// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   4 Nov 06  Brian Frank  Creation

using compiler

** Run the Java compiler to produce a directory of Java classfiles.
class CompileJava : JdkTask

// Construction

  ** Construct uninitialized javac task
  new make(BuildScript script)
    : super(script)
    this.params = (script.config("javacParams") ?: "").split.findAll |s| { !s.isEmpty }

// Configuration

  ** Extra parameters to pass to javac.  Default is
  ** to target 1.5 classfiles.
  Str[] params

// Add

  ** Add all the jars found in lib/java/ext and lib/java/ext/os
  ** to the class path.
  Void cpAddExtJars()
    cpAddJars(script.devHomeDir + `lib/java/ext/`)
    cpAddJars(script.devHomeDir + `lib/java/ext/$Env.cur.platform/`)

  ** Add all the jar files found in the specified
  ** directory to the classpath.
  Void cpAddJars(File dir)
    dir.list.each |File f| { if (f.ext == "jar") cp.add(f) }

// Run

  ** Run the javac task
  override Void run()

      // build command
      cmd := [javacExe]

      // always assume UTF-8


      // -d outDir
      if (outDir != null)

      // -cp <classpath>
      cmd.add(cp.join(File.pathSep) |File f->Str| { return f.osPath })

      // src files/dirs
      cwd := script.scriptDir
      listFiles(cmd, cwd, src)
      log.debug(cmd.join(" "))
      r := Process(cmd, cwd).run.join
      if (r != 0) throw Err.make
    catch (Err e)
      throw fatal("CompileJava failed", e)

  internal Void listFiles(Str[] list, File cwd, File[] files)
    files.each |File f|
      // if directory, then recurse
      if (f.isDir) listFiles(list, cwd, f.list)

      // use dir/*.java on Windows so that command line doesn't
      // get too long but list every file on other operating systems
      if (Env.cur.os == "win32")
        if (f.isDir && f.list.any |x| { x.ext == "java" })
      else if (f.ext == "java")

// Fields

  ** Class path - list of jars to compile against,
  ** rt.jar is automatically included
  File[] cp := File[,]

  ** List of source files or directories to compile.  If
  ** a directory is specified, then it is recursively searched
  ** for all ".java" files.
  File[] src := File[,]

  ** Output directory
  File? outDir
