// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   1 Jan 08  Brian Frank  Creation

using compiler
using concurrent

** Fantom Shell
class Shell

// Main Loop

  ** Run the shell main loop.
  Void run()
    out.printLine("Fantom Shell v${Pod.of(this).version} ('?' for help)")
    while (isAlive)
      // input next line
      out.print("fansh> ").flush
      line := in.readLine

      // quit on eof
      if (line == null) break

      // skip empty lines
      line = line.trim
      if (line.size == 0) continue

      // check if line maps to predefined command
      if (command(line)) continue

      // evaluate the line

  private Void warmup()
    // launch a dummy evaluator to preload
    // all the compiler code into memory
    f := |->| { Evaluator(null).eval("0") }
    Actor(ActorPool(), f).send(null)

// Commands

  ** If the line maps to a command function, then run
  ** it and return true.  Otherwise return false.
  Bool command(Str line)
    switch (line)
      case "bye":
      case "exit":
      case "quit":
        return true
      case "help":
      case "usage":
      case "?":
        return true
      case "clear":
        return true
      case "scope":
        return true

    if (line.startsWith("using "))
      return true

    return false

  ** Run the 'quit' command.
  Void quit()
    isAlive = false

  ** Run the 'help' command.
  Void help()
    out.printLine("Fantom Shell v${Pod.of(this).version}")
    out.printLine("  quit, exit, bye   exit shell")
    out.printLine("  ?, help, usage    help summary")
    out.printLine("  clear             clear the using imports and local variables")
    out.printLine("  scope             dump the using imports and local variables")
    out.printLine("  using x           import pod x into namespace (any valid using stmt allowed)")

  ** Clear the environment
  Void clear()

  ** Run the 'scope' command.
  Void dumpScope()
    out.printLine("Current Usings:")
    usings.each |u| { out.printLine("  $u.target") }
    out.printLine("Current Scope:")
    scope.vals.sort.each |v| { out.printLine("  $v.of $v.name = $v.val") }

  ** Add using statement after we
  Void addUsing(Str line)
    s := line["using ".size..-1].trim
    u := Use(s)
    ok := Evaluator(this).eval("Add using: $line".toCode)
    if (!ok) usings.remove(u)

// Utils

  internal Var? findInScope(Str name)
    return scope.find |Var v->Bool| { v.name == name }

// Fields

  OutStream out := Env.cur.out
  InStream in := Env.cur.in
  internal Bool isAlive := true
  internal Int evalCount := 0
  internal Str:Var scope := Str:Var[:]
  internal Use[] usings := Use[,]


** Var

internal class Var
  override Int compare(Obj obj) { return ((Var)obj).name <=> name }

  Type of := Obj#
  Str? name
  Obj? val

** Use

internal class Use
  new make(Str target)
    this.target = target
    if (target.contains(" as "))
      asFrom = target[0.. target.index(" as ")].trim.replace(" ", "")
      asTo   = target[target.index(" as ")+4..-1].trim

  Bool matchAs(Type t)
    sig := t.toNonNullable.signature
    return asFrom == sig

  const Str target
  const Str? asFrom
  const Str? asTo

** Main

** Main launcher for fan shell.
class Main { static Void main() { Shell.make.run } }