pod dom

Web Browser DOM API



Doc models the DOM document object.


DomEvent models the DOM event object.


Elem models a DOM element object.


HttpReq models the request side of an XMLHttpRequest instance.


HttpRes models the response side of an XMLHttpRequest instance.


Storage models a DOM Storage.


Win models the DOM window object.


WARNING: the dom API is still an early prototype, so will be going through many changes during development

The dom pod provides a framework for interoperating with the browser DOM and related browser APIs. For the most part, these map one-to-one:

Browser           Fantom
--------------    ---------------
Window            Win
Document          Doc
Element           Elem
Event             Event
XmlHttpRequest    HttpReq/HttpRes


// basics
win := Win.cur       // get current Win instance
win.alert("Hello!")  // display a modal dialog
win.uri              // the URI for this page
win.hyperlink(uri)   // hyperlink to new page
win.viewport         // get size of window viewport

// event handlers
win.onEvent("hashchange", false) |e| { Win.cur.alert("hashchanged!") }

// storage
win.localStorage["bar"]         // return value for bar from local storage
win.localStorage["foo"] = 25    // store foo:25 in local storage
win.localStorage.remove("foo")  // remove foo from local storage
win.localStorage.clear          // clear all contents from local storage


doc := Win.cur.doc      // get doc instance for this window
doc.elem("someId")      // return the Elem with id='someId'
doc.createElem("div")   // create a new <div> element


// attributes
elem["alt"]               // get an attribute value
elem["alt"] = "Alt text"  // set an attribute value
elem.id                   // 'id' attribute
elem.name                 // 'name' attribute
elem.tagName              // tag name of this element

// CSS
elem.className                 // return the current class name(s)
elem.hasClassName("alpha")     // does this element have the given class name?
elem.addClassName("beta")      // add a new class name to any current class names
elem.removeClassName("gamma")  // remove a class name, leaving any others remaining

// tree
elem.parent             // parent element
elem.next               // next sibling
elem.prev               // prev sibling
elem.children           // List of child elements
elem.first              // first child, or null if no children
elem.add(child)         // add a new child element
elem.remove(child)      // remove a child element

// form conveniences
elem.val                // the 'value' attribute
elem.checked            // true/false for checkboxes

// position and size
elem.bounds             // pos and size of element

// event handlers
elem.onEvent("click", false) |e| { Win.cur.alert("$e.target clicked!") }

// find
elem.find |e| { e.tagName == "img" }     // find first <img> descendant
elem.findAll |e| { e.tagName == "img" }  // find all <img> descendants


The HttpReq object is used to make background HTTP requests from the browser. For both sync and async requests, the response is passed to you in the callback closure:

HttpReq { uri=`/foo` }.send("POST", "some content") |res|

Convenience methods are availabe for the common request methods:

HttpReq { uri=`/foo` }.get |res| {...}
HttpReq { uri=`/foo` }.post("some content") |res| {...}
HttpReq { uri=`/foo` }.postForm(["name":"Barney Stinson"]) |res| {...}

The postForm will automatically encode the request to look like a normal HTML form submission.