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The Best Reason to Take the T is All Around You


Employee MBTA riders, you may need a new MIT ID card.
Every eight years, the Access MIT chip in your MIT ID card expires, and the card must be replaced to maintain no-cost access to MBTA subway and local bus services. When you receive an email notification from IS&T advising you that it’s time to replace your card, you can visit the Atlas Service Center or you can print a new card at your convenience using one of the 10 card kiosks on campus, available 24/7. If you don’t use (and don’t plan to use) the MBTA benefits in your ID card, there’s no need to replace it, since its other functions will continue to work as usual. Note: Commuter rail/express bus/ferry access is not impacted.

How to cancel a Commuter Rail Pass or LinkPass
The T-pass FAQ page provides a step-by-step guide to help you cancel or suspend your MBTA public transit pass account – as well as information about resuming the T-pass account after suspending it.

Kendall Square is a flourishing innovation hub that attracts start-ups and global enterprises from around the world. Each year, new researchers, technologists, scientists, students and entrepreneurs join the ranks of these organizations to make profound new discoveries and build technologies that are changing the world. However, the vibrancy and changes within our community also have an impact on our environment, infrastructure and transportation systems.

The Institute's Access MIT program provides Cambridge employees with a variety of affordable, low-carbon transportation options designed to inspire a change in the way the MIT community thinks about commuting. By connecting programs, education, decision-making, and modes of transportation, Access MIT strives to create a new awareness and shared understanding of transportation choices and their impacts.

Public transit is a vital low-carbon mode of transportation, and Access MIT is just one of the ways MIT encourages its use through subsidies for students, faculty, and staff. Find out more about how you can save by taking the T:

MBTA information and pricing for students
MBTA information and pricing for Cambridge campus faculty and staff
MBTA information and pricing for Lincoln Lab employees

 Your Commuting Benefits (Atlas)
 T-pass Subsidy Terms & Conditions (pdf)
 Commuter Rail Zones
 MBTA Rider Booklet - December 2024
 MBTA T-riders' Guide to the T


Department Directory

Parking & Transportation Office

Atlas Service Center
Street Address: 40 Ames Street
Building: E17-106
Hours: M - F, 8AM - 5PM

parking services

Tel: 617-258-6510

T-pass services

Tel: 617-253-9701

other commuter connections


Tom Giannino

Robynn Cruz-Walker
Commuter Program Administrator

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology