Connors, S. Issues in Energy and Sustainable Development. September 1998. Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 98-004. 14 pages. $10.00
Connors, S. Societal Issues in Transitioning Toward Sustainable Systems. September 1998. Energy Laboratory Working Paper No. MIT-EL 98-001WP. 14 pages. $10.00 (Also Rapporteur's paper, 17th World Energy Congress, Houston, Texas, September 13-18, 1998. Issues Paper Session 4.2.)
Ellerman, A. Electric Utility Response to Allowances: From Autarkic to Market-Based Compliance. July 1998. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 98-009WP. 14 pages.
Ellerman, A., T. Stoker, and E. Berndt. Sources of Productivity Growth in the American Coal Industry. March 1998. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 98-004WP. 66 pages.
Montero, J., and A. Ellerman. Explaining Low Sulfur Dioxide Allowance Prices: The Effect of Expectation Errors and Irreversibility. September 1998. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 98-011WP. 23 pages.
Smith, A., J. Platt, and A. Ellerman. The Costs of Reducing Utility SO2 Emissions--Not as Low as You Might Think. August 1998. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper No. MIT-CEEPR 98-010WP. 19 pages.
Allen, E. Stochastic Unit Commitment for a Deregulated Electric Power Industry. PhD thesis. MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1998.
Antonelli, D., and J. Ying. "Mesoporous materials." Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, v. 1, pp. 523-529, 1996.
Barton, P. Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Discrete/Continuous Dynamic Systems. Keynote lecture at Automatic Control of Food and Biological Processes IV, Goteborg, Sweden, September 21-23, 1998. 21 pages. $10.00
Brodeur, D., V. Angus, and N. Todreas. Optimization of Nuclear Power Utility Operating Performance. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-010, June 1998. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
Bryden, K., and J. Ying. "Pulsed electrodeposition synthesis and hydrogen absorption properties of nanostructured palladium-iron alloy films." Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 145, no. 10, pp. 3339-3346, 1998.
Connors, S. "Climate change and competition--on a collision course? Technology development and deployment in a competitive electric industry." Proceedings of the 60th American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 14-16, 1998, pp. 17-22, 1998.
Galiana, F., P. Cuervo Franco, and M. Ilic. "Pool generation dispatch with independent transmission projects." Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference of the International Association for Energy Economists, Quebec City, Canada, May 1998, pp. 105-114, 1998.
Garcia-Delgado, L., M. Driscoll, J. Meyer, and N. Todreas. Design of an Economically Optimum PWR Reload Core for a 36-Month Cycle. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-013, June 1998. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. (See also Garcia-Delgado, L., M. Driscoll, J. Meyer, and N. Todreas. "Design of an economically optimum PWR reload core for a 36-month cycle." Annals of Nuclear Energy, forthcoming, 1998.)
Garcia-Delgado, L., N. Todreas, D. Brodeur, C. Handwerk, F. Li, H. MacLean, M. McMahon, M. Driscoll, and J. Meyer. Improvement in Nuclear Plant Capacity Factors Through Longer Cycle Length Operation. Final Report. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-011, June 1998. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
Handwerk, C., M. Driscoll, M. McMahon, and N. Todreas. "Cost optimization of long-cycle operation." American Nuclear Society Annual Summer Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, June 7-11, 1998. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 78, p. 351, 1998.
Handwerk, C., M. Driscoll, N. Todreas, and M. McMahon. Economic Analysis of Extended Operating Cycles in Existing LWRs. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-007, January 1998. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
Handwerk, C., J. Meyer, and N. Todreas. Fuel Performance Analysis of Extended Operating Cycles in Existing LWRs. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-008, January 1998. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
Herzog, H. The Economics of CO2 Capture. Presented at Fourth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 30-September 2, 1998. 7 pages. $10.00
Herzog, H. Ocean Sequestration of CO2--An Overview. Presented at Fourth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 30-September 2, 1998. 7 pages. $10.00
Herzog, H., C. Schmidt, and E. Drake. CO2 Sequestration: Opportunities for Government-Industry-Academia Partnerships. Presented at Fourth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Interlaken, Switzerland, August 30-September 2, 1998. 4 pages. $10.00
Hinze, P., and W. Cheng. "Assessing the factors affecting SI engine cycle-to-cycle variations at idle." In 27th Symposium (International) on Combustion. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: The Combustion Institute, 1998.
Ilic, M., J.-P. Leotard, C. Rochlin, and S. Stoft. On the Objectives of Transmission Pricing. Presented at International Symposium on Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control--IV: Restructuring; Santorini, Greece; August 23-28, 1998. 24 pages. $10.00
Ilic, M., P. Skantze, C.-N. Yu, and J. Cardell. Power Exchange for Frequency Control (PXFC). Presented at International Symposium on Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control--IV: Restructuring; Santorini, Greece; August 23-28, 1998. 16 pages. $10.00
Judson, R., R. Schmalensee, and T. Stoker. Economic Development and the Structure of the Demand for Commercial Energy. April 1998. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Report No. 33. 16 pages.
Leiendecker, M., M. Driscoll, and N. Todreas. "Thermosyphon loops for concrete containment cooling." ANS Annual Summer Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, June 7-11, 1998. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 78, pp. 263-264, 1998.
Lienhard, J., and D. Napolitano. "Yield limits of plates at extremely high heat flux." Journal of Heat Transfer, v. 120, pp. 253-258, February 1998.
Long, N., and H. Tuller. "Mixed ionic-electronic conduction in Ni doped lanthanum gallate perovskites." In Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion II--Batteries, Capacitors and Fuel Cells (MRS, v. 496), D. Doughty, D. Ginley, B. Scrosati, T. Takamura, and Z. Zhang, eds. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1-5, 1997. 11 pages. $10.00
MacLean, H., M. McMahon, and M. Driscoll. Uranium and Separative Work Utilization in Light Water Reactors. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-009, January 1998. 44 pages. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307.
McMahon, M., C. Handwerk, H. MacLean, M. Driscoll, and N. Todreas. Modeling and Design of Reload LWR Cores for an Ultra-Long Operating Cycle. MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economics and Environmental Management Program Report No. MIT-NFC-TR-004, July 1997. (Revised, September 1997.) Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. (See also McMahon, M., M. Driscoll, E. Pilat, and N. Todreas. "Reload LWR core designs for an ultra-long operating cycle." Nuclear Technology, forthcoming, 1998.)
McMahon, M., M. Driscoll, and N. Todreas. "An ultra-long-cycle BWR core design." ANS Annual Summer Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, June 7-11, 1998. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, v. 78, pp. 241-242, 1998.
Mitton, D., S.-H. Zhang, M. Quintana, J. Cline, N. Caputy, P. Marrone, and R. Latanision. Corrosion Mitigation in SCWO Systems for Hazardous Waste Disposal. Presented at NACE International's Corrosion 98. Paper No. 414. Available from NACE International, Conferences Division, P. O. Box 218340, Houston, TX 77218-8340.
Montero, J. "Marketable pollution permits with uncertainty and transaction costs." Resource and Energy Economics, v. 20, pp. 27-50, 1997.
Moore, T., J. Maurer, R. McHenry, and N. Todreas. Surveillance Strategy for a Four-Year Operating Cycle in Commercial Nuclear Reactors. MIT Advanced Nuclear Program Report No. MIT-ANP-TR-036, June 1996. Limited copies available from Ms. Paula J. Cornelio, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-215, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. (See also McHenry, R., T. Moore, J. Maurer, and N. Todreas. Surveillance Strategy for an Extended Operating Cycle in Commercial Nuclear Reactors. Presented at Fifth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety (NUTHOS-5), Beijing, China, April 14-18, 1997.)
Oh, C., J. Lienhard, H. Younis, R. Dahbura, and D. Michels. "Liquid jet-array cooling modules for high heat fluxes." AIChE Journal, v. 44, no. 4, pp. 769-779, April 1998.
Panchula, M., and J. Ying. "Enhanced transformation and sintering of transitional alumina through mechanical seeding." In Nanostructured Materials: Science and Technology, G.-M. Chow and N. Noskova, eds. Netherlands: Kluwer, 1998.
Prinn, R., H. Jacoby, A. Sokolov, C. Wang, X. Xiao, Z. Yang, R. Eckaus, P. Stone, D. Ellerman, J. Melillo, J. Fitzmaurice, D. Kicklighter, G. Holian, and Y. Liu. Integrated Global System Model for Climate Policy Assessment: Feedbacks and Sensitivity Studies. May 1998. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Report No. 36. (Supersedes Report No. 7.) 74 pages.
Ryan, A. Should We Fertilize the Oceans? MS thesis. MIT Technology and Policy Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998.
Schmalensee, R., P. Joskow, A. Ellerman, J. Montero, and E. Bailey. "An interim evaluation of sulfur dioxide emissions trading." Journal of Economic Perspectives, v. 12, no. 3, pp. 53-68, Summer, 1998.
Shalafi, A. Available Transmission Capability in Deregulated Electric Power Industry: A Critical Assessment. MS thesis. MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1998.
Tolsma, J., and P. Barton. "On computational differentiation." Computers in Chemical Engineering, v. 22, nos. 4/5, pp. 475-490, 1998.
Trudeau, M., and J. Ying. "Nanocrystal-line materials in catalysis and electro-catalysis: structure tailoring and surface reactivity." Nanostructured Materials, v. 7, nos. 1/2, pp. 245-258, 1996.
Visudhiphan, P. A Dynamic Model of the Electricity Generation Market. MS thesis. MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 1998.
Wang, C., and R. Prinn. Combined Effects of Anthropogenic Emissions and Resultant Climatic Changes on Atmospheric OH. April 1998. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Report No. 34. 11 pages.
Wang, C., and R. Prinn. Impact of Emissions, Chemistry, and Climate on Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide: 100-year Predictions from a Global Chemistry-Climate Model. April 1998. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Report No. 35. 11 pages.
Webster, M., and A. Sokolov. Quantifying the Uncertainty in Climate Predictions. July 1998. MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Report No. 37. 23 pages.
Wong, M., and Y. Ying. "Amphiphilic templating of mesostructured zirconium oxide." Chemical Materials, v. 10, no. 8, pp. 2067-2077, 1998.
Ying, J., and T. Sun. "Research needs assessment of nanostructured catalysts." Journal of Electroceramics, v. 1, no. 3, pp. 219-238, 1997.
Yu, T.-H., and H. Tuller. Electrical Conduction and Disorder in the Pyrochlore System (Gd1-xCax)Sn2O7. July 1998. Accepted for publication in Journal of Electroceramics. 29 pages. $10.00
Zhang, Z., J. Ying, and M. Dresselhaus. "Bismuth quantum-wire arrays fabricated by a vacuum melting and pressure injection process." Journal of Materials Research, v. 13, no. 7, pp. 1745-1748, 1998.