How To Apply

Want to work in EvLab?


Potential postdocs should write directly to me (Ev;, describing their training and interests. I am trying to keep the size of the lab relatively small, so I am not actively recruiting new people. However, I am committed to increasing diversity in cognitive science and neuroscience, so if you are a URM (including racial and ethnic minorities, women, and individuals from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds) interested in joining the lab, please get in touch. I am also open to ideas for new lines of work that are aligned with my current interests (see Key research directions in research, and our recent papers) and could be supported by external funding.

 Graduate students

Potential graduate students (both US and international) should apply through the BCS graduate program application. I am also affiliated with the Speech and Hearing in Biosciences and Technology (SHBT) program, and have advised some students through that program. Finally, we accept post-bac students (a two-year program for college graduates designed to help them prepare for a PhD program) through the Post-baccalaureate Research Scholars Program in Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

 Full-time RAs/technicians

We typically have between one and four full-time RAs working in the lab. These positions are ideal for college graduates who intend to apply to PhD programs and are seeking more research experience. When I am looking to hire full-time RAs, I advertise these positions through this website. Feel free to reach out to me (Ev; directly to inquire about open positions.

 Undergraduate part-time research assistants

We typically have several part-time undergraduate research assistants working in the lab. We sometimes list available UROPs on the UROP website, but students can also contact me (Ev; to ask if there is a position available. Typically we ask UROPs to work for credit for their first semester in the lab (exceptions will be made for students from low SES backgrounds), while they are mostly being trained. Many of our long-term UROPs are funded by either the UROP office or our grants. UROPs who stay in the lab more than two semesters often get to play significant roles in research projects, and some have earned authorship on published papers.

Ask alums or current labbies about working in EvLab

Several lab alumni have kindly agreed to be contacted if you wanted to talk about Ev’s mentoring style, lab climate, and related issues. Please go to family Alumni section, where you can find links to contact the alumni who have volunteered to be contacted. Current labbies are happy to be contacted as well.

See also: Ev's Mentorship Statement

