// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   16 Mar 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** OutStream is used to write binary and text data
** to an output stream.
class OutStream

// Construction

  ** Constructor for an OutStream which wraps another stream.
  ** All writes to this stream will be routed to the specified
  ** inner stream.
  ** If out is null, then it is the subclass responsibility to
  ** handle writes by overriding the following methods: `write`
  ** and `writeBuf`.
  protected new make(OutStream? out)

// Virtuals

  ** Write a byte to the output stream.  Throw IOErr on error.
  ** Return this.
  virtual This write(Int byte)

  ** Write n bytes from the specified Buf at it's current position to
  ** this output stream.  If n is defaulted to buf.remaining(), then
  ** everything left in the buffer is drained to this output stream.
  ** The buf's position is advanced n bytes upon return.  Throw
  ** IOErr on error.  Return this.
  virtual This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining)

  ** Flush the stream so any buffered bytes are written out.  Default
  ** implementation does nothing.  Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  virtual This flush()

  ** If this output stream is mapped to a file device, then
  ** synchronize all memory buffers to the physical storage device.
  ** Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  virtual This sync()

  ** Close the output stream.  This method is guaranteed to never
  ** throw an IOErr.  Return true if the stream was closed successfully
  ** or false if the stream was closed abnormally.  Default implementation
  ** does nothing and returns true.
  virtual Bool close()

// Binary Data

  ** Byte order mode for binary writes.
  ** Default is `Endian.big` (network byte order).
  Endian endian

  ** Write two bytes as a 16-bit number using configured `endian`.  This method
  ** may be paired with `InStream.readU2` or `InStream.readS2`.  Throw IOErr
  ** on error.  Return this.
  This writeI2(Int n)

  ** Write four bytes as a 32-bit number using configured `endian`.  This
  ** method may be paired with `InStream.readU4` or `InStream.readS4`.  Throw
  ** IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeI4(Int n)

  ** Write eight bytes as a 64-bit number using configured `endian`.  This
  ** is paired with `InStream.readS8`.  Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeI8(Int n)

  ** Write four bytes as a 32-bit floating point number using configured `endian`
  ** order according to `Float.bits32`.  This is paired with `InStream.readF4`.
  ** Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeF4(Float r)

  ** Write eight bytes as a 64-bit floating point number using configured `endian`
  ** order according to `Float.bits`.  This is paired with `InStream.readF8`.
  ** Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeF8(Float r)

  ** Write a decimal as a string according to `writeUtf`.
  This writeDecimal(Decimal d)

  ** Write one byte, one if true or zero if false.  This method is paired
  ** with `InStream.readBool`.  Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeBool(Bool b)

  ** Write a Str in modified UTF-8 format according the 'java.io.DataOutput'
  ** specification.  This method is paired with `InStream.readUtf`.  Throw
  ** IOErr on error.  Return this.
  This writeUtf(Str s)

// Text Data

  ** The current charset used to encode Unicode characters into
  ** bytes.  The default charset should always be UTF-8.
  Charset charset

  ** Write one or more bytes to the stream for the specified Unicode
  ** character based on the current charset encoding.  Return this.
  This writeChar(Int char)

  ** Write the Unicode characters in the specified string to the
  ** stream using the current charset encoding.  Off specifies
  ** the index offset to start writing characters and len the
  ** number of characters in str to write.  Return this.
  This writeChars(Str str, Int off := 0, Int len := str.size-off)

  ** Convenience for 'writeChars(obj.toStr)'.  If obj is null,
  ** then print the string "null".  Return this.
  This print(Obj? s)

  ** Convenience for 'writeChars(obj.toStr + "\n")'.  If obj
  ** is null then print the string "null\n".  Return this.
  This printLine(Obj? obj := "")

  ** Write a serialized object from the stream according to
  ** the Fantom [serialization format]`docLang::Serialization`.
  ** Throw IOErr on error.  Return this.
  ** The options may be used to specify the format of the output:
  **   - "indent": Int specifies how many spaces to indent
  **     each level.  Default is 0.
  **   - "skipDefaults": Bool specifies if we should skip fields
  **     at their default values.  Field values are compared according
  **     to the 'equals' method.  Default is false.
  **   - "skipErrors": Bool specifies if we should skip objects which
  **     aren't serializable. If true then we output null and a comment.
  **     Default is false.
  This writeObj(Obj? obj, [Str:Obj]? options := null)

// Utils

  ** Write the given map of Str name/value pairs to the output stream
  ** according to the Fantom props file format (see `InStream.readProps` for
  ** full specification).  The props are written using UTF-8 regardless
  ** of this stream's current charset.  If close argument is true, then
  ** automatically close the stream.  Return this.
  This writeProps(Str:Str props, Bool close := true)

  ** Write a string to this output stream using XML escape sequences.
  ** By default only the '< > &' characters are escaped. You can
  ** use the following flags to escape additional characters:
  **   - `xmlEscNewlines`: escape the '\n' and '\r' characters
  **   - `xmlEscQuotes`: escape the single and double quote characters
  **   - `xmlEscUnicode`: escape any character greater than 0x7f
  ** Any control character less than 0x20 which is not '\t', '\n' or
  ** '\r' is always escaped with a numeric reference.  Return this.
  This writeXml(Str str, Int mode := 0)

  ** XML escape newline characters.  See `writeXml`.
  static const Int xmlEscNewlines := 0x01

  ** XML escape single and double quotes.  See `writeXml`.
  static const Int xmlEscQuotes := 0x02

  ** XML escape any character greater then 0x7f.  See `writeXml`.
  static const Int xmlEscUnicode := 0x04


** SysOutStream

internal class SysOutStream : OutStream
  override This write(Int byte)
  override This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining)
  override This flush()
  override Bool close()