July - September 1998
Coal-Mining Productivity: National Aggregates Conceal Differences
Reducing Downtime in Nuclear Power Plants
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ational statistics on coal-mining productivity show that--except
during the 1970s--coal mines have become steadily more efficient. More coal
is removed per hour of work, causing a drop in both mining costs and coal
prices. However, a new Energy Laboratory study suggests that those national
statistics do not tell the whole story. When the researchers analyzed
productivity data for more than nineteen thousand mines from 1972 through
1995, they found that some regions and some technologies lagged far behind
others. Thus, while western longwall mines were five times more productive
in 1995 than in 1972, other types of mines improved by less than half as
much--a discrepancy lost in the nationally aggregated data. Detailed
analyses of why productivity changed brought some unexpected results. For
example, even after accounting for geology and technology, bigger mines
were more productive than smaller ones. And prices affect the national
aggregates. When coal prices increase relative to labor prices, companies
open smaller mines with less favorable geology and overall productivity
drops. Indeed, according to the analysis, price increases were more
important than new regulations in causing overall productivity to plummet
in the 1970s. The study shows that aggregated national productivity data do
not provide an accurate picture of the efficiency with which an industry
uses its resources or of the causes of changes in overall productivity.
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oday, the typical US nuclear power plant spends almost two out of
every 18 months shut down for refueling. As owners of such plants face new
competition for customers, they are looking for ways to reduce costs; and
refueling less often is one option. Working closely with power plant
operators, Energy Laboratory researchers have designed reactor cores and
operating procedures that would enable power plants to run for up to about
four years before needing to refuel. Because of the extra cost of the
necessary enriched fuel, adopting a four-year "extended operating cycle"
under today's economic conditions would be cost-effective at plants that
now experience relatively long downtimes for refueling and forced shutdowns
but not at plants that operate more efficiently. A three-year operating
cycle requiring less highly enriched fuel would bring savings at many more
plants. And if laser-based technology now being developed reduces the cost
of enriched uranium, the economics of the extended cycles would improve
significantly. Perhaps most important, the MIT team identified strategies
that plant operators can use to reduce forced shutdowns and to perform more
maintenance procedures while their plants are on-line. The researchers
emphasize that any reduction in downtime will not only reduce costs but
also prevent possible long-term damage to plants caused by repeated
stopping and starting.
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Last updated: 01/13/1999
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