
Overview and getting started with Fantom

  1. Fantom Readme

    readme for distribution

    Fantom Quick Links , Setup , Tools , Docs , Community

  2. StartHere

    learn how to get started and use the documentation

    Learn More , Quick Start , Community Resources , Documentation Organization , Learning Fantom , Getting Involved

  3. Tour

    whirlwind tour of Fantom's features

    Hello World , Literals , Expressions , Strings , Statements , Fields , Methods , Constructors , Inheritance , Mixins , Closures , Dynamic Programming , Nullable Types , Serialization , Immutability , Actors

  4. WhyFantom

    why we built Fantom and what problems we desire to solve

    Overview , Portability , Elegant APIs , Strong versus Dynamic Typing , Generics , Mixins , Modularity , Namespace versus Deployment , Object Oriented , Functional Programming , Declarative Programming , Concurrency , Little Things

  5. HelloWorld

    getting started with hello world

    Setup , Fantom Shell , Fantom Script , Fantom Pod , Fantom FWT , Fantom WebApp

  6. Roadmap

    current development status and future plans

    Current Status , Stability , Future Work

  7. Faq

    frequently asked questions

    Contact Us? , Didn't this language used to be called Fan? , How is Fantom licensed? , What is the status of Fantom? , How do Fantom version numbers work?

  8. License

    Academic Free License 3.0

    Academic Free License 3.0

  9. Change Log

    list of changes in each build