January - March 1997 Issue
"Reducing Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Through Market-Based
- Bailey, E. Allowance Trading Activity and State Regulatory
Rulings: Evidence from the US Acid Rain Program. March 1996. Working
Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 96-002WP. 28 pages. $10.00
- Ellerman, A., and J. Montero. Why Are Allowance Prices
So Low? An Analysis of the SO2 Emissions Trading Program.
February 1996. Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 96-001WP. 27 pages. $10.00
- Joskow, P., and R. Schmalensee. The Political Economy
of Market-Based Environmental Policy: The US Acid Rain Program. March
1996. Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 96-003WP. 93 pages. $12.00
- Joskow, P., R. Schmalensee, and E. Bailey. Auction
Design and the Market for Sulfur Dioxide. August 1996. Working Paper
No. MIT-CEEPR 96-007WP. 46 pages. $10.00
- Montero, J. Volunteering for Market-Based Environmental
Regulation: The Substitution Provision of the SO2 Emissions
Trading Program. January 1997. Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 97-001WP.
37 pages. $10.00
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