// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 Sep 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   21 Jul 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** FieldDef models a field definition
public class FieldDef : SlotDef, CField

// Construction

  new make(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Str name := "?", Int flags := 0)
     : super(loc, parent)
    this.name = name
    this.flags = flags
    this.fieldType = parent.ns.errType

// Access

  Bool hasGet() { get != null && !get.isSynthetic }
  Bool hasSet() { set != null && !set.isSynthetic }

  FieldExpr makeAccessorExpr(Loc loc, Bool useAccessor)
    Expr? target
    if (isStatic)
      target = StaticTargetExpr(loc, parent)
      target = ThisExpr(loc)

    return FieldExpr(loc, target, this, useAccessor)

// CField

  override Str signature() { qname }
  override CMethod? getter() { get }
  override CMethod? setter() { set }

  override CType inheritedReturnType()
    if (inheritedRet != null)
      return inheritedRet
      return fieldType

// Tree

  override Void walk(Visitor v, VisitDepth depth)
    walkFacets(v, depth)
    if (depth >= VisitDepth.expr && init != null && walkInit)
      init = init.walk(v)

// Debug

  override Void print(AstWriter out)
    out.w(fieldType).w(" ")
    if (init != null) { out.w(" := "); init.print(out) }

// Fields

  override CType fieldType  // field type
  Field? field              // resolved finalized field
  Expr? init                // init expression or null
  Bool walkInit := true     // tree walk init expression
  MethodDef? get            // getter MethodDef
  MethodDef? set            // setter MethodDef
  CField? concreteBase      // if I override a concrete virtual field
  CType? inheritedRet       // if covariant override of method
  Bool requiresNullCheck    // flags that ctor needs runtime check to ensure it-block set it
  EnumDef? enumDef          // if an enum name/ordinal pair
