon, C. G. Longuist, and J. A. Angel (1990) A real-time climate information system for the Midwester United States, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 71, 1601-1609.

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