// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   17 May 10  Brian Frank  Creation

using web

** ObixMod is an abstract base class that implements the
** standard plumbing for adding oBIX server side support.
** Standardized URIs handled by the base class:
**   {modBase}/xsl           debug style sheet
**   {modBase}/about         about object
**   {modBase}/batch         batch operation
**   {modBase}/watchService  watch service
**   {modBase}/watch/{id}    watch
** All other URIs to the mod are automatically handled
** by the following callbacks:
**  - GET: `onRead`
**  - PUT: `onWrite`
**  - POST: `onInvoke`
const abstract class ObixMod : WebMod

// Construction

  ** Construct with the given map for 'obix:About' parameters:
  **   - serverName: defaults to 'Env.cur.host'
  **   - vendorName: defaults to "Fantom"
  **   - vendorUrl: defaults to "http://fantom.org/"
  **   - productName: defaults to "Fantom"
  **   - productVersion: defaults to version of obix pod
  **   - productUrl: defaults to "http://fantom.org/"
  new make(Str:Obj about := Str:Obj[:])
    this.aboutServerName  = about["serverName"]     ?: Env.cur.host
    this.aboutVendorName  = about["vendorName"]     ?: "Fantom"
    this.aboutVendorUrl   = about["vendorUrl"]      ?: `http://fantom.org`
    this.aboutProductName = about["productName"]    ?: "Fantom"
    this.aboutProductVer  = about["productVersion"] ?: ObixMod#.pod.version.toStr
    this.aboutProductUrl  = about["productUrl"]     ?: `http://fantom.org`

// Service

  override Void onService()
    // handle special built-in URIs
    uri := req.modRel
      cmd := uri.path.getSafe(0)
      switch (cmd)
        case null:           onLobby; return
        case "about":        onAbout; return
        case "batch":        onBatch; return
        case "watchService": onWatchService; return
        case "watch":        onWatch; return
        case "xsl":          onXsl; return
    catch (Err e)
      result := ObixErr.toObj("Internal error: $e.toStr", e)

    ObixObj? result

      // route to callback
      switch (req.method)
        case "GET":  result = onRead(uri)
        case "PUT":  result = onWrite(uri, readReqObj)
        case "POST": result = onInvoke(uri, readReqObj)
        default:     res.sendErr(501); return
    catch (UnresolvedErr e)
      result = ObixErr.toUnresolvedObj(uri)
    catch (Err e)
      result = ObixErr.toObj("Internal error: $e.toStr", e)

    // return response

// Predefined Objects/URIs

  private Void onLobby()
    if (req.method != "GET") { res.sendErr(501); return }

  private Void onAbout()
    if (req.method != "GET") { res.sendErr(501); return }

  private Void onXsl()
    file := ObixMod#.pod.file(`/res/xsl.xml`)

// Batch

  private Void onBatch()
    // must be invoke POST
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }

    // read input which must be <list>
    in := readReqObj
    if (in.elemName != "list") { writeResErr("Expecting BatchIn to be <list>"); return }

    // process each list input operation and add item to output list
    out := ObixObj { elemName="list"; contract=Contract.batchOut }
    in.each |opIn|
      // process a single input operation
      Uri? opUri := ``
      ObixObj? opOut
        // ensure we have a uri value
        if (opIn.elemName != "uri") throw Err("Batch op must be <uri>")
        opUri = opIn.val as Uri
        if (opUri == null) throw Err("Batch op missing <uri> val")

        // relative to mod
        normUri := opUri
        uriStr := normUri.toStr
        baseStr := req.modBase.toStr
        if (uriStr.startsWith(baseStr))
          normUri = uriStr[baseStr.size..-1].toUri

        switch (opIn.contract.toStr)
          case "obix:Read":    opOut = onRead(normUri)
          case "obix:Write":   opOut = onWrite(normUri, opIn.get("in"))
          case "obix:Invoke":  opOut = onInvoke(normUri, opIn.get("in"))
          default:             opOut = ObixErr.toObj("Unknown batch op type: $opIn.contract")
      catch (UnresolvedErr e)  opOut = ObixErr.toUnresolvedObj(opUri)
      catch (Err e)            opOut = ObixErr.toObj("Failed: $opIn", e)

      // add this op output to the overall output list
      opOut.href = opUri


// Watches

  private Void onWatchService()
    // watchService/
    uri := req.modRel
    if (uri.path.size == 1)
      if (req.method != "GET") { res.sendErr(501); return }

    // watchService/make
    if (uri.path.size == 2 && uri.path[1] == "make")
      if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
      watch := watchOpen

    // anything else is unresolved error

  private Void onWatch()
    // all URIs must resolve to active watch
    uri := req.modRel
    watch := watch(uri.path.getSafe(1) ?: "?")
    if (watch == null) { writeResUnresolvedErr; return }

    // /watch/{id} returns watch itself
    if (uri.path.size == 2) { writeResWatch(watch); return }

    // handle /watch/{id}/{cmd}
    cmd := uri.path.getSafe(2) ?: ""
    if (cmd == "pollChanges") { onWatchPollChanges(watch); return }
    if (cmd == "pollRefresh") { onWatchPollRefresh(watch); return }
    if (cmd == "lease")       { onWatchLease(watch); return }
    if (cmd == "add")         { onWatchAdd(watch); return }
    if (cmd == "remove")      { onWatchRemove(watch); return }
    if (cmd == "delete")      { onWatchDelete(watch); return }

    // anything else is unresolved error

  private Void onWatchLease(ObixModWatch watch)
    // if write
    if (req.method == "PUT")
      val := readReqObj.val
      if (val isnot Duration) throw Err("Expected lease val to be reltime, not $val")
      watch.lease = val

    // if read/write
    if (req.method == "GET" || req.method == "PUT")
      writeResObj(ObixObj { name="lease"; href=watchUri(watch)+`lease`; val = watch.lease })


  private Void onWatchAdd(ObixModWatch watch)
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
    uris := readWatchIn
    objs := watch.add(uris)

  private Void onWatchRemove(ObixModWatch watch)
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
    uris := readWatchIn
    writeResObj(ObixObj { val="Watch removed: $uris.size" })

  private Void onWatchPollChanges(ObixModWatch watch)
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
    readReqObj // ignored
    objs := watch.pollChanges

  private Void onWatchPollRefresh(ObixModWatch watch)
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
    readReqObj // ignored
    objs := watch.pollRefresh

  private Void onWatchDelete(ObixModWatch watch)
    if (req.method != "POST") { res.sendErr(501); return }
    writeResObj(ObixObj { val="Watch deleted: $watch.id" })

  private Uri[] readWatchIn()
    // read input which must be <list>
    obj := readReqObj
    list := obj.get("hrefs")
    if (list.elemName != "list") throw Err("Expecting WatchIn.hrefs to be <list>")

    // process each list input operation and add item to output list
    acc := Uri[,]
    list.each |kid|
      uri := kid.val as Uri
      if (uri == null) throw Err("Expecting WatchIn child to be <uri>")
    return acc

  private Void writeWatchOut(ObixObj[] objs)
    list := ObixObj { elemName="list"; name="values" }
    objs.each |obj|
      if (obj.href == null) throw Err("Watched obj missing href: $obj")
    writeResObj(ObixObj {
        contract = Contract.watchOut
        href = req.absUri + req.modBase
        add(list) })

  private Void writeResWatch(ObixModWatch watch)
    obj := watch.toObixObj()
    obj.href = watchUri(watch)

  private Uri watchUri(ObixModWatch watch)
    req.modBase + `watch/$watch.id/`

// Read/Write ObixObj

  private ObixObj readReqObj()
    str := req.in.readAllStr
    return ObixObj.readXml(str.in)

  private Void writeResObj(ObixObj obj)
    buf := Buf()
    out := buf.out
    out.print("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n")
    out.print("<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='").print(req.modBase).print("xsl'?>\n")

    res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"
    res.headers["Content-Length"] = buf.size.toStr

  private Void writeResErr(Str msg, Err? cause := null)
    writeResObj(ObixErr.toObj(msg, cause))

  private Void writeResUnresolvedErr()

// Requests

  ** Return the ObixObj representation of the given URI for
  ** the application.  The URI is relative to the ObixMod
  ** base - see `web::WebReq.modRel`.  Throw UnresolvedErr
  ** if URI doesn't map to a valid object.  The resulting
  ** object must have its href set to the proper absolute
  ** URI according to 5.2 of the oBIX specification.
  abstract ObixObj onRead(Uri uri)

  ** Write the value for the given URI and return the new
  ** representation.  The URI is relative to the ObixMod
  ** base - see `web::WebReq.modRel`.  Throw UnresolvedErr if URI
  ** doesn't map to a valid object.  Throw ReadonlyErr if
  ** URI doesn't map to a writable object.
  abstract ObixObj onWrite(Uri uri, ObixObj val)

  ** Invoke the operation for the given URI and return the result.
  ** The URI is relative to the ObixMod base - see `web::WebReq.modRel`
  ** Throw UnresolvedErr if URI doesn't map to a valid operation.
  abstract ObixObj onInvoke(Uri uri, ObixObj arg)

// Overrides

  ** Get represenation of the Lobby object.  Subclasses
  ** can override this to customize their lobby.
  virtual ObixObj lobby()
      href = req.absUri.plusSlash
      contract = Contract.lobby
      ObixObj { elemName = "ref"; name = "about"; href=`about/`; contract=Contract.about },
      ObixObj { elemName = "op";  name = "batch"; href=`batch/`; in=Contract.batchIn; out=Contract.batchOut},
      ObixObj { elemName = "ref"; name = "watchService"; href=`watchService/`; contract=Contract.watchService },

  ** Get represenation of the About object.  Subclasses should
  ** override this to customize their about.  See `make` to
  ** customize vendor and product fields.
  virtual ObixObj about()
      href = req.absUri.plusSlash
      contract = Contract.about
      ObixObj { name = "obixVersion";    val = "1.1" },
      ObixObj { name = "serverName";     val = aboutServerName },
      ObixObj { name = "serverTime";     val = DateTime.now },
      ObixObj { name = "serverBootTime"; val = DateTime.boot },
      ObixObj { name = "vendorName";     val = aboutVendorName },
      ObixObj { name = "vendorUrl";      val = aboutVendorUrl },
      ObixObj { name = "productName";    val = aboutProductName },
      ObixObj { name = "productVersion"; val = aboutProductVer},
      ObixObj { name = "productUrl";     val = aboutProductUrl },
      ObixObj { name = "tz";             val = TimeZone.cur.fullName },

  ** Get represenation of the WatchService object.  Subclasses
  ** can override this to customize their watch service.
  virtual ObixObj watchService()
      href = req.absUri.plusSlash
      contract = Contract.watchService
      ObixObj { elemName = "op"; name = "make"; href=`make/`; out=Contract.watch },

  ** Construct a new watch.
  abstract ObixModWatch watchOpen()

  ** Find an existing watch by its identifier or return null.
  abstract ObixModWatch? watch(Str id)

  private const Str aboutServerName
  private const Str aboutVendorName
  private const Uri aboutVendorUrl
  private const Str aboutProductName
  private const Str aboutProductVer
  private const Uri aboutProductUrl


** ObixModWatch

** ObixMod hooks for implementing server side watches.  ObixMod manages
** the networking/protocol side of things, but subclasses are responsible
** for managing the actual URI subscription list and polling.
abstract class ObixModWatch
  ** Get unique idenifier for the watch. This string must be safe to
  ** use within a URI path (should not contain special chars or slashes)
  abstract Str id()

  ** Get/set lease time
  abstract Duration lease

  ** Add the given uris to watch and return current state.  If
  ** there is an error for an individual uri, return an error object.
  ** Resulting objects must have hrefs which exactly match input uri.
  abstract ObixObj[] add(Uri[] uris)

  ** Remove the given uris from the watch.  Silently ignore bad uris.
  abstract Void remove(Uri[] uris)

  ** Poll URIs which have changed since last poll.
  ** Resulting objects must have hrefs which exactly match input uri.
  abstract ObixObj[] pollChanges()

  ** Poll all URIs in this watch.
  ** Resulting objects must have hrefs which exactly match input uri.
  abstract ObixObj[] pollRefresh()

  ** Handle delete/cleanup of watch.
  abstract Void delete()

  ** Map  server side representation to its on-the-wire Obix representation.
  virtual ObixObj toObixObj()
    ObixObj {
      it.elemName = "obj"
      it.contract = Contract.watch

      ObixObj { elemName="reltime"; name="lease";  href=`lease`; val = lease; writable=false },

      ObixObj { elemName="op"; name="add";         href=`add`;         in=Contract.watchIn; out=Contract.watchOut },
      ObixObj { elemName="op"; name="remove";      href=`remove`;      in=Contract.watchIn},
      ObixObj { elemName="op"; name="pollChanges"; href=`pollChanges`; out=Contract.watchOut},
      ObixObj { elemName="op"; name="pollRefresh"; href=`pollRefresh`; out=Contract.watchOut},
      ObixObj { elemName="op"; name="delete";      href=`delete` },

  ** Debug string
  override Str toStr() { "ObixModWatch $id" }