// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   9 Jul 09  Andy Frank  Creation

using compiler

** JsNode translates a compiler::Node into the equivalent JavaScript
** source code.
abstract class JsNode

// Constructor

  new make(JsCompilerSupport support)
    this.support = support

// Write

  ** Write the JavaScript source code for this node.
  abstract Void write(JsWriter out)

// JavaScript

  ** Return the JavaScript qname for this CType.
  Str qnameToJs(CType ctype)
    // use this method as a hook to look for synthentic types
    // used in compiled types that we need to emit
    if (ctype.isSynthetic)
      if (ctype.qname.contains("Curry\$"))
        list := (support.compiler as JsCompiler).synth
        if (!list.contains(ctype)) list.add(ctype)
      // also use this method to verify referenced types
      // have been configured to be compiled to js as well
      if (!Type.find(ctype.qname).facet(@js, false))
        support.err("Type not available in JavaScript: $ctype.qname")

    return "fan.${ctype.pod.name}.$ctype.name"

  ** Return the JavaScript variable name for the given Fan
  ** variable name.
  Str vnameToJs(Str name)
    if (vnames.get(name, false)) return "\$$name";
    return name;

  // must keep in sync with fan.sys.Slot.prototype.$$name
  private const Str:Bool vnames :=
    "char":   true,
    "delete": true,
    "enum":   true,
    "fan":    true,
    "float":  true,
    "import": true,
    "in":     true,
    "int":    true,
    "name":   true,
    "typeof": true,
    "var":    true,
    "with":   true

  ** Return true if the type is a primitive type:
  **  - Bool
  **  - Decimal
  **  - Float
  **  - Int
  **  - Num
  **  - Str
  Bool isPrimitive(CType ctype) { return pmap.get(ctype.qname, false) }
  const Str:Bool pmap :=
    "sys::Bool":    true,
    "sys::Decimal": true,
    "sys::Float":   true,
    "sys::Int":     true,
    "sys::Num":     true,
    "sys::Str":     true
  ** The name of the 'this' var.
  Str thisName
    get { Actor.locals["compilerJs.this"] ?: "this" }
    set { Actor.locals["compilerJs.this"] = it }

  ** Return a unique identifier name.
  Str unique()
    Int id := Actor.locals["compilerJs.lastId"] ?: 0
    Actor.locals["compilerJs.lastId"] = id + 1
    return "\$_u$id"
  JsCompilerSupport support
