// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 Sep 05  Brian Frank  Creation

** CodeAsm is used to assemble the fcode instructions of an Expr or Block.
class CodeAsm : CompilerSupport

// Construction

  new make(Compiler compiler, Loc loc, FPod fpod, MethodDef? curMethod)
    : super(compiler)
    this.loc       = loc
    this.fpod      = fpod
    this.curMethod = curMethod
    this.code      = Buf.make
    this.errTable  = Buf.make; errTable.writeI2(-1)
    this.errCount  = 0
    this.lines     = Buf.make; lines.writeI2(-1)
    this.lineCount = 0
    this.loopStack = Loop[,]

// Statements

  Void block(Block block)
    block.stmts.each |Stmt s| { stmt(s) }

  Void stmt(Stmt stmt)
    switch (stmt.id)
      case StmtId.nop:           return
      case StmtId.expr:          expr(((ExprStmt)stmt).expr)
      case StmtId.localDef:      localVarDefStmt((LocalDefStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.ifStmt:        ifStmt((IfStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.returnStmt:    returnStmt((ReturnStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.throwStmt:     throwStmt((ThrowStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.forStmt:       forStmt((ForStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.whileStmt:     whileStmt((WhileStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.breakStmt:     breakOrContinueStmt(stmt)
      case StmtId.continueStmt:  breakOrContinueStmt(stmt)
      case StmtId.switchStmt:    switchStmt((SwitchStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.tryStmt:       tryStmt((TryStmt)stmt)
      default:                   throw Err(stmt.id.toStr)

  private Void ifStmt(IfStmt stmt)
    endLabel := -1
    c := Cond.make

    // optimize: if (true)
    if (stmt.condition.id == ExprId.trueLiteral)

    // optimize: if (false)
    if (stmt.condition.id == ExprId.falseLiteral)
      if (stmt.falseBlock != null)

    // check condition - if the condition is itself a CondExpr
    // then we just have it branch directly to the true/false
    // block rather than wasting instructions to push true/false
    // onto the stack
    if (stmt.condition is CondExpr)
      cond((CondExpr)stmt.condition, c)

    // true block
    c.jumpTrues.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }
    if (!stmt.trueBlock.isExit && stmt.falseBlock != null)
      endLabel = jump(FOp.Jump)

    // false block
    c.jumpFalses.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }
    if (stmt.falseBlock != null)

    // end
    if (endLabel != -1) backpatch(endLabel)

  private Void returnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt)
    // if we are in a protected region, then we can't return immediately,
    // rather we need to save the result into a temporary local; and use
    // a "leave" instruction which we will backpatch in finishCode() with
    // the actual return sequence;
    if (inProtectedRegion)
      // if returning a result then stash in temp local
      if (stmt.expr != null)
        returnLocal = stmt.leaveVar
        op(FOp.StoreVar, returnLocal.register)

      // jump to any finally blocks we are inside
      protectedRegions.eachr |ProtectedRegion region|
        if (region.hasFinally)

      // generate leave instruction and register for backpatch
      if (leavesToReturn == null) leavesToReturn = Int[,]

    // process as normal return
    if (stmt.expr != null) expr(stmt.expr)

  private Void throwStmt(ThrowStmt stmt) { throwOp(stmt.exception) }

  private Void throwOp(Expr exception)

  private Void localVarDefStmt(LocalDefStmt stmt)
    if (stmt.isCatchVar)
      // "declaration" of a catch variable is used store the
      // variable back to its local register
      var := stmt.var
      op(FOp.CatchErrStart, fpod.addTypeRef(stmt.ctype))

      // if the catch variable has been hoisted onto the heap
      // with a wrapper, call the wrapper constructor
      if (var.isWrapped)
        wrapCtor := fpod.addMethodRef(var.wrapField.parent.method("make"), 1)
        op(FOp.CallNew, wrapCtor)

      // store back to local register
      op(FOp.StoreVar, var.register)
    else if (stmt.init != null)

// Loops

  private Void whileStmt(WhileStmt stmt)
    // push myself onto the loop stack so that breaks
    // and continues can register for backpatching
    loop := Loop(stmt)

    // assemble the while loop code
    continueLabel := mark
    breakJump := jump(FOp.JumpFalse)
    jump(FOp.Jump, continueLabel)
    breakLabel := mark

    // backpatch continues/breaks
    loop.continues.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos, continueLabel) }
    loop.breaks.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos, breakLabel) }

    // pop loop from stack

    // TODO - the fcode will often contain Jumps to Jumps which can be optimized

  private Void forStmt(ForStmt stmt)
    breakJump := -1

    // push myself onto the loop stack so that breaks
    // and continues can register for backpatching
    loop := Loop(stmt)

    // assemble init if available
    if (stmt.init != null) this.stmt(stmt.init)

    // assemble the for loop code
    condLabel := mark
    if (stmt.condition != null)
      breakJump = jump(FOp.JumpFalse)
    updateLabel := mark
    if (stmt.update != null) expr(stmt.update)
    jump(FOp.Jump, condLabel)
    endLabel := mark
    if (breakJump != -1) backpatch(breakJump, endLabel)

    // backpatch continues/breaks
    loop.continues.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos, updateLabel) }
    loop.breaks.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos, endLabel) }

    // pop loop from stack

    // TODO - the fcode will often contain Jumps to Jumps which can be optimized

  private Void breakOrContinueStmt(Stmt stmt)
    // associated loop should be top of stack
    loop := loopStack.peek
    if (loop.stmt !== stmt->loop)
      throw err("Internal compiler error", stmt.loc)

    // if we are inside a protection region which was pushed onto
    // my loop's own stack that means this break or continue
    // needs to jump out of the protected region - that requires
    // calling each region's finally block and using a "leave"
    // instruction rather than a standard "jump"
    Int? toBackpatch := null
    if (!loop.protectedRegions.isEmpty)
      // jump to any finally blocks we are inside
      loop.protectedRegions.eachr |ProtectedRegion region|
        if (region.hasFinally)

      // generate leave instruction
      toBackpatch = jump(FOp.Leave)
      // generate standard jump instruction
      toBackpatch = jump(FOp.Jump)

    // register for backpatch
    if (stmt.id === StmtId.breakStmt)

// Switch

  private Void switchStmt(SwitchStmt stmt)
    // A table switch is a series of contiguous (or near contiguous)
    // cases which can be represented an offset into a jump table.
    minMax := computeTableRange(stmt)
    if (minMax != null)
      tableSwitchStmt(stmt, minMax[0], minMax[1])

  ** Compute the range of this switch and return as a list of '[min, max]'
  ** if the switch is a candidate for a table switch as a series of
  ** contiguous (or near contiguous) cases which can be represented an
  ** offset into a jump table.  Return null if the switch is not numeric
  ** or too sparse to use as a table switch.
  private Int[]? computeTableRange(SwitchStmt stmt)
    // we only compute ranges for Ints and Enums
    ctype := stmt.condition.ctype
    if (!ctype.isInt && !ctype.isEnum)
      return null

    // now we need to determine contiguous range
    min := 2147483647
    max := -2147483648
    count := 0
      stmt.cases.each |Case c|
        for (i:=0; i<c.cases.size; ++i)
          expr := c.cases[i]
          // TODO: need to handle static const Int fields here
          literal := expr.asTableSwitchCase
          if (literal == null) throw CompilerErr("return null", c.loc)
          if (literal < min) min = literal
          if (literal > max) max = literal
    catch (CompilerErr e)
      return null

    // if no cases, then don't use tableswitch
    if (count == 0) return null

    // enums and anything with less than 32 jumps is immediately
    // allowed, otherwise base the table on a percentage of count
    delta := max - min
    if (ctype.isEnum || delta < 32 || count*32 > delta)
      return [min,max]
      return null

  private Void tableSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt stmt, Int min, Int max)
    stmt.isTableswitch = true
    conditionType := stmt.condition.ctype
    isEnum := conditionType.isEnum

    // push condition onto the stack

    // get a real int onto the stack
    if (conditionType.isInt && conditionType.isNullable)
      coerceOp(conditionType, ns.intType)
    else if (isEnum)
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.enumOrdinal))

    // if min is not zero, then do a subtraction so that
    // our condition is a zero based index into the jump table
    if (min != 0)
      op(FOp.LoadInt, fpod.ints.add(-min))
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.intPlus))

    // now allocate our jump table
    count := max - min + 1
    jumps := Case?[,]
    jumps.size = count

    // walk thru each case, and map the jump offset to a block
    stmt.cases.each |Case c|
      for (i:=0; i<c.cases.size; ++i)
        expr    := c.cases[i]
        literal := expr.asTableSwitchCase
        offset  := literal - min
        jumps[offset] = c

    // now write the switch bytecodes
    jumpStart := code.size
    fill := count*2
    fill.times |->| { code.write(0xff) }  // we'll backpatch the jump offsets last

    // default block goes first - it's the switch fall
    // thru, save offset to back patch jump
    defaultStart := mark
    defaultEnd := switchBlock(stmt.defaultBlock)

    // now write each case block
    caseEnds := Int?[,]
    caseEnds.size = stmt.cases.size
    stmt.cases.each |Case c, Int i|
      c.startOffset = code.size
      caseEnds[i] = switchBlock(c.block)

    // backpatch the jump table
    end := code.size
    jumps.each |Case? c, Int i|
      if (c == null)

    // backpatch all the case blocks to jump here when done
    if (defaultEnd != -1) backpatch(defaultEnd)
    caseEnds.each |Int pos|
      if (pos != -1) backpatch(pos)

  private Void equalsSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt stmt)
    stmt.isTableswitch = false

    // push condition onto the stack
    condition := stmt.condition

    // walk thru each case, keeping track of all the
    // places we need to backpatch when cases match
    jumpPositions := Int[,]
    jumpCases := Case[,]
    stmt.cases.each |Case c|
      for (i:=0; i<c.cases.size; ++i)
        opType(FOp.Dup, condition.ctype)
        compareOp(stmt.condition.ctype, FOp.CmpEQ, c.cases[i])

    // default block goes first - it's the switch fall
    // thru, save offset to back patch jump
    defaultStart := mark
    defaultEnd := switchBlock(stmt.defaultBlock, condition.ctype)

    // now write each case block
    caseEnds := Int?[,]
    caseEnds.size = stmt.cases.size
    stmt.cases.each |Case c, Int i|
      c.startOffset = code.size
      caseEnds[i] = switchBlock(c.block, condition.ctype)

    // backpatch the jump table
    end := code.size
    jumpPositions.each |Int pos, Int i|
      backpatch(pos, jumpCases[i].startOffset)

    // backpatch all the case blocks to jump here when done
    if (defaultEnd != -1) backpatch(defaultEnd)
    caseEnds.each |Int pos|
      if (pos != -1) backpatch(pos)

  private Int switchBlock(Block? block, CType? popType := null)
    if (popType != null) opType(FOp.Pop, popType)
    if (block != null)
      if (block.isExit) return -1
    return jump(FOp.Jump)

// Try

  private Bool inProtectedRegion()
    return protectedRegions != null && !protectedRegions.isEmpty

  private Void tryStmt(TryStmt stmt)
    // enter a "protected region" which means that we can't
    // jump or return out of this region directly - we have to
    // use a special "leave" jump of the protected region
    if (protectedRegions == null) protectedRegions = ProtectedRegion[,]
    region := ProtectedRegion(stmt)
    if (!loopStack.isEmpty) loopStack.peek.protectedRegions.push(region)

    // assemble body of try block
    start := mark
    end := mark

    // if the block isn't guaranteed to exit:
    //  1) if we have a finally, then jump to finally
    //  2) jump over catch blocks
    tryDone := -1
    finallyStart := -1
    if (!stmt.block.isExit)
      if (region.hasFinally)
        end = mark
      tryDone = jump(FOp.Leave)

    // assemble catch blocks
    catchDones := Int?[,]
    catchDones.size = stmt.catches.size
    stmt.catches.each |Catch c, Int i|
      catchDones[i] = tryCatch(c, start, end, region)

    // assemble finally block
    if (region.hasFinally)
      // wrap try block and each catch block with catch all to finally
      addToErrTable(start, end, mark, null)
      stmt.catches.each |Catch c|
        addToErrTable(c.start, c.end, mark, null)

      // handler code
      region.jumpFinallys.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }

    // mark next statement as jump destination for try block
    if (tryDone != -1) backpatch(tryDone)
    catchDones.each |Int pos| { if (pos != -1) backpatch(pos) }

    // leave protected region
    if (!loopStack.isEmpty) loopStack.peek.protectedRegions.pop

  private Int tryCatch(Catch c, Int start, Int end, ProtectedRegion region)
    // assemble catch block - if there isn't a local variable
    // we emit the CatchAllStart, otherwise the block will
    // start off with a LocalVarDef which will write out the
    // CatchErrStart opcode
    handler := mark
    c.start = mark
    if (c.errVariable == null) op(FOp.CatchAllStart)
    done := -1
    if (!c.block.isExit)
      if (region.hasFinally)

      done = jump(FOp.Leave)
    c.end = mark

    // fill in err table
    addToErrTable(start, end, handler, c.errType)

    // return position to backpatch
    return done

  private Void addToErrTable(Int start, Int end, Int handler, CType? errType)
    // catch all is implicitly a catch for sys::Err
    if (errType == null) errType = ns.errType

    // add to err table buffer

// Expressions

  Void expr(Expr expr)
    switch (expr.id)
      case ExprId.nullLiteral:     nullLiteral
      case ExprId.trueLiteral:
      case ExprId.falseLiteral:    boolLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.intLiteral:      intLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.floatLiteral:    floatLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.decimalLiteral:  decimalLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.strLiteral:      strLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.durationLiteral: durationLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.uriLiteral:      uriLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.typeLiteral:     typeLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.slotLiteral:     slotLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.rangeLiteral:    rangeLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.listLiteral:     listLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.mapLiteral:      mapLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.boolNot:         not(expr)
      case ExprId.cmpNull:         cmpNull(expr)
      case ExprId.cmpNotNull:      cmpNotNull(expr)
      case ExprId.elvis:           elvis(expr)
      case ExprId.assign:          assign(expr)
      case ExprId.same:            same(expr)
      case ExprId.notSame:         notSame(expr)
      case ExprId.boolOr:          or(expr, null)
      case ExprId.boolAnd:         and(expr, null)
      case ExprId.isExpr:          isExpr(expr)
      case ExprId.isnotExpr:       isnotExpr(expr)
      case ExprId.asExpr:          asExpr(expr)
      case ExprId.localVar:
      case ExprId.thisExpr:
      case ExprId.superExpr:
      case ExprId.itExpr:          loadLocalVar(expr)
      case ExprId.call:
      case ExprId.construction:    call(expr)
      case ExprId.shortcut:        shortcut(expr)
      case ExprId.field:           loadField(expr)
      case ExprId.coerce:          coerce(expr)
      case ExprId.closure:         closure(expr)
      case ExprId.ternary:         ternary(expr)
      case ExprId.staticTarget:    return
      case ExprId.throwExpr:       throwOp(((ThrowExpr)expr).exception)
      default:                     throw Err(expr.id.toStr)

// Literals

  private Void nullLiteral()

  private Void boolLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    if (expr.val == true)

  private Void intLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadInt, fpod.ints.add(expr.val))

  private Void floatLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadFloat, fpod.floats.add(expr.val))

  private Void decimalLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadDecimal, fpod.decimals.add(expr.val))

  private Void strLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadStr, fpod.strs.add(expr.val))

  private Void durationLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadDuration, fpod.durations.add(expr.val))

  private Void uriLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadUri, fpod.uris.add(expr.val))

  private Void typeLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    val := (CType)expr.val
    op(FOp.LoadType, fpod.addTypeRef(val))

  private Void slotLiteral(SlotLiteralExpr expr)
    op(FOp.LoadType, fpod.addTypeRef(expr.parent))
    op(FOp.LoadStr, fpod.strs.add(expr.name))
    if (expr.slot is CField)
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.typeField, 1))
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.typeMethod, 1))

  private Void rangeLiteral(RangeLiteralExpr r)
    if (r.exclusive)
      op(FOp.CallNew, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.rangeMakeExclusive))
      op(FOp.CallNew, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.rangeMakeInclusive))

  private Void listLiteral(ListLiteralExpr list)
    t := list.ctype
    if (t is NullableType) t = t->root
    v := ((ListType)t).v

    op(FOp.LoadType, fpod.addTypeRef(v));
    op(FOp.LoadInt,  fpod.ints.add(list.vals.size))
    op(FOp.CallNew,  fpod.addMethodRef(ns.listMake))

    add := fpod.addMethodRef(ns.listAdd)
    for (i:=0; i<list.vals.size; ++i)
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, add)

  private Void mapLiteral(MapLiteralExpr map)
    op(FOp.LoadType, fpod.addTypeRef(map.ctype))
    op(FOp.CallNew,  fpod.addMethodRef(ns.mapMake))

    set := fpod.addMethodRef(ns.mapSet)
    for (i:=0; i<map.keys.size; ++i)
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, set)

// UnaryExpr

  private Void not(UnaryExpr unary)
    op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.boolNot))

  private Void cmpNull(UnaryExpr unary)
    opType(FOp.CmpNull, unary.operand.ctype)

  private Void cmpNotNull(UnaryExpr unary)
    opType(FOp.CmpNotNull, unary.operand.ctype)

// BinaryExpr

  private Void same(BinaryExpr binary)
    if (binary.lhs.id === ExprId.nullLiteral ||
        binary.rhs.id === ExprId.nullLiteral)
      err("Unexpected use of same with null literals", binary.loc)

  private Void notSame(BinaryExpr binary)
    if (binary.lhs.id === ExprId.nullLiteral ||
        binary.rhs.id === ExprId.nullLiteral)
      err("Unexpected use of same with null literals", binary.loc)

// CondExpr

  private Void cond(CondExpr expr, Cond cond)
    switch (expr.id)
      case ExprId.boolOr:  or(expr, cond)
      case ExprId.boolAnd: and(expr, cond)
      default:             throw Err(expr.id.toStr)

  private Void or(CondExpr expr, Cond? cond)
    // if cond is null this is a top level expr which means
    // the result is to push true or false onto the stack;
    // otherwise our only job is to do the various jumps if
    // true or fall-thru if true (used with if statement)
    // NOTE: this code could be further optimized because
    //   it doesn't optimize "a && b || c && c"
    topLevel := cond == null
    if (topLevel) cond = Cond.make

    // perform short circuit logical-or
    expr.operands.each |Expr operand, Int i|
      if (i < expr.operands.size-1)

    // if top level push true/false onto stack
    if (topLevel) condEnd(cond)

  private Void and(CondExpr expr, Cond? cond)
    // if cond is null this is a top level expr which means
    // the result is to push true or false onto the stack;
    // otherwise our only job is to do the various jumps if
    // true or fall-thru if true (used with if statement)
    // NOTE: this code could be further optimized because
    //   it doesn't optimize "a && b || c && c"
    topLevel := cond == null
    if (topLevel) cond = Cond.make

    // perform short circuit logical-and
    expr.operands.each |Expr operand|

    // if top level push true/false onto stack
    if (topLevel) condEnd(cond)

  private Void condEnd(Cond cond)
    // true if always fall-thru
    cond.jumpTrues.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }
    end := jump(FOp.Jump)

    // false
    cond.jumpFalses.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }


// Type Checks

  private Void isExpr(TypeCheckExpr tc)
    op(FOp.Is, fpod.addTypeRef(tc.check))

  private Void isnotExpr(TypeCheckExpr tc)
    op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.boolNot))

  private Void asExpr(TypeCheckExpr tc)
    op(FOp.As, fpod.addTypeRef(tc.check))

  private Void coerce(TypeCheckExpr tc)
    coerceOp(tc.from, tc.ctype)
    if (!tc.leave) opType(FOp.Pop, tc.ctype)

  private Void coerceOp(CType from, CType to)
    // map from/to to typeRefs
    fromRef := fpod.addTypeRef(from)
    toRef   := fpod.addTypeRef(to)

    // short circuit if coercing same types
    if (fromRef == toRef) return

    // write opcode with its from/to arguments

// Elvis

  private Void elvis(BinaryExpr binary)
    opType(FOp.Dup, binary.lhs.ctype)
    opType(FOp.CmpNull, binary.lhs.ctype)
    isNullLabel := jump(FOp.JumpTrue)
    endLabel := jump(FOp.Jump)
    opType(FOp.Pop, binary.lhs.ctype)

// Ternary

  private Void ternary(TernaryExpr ternary)
    falseLabel := jump(FOp.JumpFalse)
    endLabel := jump(FOp.Jump)

// Closure

  private Void closure(ClosureExpr c)
    // we replace the closure with its substitute
    // expression - call to closure constructor

// Assign

  ** Simple assignment using =
  private Void assign(BinaryExpr expr)
    switch (expr.lhs.id)
      case ExprId.localVar: assignLocalVar(expr)
      case ExprId.field:    assignField(expr)
      default: throw err("Internal compiler error", expr.loc)

// Local Var

  private Void loadLocalVar(LocalVarExpr var)
    op(FOp.LoadVar, var.register)

  private Void storeLocalVar(LocalVarExpr var)
    op(FOp.StoreVar, var.register);

  private Void assignLocalVar(BinaryExpr assign)
    if (assign.leave) opType(FOp.Dup, assign.ctype)

// Field

  private Void loadField(FieldExpr fexpr, Bool dupTarget := false)
    field := fexpr.field

    // evaluate target expression
    if (fexpr.target != null)
      if (dupTarget) opType(FOp.Dup, fexpr.target.ctype)

    // if safe, check for null condition
    Int? isNullLabel := null
    if (fexpr.isSafe)
      if (fexpr.target == null) throw err("Compiler error field isSafe", fexpr.loc)
      opType(FOp.Dup, fexpr.ctype)
      opType(FOp.CmpNull, fexpr.ctype)
      isNullLabel = jump(FOp.JumpTrue)

    // load field via accessor method
    if (fexpr.useAccessor)
      getter := field.getter // if null then bug in useAccessor
      index := fpod.addMethodRef(getter)
      if (field.parent.isMixin)
        if (getter.isStatic)
          op(FOp.CallMixinStatic, index)
          op(FOp.CallMixinVirtual, index)
        if (getter.isStatic)
          op(FOp.CallStatic, index)
        else if (fexpr.target.id == ExprId.superExpr)
          op(FOp.CallNonVirtual, index)
          op(FOp.CallVirtual, index)

      // if parameterized or covariant, then coerce
      if (field.isParameterized)
        coerceOp(ns.objType, field.fieldType)
      else if (field.isCovariant)
        coerceOp(field.inheritedReturnType, field.fieldType)
    // load field directly from storage
      index := fpod.addFieldRef(field)
      if (field.parent.isMixin)
        if (field.isStatic)
          op(FOp.LoadMixinStatic, index)
          throw err("LoadMixinInstance", fexpr.loc)
        if (field.isStatic)
          op(FOp.LoadStatic, index)
          op(FOp.LoadInstance, index)

    // if safe, handle null case
    if (fexpr.isSafe)
      if (field.fieldType.isVal) coerceOp(field.fieldType, field.fieldType.toNullable)
      endLabel := jump(FOp.Jump)
      opType(FOp.Pop, fexpr.ctype)

  private Void assignField(BinaryExpr assign)
    lhs := (FieldExpr)assign.lhs
    isInstanceField := !lhs.field.isStatic;  // used to determine how to duplicate

    if (lhs .target != null) expr(lhs.target)
    if (assign.leave)
      opType(FOp.Dup, assign.ctype)
      if (isInstanceField)
        op(FOp.StoreVar, assign.tempVar.register)
    if (assign.leave && isInstanceField)
      op(FOp.LoadVar, assign.tempVar.register)

  private Void storeField(FieldExpr fexpr)
    field := fexpr.field
    if (fexpr.useAccessor)
      setter := field.setter  // if null then bug in useAccessor
      index := fpod.addMethodRef(setter)

      if (field.parent.isMixin) // TODO
        if (setter.isStatic)
          op(FOp.CallMixinStatic, index)
          op(FOp.CallMixinVirtual, index)
        if (setter.isStatic)
          op(FOp.CallStatic, index)
        else if (fexpr.target.id == ExprId.superExpr)
          op(FOp.CallNonVirtual, index)
          op(FOp.CallVirtual, index)
      index := fpod.addFieldRef(field)

      if (field.parent.isMixin)
        if (field.isStatic)
          op(FOp.StoreMixinStatic, index)
          throw err("StoreMixinInstance", fexpr.loc)
        if (field.isStatic)
          op(FOp.StoreStatic, index)
          op(FOp.StoreInstance, index)

// Call

  private Void call(CallExpr call, Bool leave := call.leave)
    // evaluate target
    method := call.method

    // push call target onto the stack
    target := call.target
    if (target != null) expr(target)

    // if safe, check for null
    Int? isNullLabel := null
    if (call.isSafe)
      // sanity check
      if (target == null || (target.ctype.isVal && !target.ctype.isNullable))
        throw err("Compiler error call isSafe: $call", call.loc)

      // check if null and if so then jump over call
      opType(FOp.Dup, target.ctype)
      opType(FOp.CmpNull, target.ctype)
      isNullLabel = jump(FOp.JumpTrue)

      // now if we are calling a value-type method we might need to coerce
      if (target.ctype.isVal || method.parent.isVal)
        coerceOp(target.ctype, call.method.parent)

    // invoke call
    if (call.isDynamic)
      call.args.each |Expr arg| { expr(arg) }
      invokeCall(call, leave)

    // if safe, handle null case
    if (call.isSafe)
      // if the method return a value type, ensure it is coerced to nullable
      if (method.returnType.isVal && call.leave)
        coerceOp(method.returnType, call.ctype.toNullable)

      // jump to end after successful call and push null onto
      // stack for null check from above (if a leave)
      endLabel := jump(FOp.Jump)
      opType(FOp.Pop, target.ctype)
      if (call.leave) op(FOp.LoadNull)

  private Void dynamicCall(CallExpr call)
    // name str literal
    op(FOp.LoadStr, fpod.strs.add(call.name))

    // args Obj[]
    if (call.args.isEmpty)
      op(FOp.LoadInt,  fpod.ints.add(call.args.size))
      op(FOp.CallNew,  fpod.addMethodRef(ns.listMakeObj))
      add := fpod.addMethodRef(ns.listAdd)
      call.args.each |Expr arg|
        op(FOp.CallVirtual, add)

    // Obj.trap
    op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.objTrap))

    // pop return if no leave
    if (!call.leave) opType(FOp.Pop, call.ctype)

  private Void invokeCall(CallExpr call, Bool leave := call.leave)
    m := call.method
    index := fpod.addMethodRef(m, call.args.size)

    // write CallVirtual, CallNonVirtual, CallStatic, CallNew, or CallCtor;
    // note that if a constructor call has a target (this or super), then it
    // is a CallCtor instance call because we don't want to allocate
    // a new instance
    if (m.parent.isMixin)
      if (m.isStatic)
        op(FOp.CallMixinStatic, index)
      else if (call.target.id == ExprId.superExpr)
        op(FOp.CallMixinNonVirtual, index)
        op(FOp.CallMixinVirtual, index)
    else if (m.isStatic)
      op(FOp.CallStatic, index)
    else if (m.isCtor)
      if (call.target == null || call.target.id == ExprId.staticTarget)
        op(FOp.CallNew, index)
        op(FOp.CallCtor, index)
      // because CallNonVirtual maps to Java's invokespecial, we can't
      // use it for calls outside of the class (consider it like calling
      // protected method); we also don't want to use non-virtual for
      // any Obj methods since those are implemented as static wrappers
      // in the Java/.NET runtime
      targetId := call.target.id
      if (targetId == ExprId.superExpr ||
          (targetId == ExprId.thisExpr && !m.isVirtual && !m.parent.isObj))
        op(FOp.CallNonVirtual, index)
        op(FOp.CallVirtual, index)

    // if we are leaving a value on the stack of a method which
    // has a parameterized return value or is covariant, then we
    // need to insert a cast operation
    //   Int.toStr    => non-generic - no cast
    //   Str[].toStr  => return isn't parameterized - no cast
    //   Str[].get()  => actual return is Obj, but we want Str - cast
    //   covariant    => actual call is against inheritedReturnType
    if (leave)
      if (m.isParameterized)
        ret := m.generic.returnType
        if (ret.isGenericParameter)
          coerceOp(ns.objType, m.returnType)
      else if (m.isCovariant)
        coerceOp(m.inheritedReturnType, m.returnType)

    // if the method left a value on the stack, and we
    // aren't going to use it, then pop it off
    if (!leave)
      // note we need to use the actual method signature (not parameterized)
      x := m.isParameterized ? m.generic : m
      if (!x.returnType.isVoid || x.isInstanceCtor)
        opType(FOp.Pop, x.returnType)

// Shortcut

  private Void shortcut(ShortcutExpr call)
    // handle comparisions as special opcodes
    target := call.target
    firstArg := call.args.first
    switch (call.opToken)
      case Token.eq:     compareOp(target, FOp.CmpEQ, firstArg); return
      case Token.notEq:  compareOp(target, FOp.CmpNE, firstArg); return
      case Token.cmp:    compareOp(target, FOp.Cmp,   firstArg); return
      case Token.lt:     compareOp(target, FOp.CmpLT, firstArg); return
      case Token.ltEq:   compareOp(target, FOp.CmpLE, firstArg); return
      case Token.gt:     compareOp(target, FOp.CmpGT, firstArg); return
      case Token.gtEq:   compareOp(target, FOp.CmpGE, firstArg); return

    // always check string concat first since it can
    // have string on either left or right hand side
    if (call.isStrConcat)
      addStr(call, true)

    // if assignment we need to do a bunch of special processing
    if (call.isAssign)

    // just process as normal call

  ** Generate a comparison.  The lhs can be either a ctype or an expr.
  private Void compareOp(Obj lhs, FOp opCode, Expr rhs)
    lhsExpr := lhs as Expr
    lhsType := lhsExpr != null ? lhsExpr.ctype : (CType)lhs

    if (lhsExpr != null) expr(lhsExpr)

    fromRef := fpod.addTypeRef(lhsType)
    toRef   := fpod.addTypeRef(rhs.ctype)


  ** This method is used for complex assignments: prefix/postfix
  ** increment and special dual assignment operators like "+=".
  private Void shortcutAssign(ShortcutExpr c)
    var := c.target
    leaveUsingTemp := false

    // if var is a coercion set that aside and get real variable
    TypeCheckExpr? coerce := null
    if (var.id == ExprId.coerce)
      coerce = (TypeCheckExpr)var
      var = coerce.target

    // load the variable
    switch (var.id)
      case ExprId.localVar:
      case ExprId.field:
        fexpr := (FieldExpr)var
        loadField(fexpr, true) // dup target on stack for upcoming set
        leaveUsingTemp = !fexpr.field.isStatic  // used to determine how to duplicate
      case ExprId.shortcut:
        // since .NET sucks when it comes to stack manipulation,
        // we use two scratch locals to get the stack into the
        // following format:
        //   index  \  used for get
        //   target /
        //   index  \  used for set
        //   target /
        index := (IndexedAssignExpr)c
        get := (ShortcutExpr)var
        expr(get.target)  // target
        opType(FOp.Dup, get.target.ctype)
        op(FOp.StoreVar, index.scratchA.register)
        expr(get.args[0]) // index expr
        opType(FOp.Dup, get.args[0].ctype)
        op(FOp.StoreVar, index.scratchB.register)
        op(FOp.LoadVar, index.scratchA.register)
        op(FOp.LoadVar, index.scratchB.register)
        invokeCall(get, true)
        leaveUsingTemp = true
        throw err("Internal error", var.loc)

    // if we have a coercion do it
    if (coerce != null) coerceOp(var.ctype, coerce.check)

    // if postfix leave, duplicate value before we preform computation
    if (c.leave && c.isPostfixLeave)
      opType(FOp.Dup, c.ctype)
      if (leaveUsingTemp)
        op(FOp.StoreVar, c.tempVar.register)

    // load args and invoke call
    c.args.each |Expr arg| { expr(arg) }
    invokeCall(c, true)

    // if prefix, duplicate after we've done computation
    if (c.leave && !c.isPostfixLeave)
      opType(FOp.Dup, c.ctype)
      if (leaveUsingTemp)
        op(FOp.StoreVar, c.tempVar.register)

    // if we have a coercion then uncoerce,
    // otherwise perform coerce to ensure we
    // have right type to store back to variable
    if (coerce != null) coerceOp(coerce.check, var.ctype)
    else coerceOp(c.ctype, var.ctype)

    // save the variable back
    switch (var.id)
      case ExprId.localVar:
      case ExprId.field:
      case ExprId.shortcut:
        set := (CMethod)c->setMethod
        setParam := (set.isParameterized ? set.generic : set).params[1].paramType
        // if calling setter check if we need to boxed
        if (c.ctype.isVal && !setParam.isVal && coerce == null) coerceOp(c.ctype, setParam)
        op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(set, 2))
        if (!set.returnType.isVoid) opType(FOp.Pop, set.returnType)
        throw err("Internal error", var.loc)

    // if field leave, then load back from temp local
    if (c.leave && leaveUsingTemp)
      op(FOp.LoadVar, c.tempVar.register)

// Strings

  ** Assemble code to build a string using sys::StrBuf.
  private Void addStr(ShortcutExpr expr, Bool topLevel)
    if (topLevel)
      op(FOp.CallNew, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.strBufMake, 0))

    lhs := expr.target
    rhs := expr.args.first

    lhsShortcut := lhs as ShortcutExpr
    if (lhsShortcut != null && lhsShortcut.isStrConcat)
      addStr(lhsShortcut, false)
      if (!isEmptyStrLiteral(lhs))
        if (lhs.ctype.isVal) coerceOp(lhs.ctype, ns.objType)
        op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.strBufAdd))

    if (!isEmptyStrLiteral(rhs))
      op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.strBufAdd))

    if (topLevel) op(FOp.CallVirtual, fpod.addMethodRef(ns.strBufToStr))

  private Bool isEmptyStrLiteral(Expr expr)
    return expr.id === ExprId.strLiteral && expr->val == ""

// Code Buffer

  ** Append a opcode with a type argument.
  Void opType(FOp opcode, CType arg)
    op(opcode, fpod.addTypeRef(arg))

  ** Append a opcode with option two byte argument.
  Void op(FOp op, Int? arg := null)
    if (arg != null) code.writeI2(arg)

// Jumps

  ** Get the current location as a mark to use for backwards jump.
  private Int mark()
    return code.size

  ** Add the specified jump opcode and two bytes for the jump
  ** location.  If a backward jump then pass the mark; if a
  ** a forward jump we return the code pos to backpatch the
  ** mark later.
  private Int jump(FOp op, Int mark := 0xffff)
    this.op(op, mark)
    return code.size-2

  ** Backpacth the mark of forward jump using the given
  ** pos which was returned by jump().  If mark is defaulted,
  ** then we use the current instruction as the mark.
  private Void backpatch(Int pos, Int mark := code.size)
    orig := code.pos

// Utils

  ** Finish writing out the exception handling table
  Buf finishCode()
    // if we had to return from a protected region, then now we
    // need to generate the actual return instructions and backpatch
    // all the leaves
    if (leavesToReturn != null)
      leavesToReturn.each |Int pos| { backpatch(pos) }
      if (returnLocal != null) op(FOp.LoadVar, returnLocal.register)

    // check final size
    if (code.size >= 0x7fff) throw err("Method too big", loc)
    return code

  ** Finish writing out the exception handling table
  Buf finishErrTable()
    return errTable

  ** Finish writing out the line number table
  Buf finishLines()
    return lines

  ** Map the opcode we are getting ready to add to the specified line number
  private Void line(Loc loc)
    line   := loc.line
    offset := code.size
    if (line == null || lastLine == line || lastOffset == offset) return
    lastLine = line
    lastOffset = offset

// Fields

  Loc loc
  FPod fpod
  MethodDef? curMethod
  Buf code
  Buf errTable
  Int errCount
  Buf lines
  Int lineCount
  Int lastLine := -1
  Int lastOffset := -1
  Loop[] loopStack

  // protected region fields
  ProtectedRegion[]? protectedRegions // stack of protection regions
  Int[]? leavesToReturn    // list of Leave positions to backpatch
  MethodVar? returnLocal    // where we stash return value

** Loop

class Loop
  new make(Stmt stmt) { this.stmt = stmt }

  Stmt stmt                  // WhileStmt or ForStmt
  Int[] breaks := Int[,]     // backpatch positions
  Int[] continues := Int[,]  // backpatch positions
  ProtectedRegion[] protectedRegions := ProtectedRegion[,] // stack

** ProtectedRegion

class ProtectedRegion
  new make(TryStmt stmt)
    hasFinally = stmt.finallyBlock != null
    if (hasFinally) jumpFinallys = Int[,]

  Bool hasFinally      // does this region have a finally
  Int[]? jumpFinallys  // list of JumpFinally positions to backpatch

** Cond

class Cond
  Int[] jumpTrues  := Int[,]   // backpatch positions
  Int[] jumpFalses := Int[,]   // backpatch positions