// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   16 Oct 10  Brian Frank  Creation

** JsIndexedProps is used to support JavaScript implementation
** of `sys::Env.index`
class JsIndexedProps
  ** Write out a stream of indexed props to be added to the
  ** JavaScript implementation of `sys::Env`.  If pods is null
  ** index every pod installed, otherwise just the pods specified.
  Void write(OutStream out, Pod[]? pods := null)
    if (pods == null) pods = Pod.list

    index := Str:Str[][:]
    pods.each |pod|
      addToIndex(pod, index)

         var i = fan.sys.Map.make(fan.sys.Str.\$type, new fan.sys.ListType(fan.sys.Str.\$type));")

    index.each |vals, key|
      v := vals.join(",") |v| { v.toCode }
      out.printLine("  i.set(\"$key\", fan.sys.List.make(fan.sys.Str.\$type, [$v]));")

      "  fan.sys.Env.cur().\$setIndex(i);

  private Void addToIndex(Pod pod,  Str:Str[] index)
    f := pod.file(`/index.props`, false)
    if (f == null) return

    // TODO this doesn't actually parse actual format yet
    f.eachLine |line|
      eq  := line.index("=")
      key := line[0..<eq]
      val := line[eq+1..-1]
      list := index[key]
      if (list == null) index[key] = [val]
      else list.add(val)

  static Void main(Str[] args)