// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   11 Dec 05  Brian Frank  Creation

** Range represents a contiguous range of integers from start to
** end.  Ranges may be represented as literals in Fantom source code as
** "start..end" for an inclusive end or "start..<end" for an exlusive
** range.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const final class Range

// Constructor

  ** Convenience for make(start, end, false).
  new makeInclusive(Int start, Int end)

  ** Convenience for make(start, end, true).
  new makeExclusive(Int start, Int end)

  ** Constructor with start, end, and exclusive flag (all must be non-null).
  new make(Int start, Int end, Bool exclusive)

  ** Parse from string format - inclusive is "start..end", or
  ** exclusive is "start..<end".  If invalid format then
  ** throw ParseErr or return null based on checked flag.
  static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)

// Obj Overrides

  ** Return true if same start, end, and exclusive.
  override Bool equals(Obj? obj)

  ** Return start ^ end.
  override Int hash()

  ** If inclusive return "start..end", if exclusive return "start..<end".
  override Str toStr()

// Methods

  ** Return start index.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).start  =>  1
  Int start()

  ** Return end index.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).end  =>  3
  Int end()

  ** Is the end index inclusive.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).inclusive   =>  true
  **   (1..<3).inclusive  =>  false
  Bool inclusive()

  ** Is the end index exclusive.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).exclusive   =>  false
  **   (1..<3).exclusive  =>  true
  Bool exclusive()

  ** Return if this range contains no integer values.
  ** Equivalent to 'toList.isEmpty'.
  Bool isEmpty()

  ** Get the minimum value of the range. If range contains
  ** no values then return null.  Equivalent to 'toList.min'.
  Int? min()

  ** Get the maximum value of the range. If range contains
  ** no values then return null.  Equivalent to 'toList.max'.
  Int? max()

  ** Get the first value of the range.   If range contains
  ** no values then return null.  Equivalent to 'toList.first'.
  Int? first()

  ** Get the last value of the range.   If range contains
  ** no values then return null.  Equivalent to 'toList.last'.
  Int? last()

  ** Return if this range contains the specified integer.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).contains(2)  =>  true
  **   (1..3).contains(4)  =>  false
  Bool contains(Int i)

  ** Create a new range by adding offset to this range's
  ** start and end values.
  ** Example:
  **   (3..5).offset(2)   =>  5..7
  **   (3..<5).offset(-2) =>  1..<3
  Range offset(Int offset)

  ** Call the specified function for each integer in the range.
  ** Also see `Int.times`.
  ** Example:
  **   (1..3).each |i| { echo(i) }          =>  1, 2, 3
  **   (1..<3).each |i| { echo(i) }         => 1, 2
  **   ('a'..'z').each |Int i| { echo(i) }  => 'a', 'b', ... 'z'
  Void each(|Int i| c)

  ** Create a new list which is the result of calling c for
  ** every integer in the range.  The new list is typed based on
  ** the return type of c.
  ** Example:
  **   (10..15).map |i->Str| { i.toHex }  =>  Str[a, b, c, d, e, f]
  Obj?[] map(|Int i->Obj?| c)

  ** Convert this range into a list of Ints.
  ** Example:
  **   (2..4).toList   =>  [2,3,4]
  **   (2..<4).toList  =>  [2,3]
  **   (10..8).toList  =>  [10,9,8]
  Int[] toList()

  ** Convenience for [Int.random(this)]`Int.random`.
  ** Also see `Int.random`, `Float.random`, `List.random`,
  ** and `util::Random`.
  Int random()
