
Documentation for command line tools

  1. Setup

    how to get everything setup

    Unix Setup , Windows Setup , Java Extensions , SWT Support , Env

  2. Fan

    fan launcher

    Overview , Running Scripts , Running Pods , Main

  3. Fansh

    interactive shell for exploring

    Overview , Scope , Using Pods , Limitations

  4. Fant

    unit testing framework

    Overview , Organizing Tests , Writing Tests , Running Tests , Test Lifecycle

  5. Fanp

    fcode disassembler

    Overview , Dissembling Code , Dissembling Scripts

  6. Build

    build toolkit

    Overview , Example , BuildScript , Lifecycle , BuildPod

  7. Bootstrap

    how to recompile the runtime and compiler itself

    Overview , Bootstrap Script , Dev Home , Substitutes , JDK and .NET Tools , Buildall , Dependencies , Debugging , Summary

  8. Flux

    using Flux as a Fantom "IDE"

    Overview , Navigation Model , Text Editor , Options , Tools , Compiling Fantom , Developing for Flux

  9. IDEs

    links to other Fantom IDEs

    Overview , Eclipse F4 (xored software) , Netbeans FantomIDE (tcolar) , TextMate Bundle (msl) , Text Editors , Flux , Camembert (tcolar)