// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//    2 Dec 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   17 Sep 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** CheckErrors walks the tree of statements and expressions looking
** for errors the compiler can detect such as invalid type usage.  We
** attempt to leave all the error reporting to this step, so that we
** can batch report as many errors as possible.
** Since CheckErrors already performs a full tree walk down to each leaf
** expression, we also do a couple of other AST decorations in this step:
**   1) add temp local for field assignments like return ++x
**   2) add temp local for returns inside protected region
**   3) check for field accessor optimization
**   4) check for field storage requirements
**   5) add implicit coersions: auto-casts, boxing, to non-nullable
**   6) implicit call to toImmutable when assigning to const field
**   7) mark ClosureExpr.setsConst
class CheckErrors : CompilerStep

// Constructor

  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)
    this.isSys = compiler.isSys

// Run

  override Void run()
    walk(compiler, VisitDepth.expr)

// PodDef

  Void checkPodDef(PodDef pod)

// TypeDef

  override Void visitTypeDef(TypeDef t)
    // check type flags

    // facets

    // check for abstract slots in concrete class

    // check for const slots in const class

    // verify we don't use a restricted name
    if (isRestrictedName(t.name))
      err("Type name '$t.name' is restricted", t.loc)

    // verify type name doesn't conflict with resource name

    // if type extends from any FFI types then give bridge a hook
    foreign := t.foreignInheritance
    if (foreign != null) foreign.bridge.checkType(t)

    // check some knuckle head doesn't override type
    if (t.slotDef("typeof") != null && !isSys)
      err("Cannot override Obj.typeof()", t.slotDef("typeof").loc)

    // check inheritance
    if (t.base != null) checkBase(t, t.base)
    t.mixins.each |CType m| { checkMixin(t, m) }

    // check definite assignment of static fields

  static Bool isRestrictedName(Str name)
    // disallow types to conflict with docs URI
    return name == "pod" || name == "index"

  private Void checkResConflicts(TypeDef t)
    compiler.input.resFiles?.each |uri|
      if (uri.path.first == t.name)
        err("Resource `$uri` conflicts with type name '$t.name'", t.loc)

  private Void checkTypeFlags(TypeDef t)
    flags := t.flags
    loc := t.loc

    // these modifiers are never allowed on a type
    if (flags.and(FConst.Ctor) != 0)      err("Cannot use 'new' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0)      err("Cannot use 'once' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Override) != 0)  err("Cannot use 'override' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Private) != 0)   err("Cannot use 'private' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Protected) != 0) err("Cannot use 'protected' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Static) != 0)    err("Cannot use 'static' modifier on type", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Virtual) != 0)   err("Cannot use 'virtual' modifier on type", loc)

    // check invalid protection combinations
    checkProtectionFlags(flags, loc)

    // check abstract and final
    if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0 && flags.and(FConst.Final) != 0)
      err("Invalid combination of 'abstract' and 'final' modifiers", loc)

  private Void checkAbstractSlots(TypeDef t)
    // if already abstract, nothing to check
    if (t.isAbstract) return

    errForDef := false
    closure := |CSlot slot|
      if (!slot.isAbstract) return
      if (slot.parent === t)
        if (!errForDef)
          err("Class '$t.name' must be abstract since it contains abstract slots", t.loc)
          errForDef = true
        err("Class '$t.name' must be abstract since it inherits but doesn't override '$slot.qname'", t.loc)

    if (compiler.input.isTest)

  private Void checkConstType(TypeDef t)
    // if not const then nothing to check
    if (!t.isConst) return

    // const class cannot inherit from non-const class
    if (t.base != null && t.base != ns.objType && !t.base.isConst)
      err("Const type '$t.name' cannot subclass non-const class '$t.base.name'", t.loc)

    // check that each field is const or has no storage; don't
    // worry about statics because they are forced to be const
    // in another check
    t.fieldDefs.each |FieldDef f|
      if (!f.isConst && !f.isStatic && f.isStorage && !isSys)
        err("Const type '$t.name' cannot contain non-const field '$f.name'", f.loc)

    // check that no once methods
    t.methodDefs.each |MethodDef m|
      if (m.isOnce)
        err("Const type '$t.name' cannot contain once method '$m.name'", m.loc)

  private Void checkBase(TypeDef t, CType base)
    // check that a public class doesn't subclass from internal classes
    if (t.isPublic && !base.isPublic)
      err("Public type '$t.name' cannot extend from internal class '$base.name'", t.loc)

    // if base is const, then t must be const
    if (!t.isConst && base.isConst)
      err("Non-const type '$t.name' cannot subclass const class '$base.name'", t.loc)

  private Void checkMixin(TypeDef t, CType m)
    // check that a public class doesn't implement from internal mixin
    if (t.isPublic && !m.isPublic)
      err("Public type '$t.name' cannot implement internal mixin '$m.name'", t.loc)

    // if mixin is const, then t must be const
    if (!t.isConst && m.isConst)
      err("Non-const type '$t.name' cannot implement const mixin '$m.name'", t.loc)

// FieldDef

  override Void visitFieldDef(FieldDef f)
    // if this field overrides a concrete field,
    // then it never gets its own storage
    if (f.concreteBase != null)
      f.flags = f.flags.and(FConst.Storage.not)

    // check for invalid flags

    // facets

    // mixins cannot have non-abstract fields
    if (curType.isMixin && !f.isAbstract && !f.isStatic)
      err("Mixin field '$f.name' must be abstract", f.loc)

    // abstract field cannot have initialization
    if (f.isAbstract && f.init != null)
      err("Abstract field '$f.name' cannot have initializer", f.init.loc)

    // abstract field cannot have getter/setter
    if (f.isAbstract && (f.hasGet || f.hasSet))
      err("Abstract field '$f.name' cannot have getter or setter", f.loc)

    // check internal type
    checkTypeProtection(f.fieldType, f.loc)

    // check that public field isn't using internal type
    if (curType.isPublic && (f.isPublic || f.isProtected) && !f.fieldType.isPublic)
      err("Public field '${curType.name}.${f.name}' cannot use internal type '$f.fieldType'", f.loc)

  private Void checkFieldFlags(FieldDef f)
    flags := f.flags
    loc   := f.loc

    // these modifiers are never allowed on a field
    if (flags.and(FConst.Ctor) != 0)    err("Cannot use 'new' modifier on field", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Final) != 0)   err("Cannot use 'final' modifier on field", loc)
    if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0)    err("Cannot use 'once' modifier on field", loc)

    // check invalid protection combinations
    checkProtectionFlags(flags, loc)

    // if native
    if (flags.and(FConst.Native) != 0)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Const) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'native' and 'const' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'native' and 'abstract' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Static) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'native' and 'static' modifiers", loc)

    // if const
    if (flags.and(FConst.Const) != 0)
      // invalid const flag combo
      if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'const' and 'abstract' modifiers", loc)
      else if (flags.and(FConst.Virtual) != 0 && flags.and(FConst.Override) == 0) err("Invalid combination of 'const' and 'virtual' modifiers", loc)

      // invalid type
      if (!f.fieldType.isConstFieldType)
        err("Const field '$f.name' has non-const type '$f.fieldType'", loc)
      // static fields must be const
      if (flags.and(FConst.Static) != 0) err("Static field '$f.name' must be const", loc)

    // check invalid protection combinations on setter (getter
    // can no modifiers which is checked in the parser)
    if (f.setter != null)
      fieldProtection  := flags.and(Parser.ProtectionMask.not)
      setterProtection := f.set.flags.and(Parser.ProtectionMask.not)
      if (fieldProtection != setterProtection)
        // verify protection flag combinations
        checkProtectionFlags(f.set.flags, loc)

        // verify that setter has narrowed protection
        if (fieldProtection.and(FConst.Private) != 0)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Public) != 0)    err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Protected) != 0) err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Internal) != 0)  err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)
        else if (fieldProtection.and(FConst.Internal) != 0)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Public) != 0)    err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Protected) != 0) err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)
        else if (fieldProtection.and(FConst.Protected) != 0)
          if (setterProtection.and(FConst.Public) != 0)    err("Setter cannot have wider visibility than the field", loc)

// MethodDef

  override Void visitMethodDef(MethodDef m)
    // check invalid use of flags

    // facets

    // check parameters

    // check return

    // check ctors call super (or another this) ctor
    if (m.isInstanceCtor) checkInstanceCtor(m)

    // if method has operator facet, check it
    if (m.hasFacet("sys::Operator")) checkOperatorMethod(m)

    // check types used in signature
    if (!m.isAccessor)
      checkTypeProtection(m.returnType, m.loc)
      m.paramDefs.each |ParamDef p| { checkTypeProtection(p.paramType, p.loc) }

    // check that public method isn't using internal types in its signature
    if (!m.isAccessor && curType.isPublic && (m.isPublic || m.isProtected))
      if (!m.returnType.isPublic) err("Public method '${curType.name}.${m.name}' cannot use internal type '$m.returnType'", m.loc);
      m.paramDefs.each |ParamDef p|
        if (!p.paramType.isPublic) err("Public method '${curType.name}.${m.name}' cannot use internal type '$p.paramType'", m.loc);

  private Void checkMethodFlags(MethodDef m)
    // check field accessors in checkFieldFlags
    if (m.isFieldAccessor) return

    flags := m.flags
    loc := m.loc

    // these modifiers are never allowed on a method
    if (flags.and(FConst.Final) != 0)     err("Cannot use 'final' modifier on method", loc)
    if (flags.and(FConst.Const) != 0)     err("Cannot use 'const' modifier on method", loc)

    // check invalid protection combinations
    checkProtectionFlags(flags, loc)

    // check invalid constructor flags
    if (flags.and(FConst.Ctor) != 0)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'new' and 'abstract' modifiers", loc)
      else if (flags.and(FConst.Override) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'new' and 'override' modifiers", loc)
      else if (flags.and(FConst.Virtual) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'new' and 'virtual' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0)     err("Invalid combination of 'new' and 'once' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Native) != 0)   err("Invalid combination of 'new' and 'native' modifiers", loc)

    // check invalid static flags
    if (flags.and(FConst.Static) != 0)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'static' and 'abstract' modifiers", loc)
      else if (flags.and(FConst.Override) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'static' and 'override' modifiers", loc)
      else if (flags.and(FConst.Virtual) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'static' and 'virtual' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'static' and 'once' modifiers", loc)

    // check invalid abstract flags
    if (flags.and(FConst.Abstract) != 0)
      if (flags.and(FConst.Native) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'abstract' and 'native' modifiers", loc)
      if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0) err("Invalid combination of 'abstract' and 'once' modifiers", loc)

    // mixins cannot have once methods
    if (flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0)
      if (curType.isMixin)
        err("Mixins cannot have once methods", m.loc)

    // mixins cannot have native methods
    if (flags.and(FConst.Native) != 0)
      if (curType.isMixin)
        err("Mixins cannot have native methods", m.loc)

    // normalize method flags after checking
    if (m.flags.and(FConst.Static) != 0)
      m.flags = flags.or(FConst.Const);

  private Void checkParams(MethodDef m)
    // check that defs are contiguous after first one
    seenDef := false
    m.paramDefs.each |ParamDef p|
      if (seenDef)
        if (p.def == null)
          err("Parameter '$p.name' must have default", p.loc)
        seenDef = p.def != null

  private Void checkParam(ParamDef p)
    // check type
    t := p.paramType
    if (t.isVoid) { err("Cannot use Void as parameter type", p.loc); return }
    if (t.isThis)  { err("Cannot use This as parameter type", p.loc); return }
    if (t.toNonNullable.signature != "|sys::This->sys::Void|") checkValidType(p.loc, t)

    // check parameter default type
    if (p.def != null && !p.paramType.isGenericParameter)
      p.def = coerce(p.def, p.paramType) |->|
        err("'$p.def.toTypeStr' is not assignable to '$p.paramType'", p.def.loc)

  private Void checkMethodReturn(MethodDef m)
    if (m.ret.isThis)
      if (m.isStatic)
        err("Cannot return This from static method", m.loc)

      if (m.ret.isNullable)
        err("This type cannot be nullable", m.loc)

    if (!m.ret.isThis && !m.ret.isVoid)
      checkValidType(m.loc, m.ret)

  private Void checkInstanceCtor(MethodDef m)
    // mixins cannot have constructors
    if (curType.isMixin)
      err("Mixins cannot have instance constructors", m.loc)

    // ensure super/this constructor is called
    if (m.ctorChain == null && !compiler.isSys && !curType.base.isObj && !curType.isSynthetic)
      err("Must call super class constructor in '$m.name'", m.loc)

    // if this constructor doesn't call a this
    // constructor, then check for definite assignment
    if (m.ctorChain?.target?.id !== ExprId.thisExpr)

  private Void checkDefiniteAssign(MethodDef? m)
    if (isSys) return
    if (curType != null && curType.isNative) return

    // get fields which:
    //   - instance or static fields based on ctor or static {}
    //   - aren't abstract or native
    //   - override of abstract (no concrete base)
    //   - not a calculated field (has storage)
    //   - have a non-nullable, non-value type
    //   - don't have have an init expression
    isStaticInit  := m == null || m.isStatic
    fields := curType.fieldDefs.findAll |FieldDef f->Bool|
      f.isStatic == isStaticInit &&
      !f.isAbstract && !f.isNative && f.isStorage &&
      (!f.isOverride || f.concreteBase == null) &&
      !f.fieldType.isNullable && !f.fieldType.isVal && f.init == null
    if (fields.isEmpty) return

    // check that each one is definitely assigned
    fields.each |FieldDef f|
      definite := m != null && m.code.isDefiniteAssign |Expr lhs->Bool|
        // can't be assignment if if lhs is not a field
        if (lhs.id !== ExprId.field) return false

        // check that field assignment to the correct slot
        fe := (FieldExpr)lhs
        if (fe.field.qname != f.qname) return false

        // if no target assume static init
        ft := fe.target
        if (isStaticInit || ft == null) return true

        // check if we are assigning the field inside an
        // closure, in which case move check to runtime
        if (ft.id === ExprId.field && ((FieldExpr)ft).field.name == "\$this")
          f.requiresNullCheck = true;
          return true

        // otherwise must be assignment to this instance
        return ft.id === ExprId.thisExpr
      if (definite) return

      // if we didn't have a definite assignment on an it-block
      // constructor that is ok, we just mark the field as requiring
      // a runtime check in ConstChecks step
      if (m != null && m.isItBlockCtor) { f.requiresNullCheck = true; return }

      // report error
      if (isStaticInit)
        err("Non-nullable field '$f.name' must be assigned in static initializer", f.loc)
        err("Non-nullable field '$f.name' must be assigned in constructor '$m.name'", m.loc)

  private Void checkOperatorMethod(MethodDef m)
    prefix := COperators.toPrefix(m.name)
    if (prefix == null) { err("Operator method '$m.name' has invalid name", m.loc); return }
    op := ShortcutOp.fromPrefix(prefix)

    if (m.name == "add" && !m.returnType.isThis && !isSys)
      err("Operator method '$m.name' must return This", m.loc)

    if (m.returnType.isVoid && op !== ShortcutOp.set)
      err("Operator method '$m.name' cannot return Void", m.loc)

    if (m.params.size+1 != op.degree && !(m.params.getSafe(op.degree-1)?.hasDefault ?: false))
      err("Operator method '$m.name' has wrong number of parameters", m.loc)

// Facets

  Void checkFacets(FacetDef[]? facets)
    if (facets == null) return

    // check each facet (and for dups)
    for (i := 0; i < facets.size; ++i)
      f := facets[i]
      for (j := i+1; j < facets.size; ++j)
        if (f.type.qname == facets[j].type.qname)
          err("Duplicate facet '$f.type'", f.loc)

  Void checkFacet(FacetDef f)
    // check that facet type is actually a facet
    if (!f.type.fits(ns.facetType))
      err("Not a facet type '$f.type'", f.loc)

    // check facet field assignments
    f.names.each |name, i|
      val := f.vals[i]

      // check that field exists
      field := f.type.field(name)
      if (field == null)
        err("Unknown facet field '${f.type}.$name'", val.loc)

      // check if facet field is deprecated
      checkDeprecated(field, val.loc)

      // check field type
      if (!val.ctype.fits(field.fieldType.inferredAs))
        err("Invalid type for facet field '$name': expected '$field.fieldType' not '$val.ctype'", val.loc)

// Statements

  override Void enterStmt(Stmt stmt)
    if (stmt.id == StmtId.tryStmt) protectedRegionDepth++

  override Void exitStmt(Stmt stmt)
    if (stmt.id == StmtId.tryStmt) protectedRegionDepth--

  override Void enterFinally(TryStmt stmt)

  override Void exitFinally(TryStmt stmt)

  override Stmt[]? visitStmt(Stmt stmt)
    switch (stmt.id)
      case StmtId.expr:          checkExprStmt((ExprStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.localDef:      checkLocalDef((LocalDefStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.ifStmt:        checkIf((IfStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.returnStmt:    checkReturn((ReturnStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.throwStmt:     checkThrow((ThrowStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.forStmt:       checkFor((ForStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.whileStmt:     checkWhile((WhileStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.breakStmt:     checkBreak((BreakStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.continueStmt:  checkContinue((ContinueStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.tryStmt:       checkTry((TryStmt)stmt)
      case StmtId.switchStmt:    checkSwitch((SwitchStmt)stmt)
    return null

  private Void checkExprStmt(ExprStmt stmt)
    if (!stmt.expr.isStmt)
      err("Not a statement", stmt.expr.loc)

  private Void checkLocalDef(LocalDefStmt stmt)
    // check not Void
    t := stmt.ctype
    if (t.isVoid) { err("Cannot use Void as local variable type", stmt.loc); return }
    if (t.isThis) { err("Cannot use This as local variable type", stmt.loc); return }
    checkValidType(stmt.loc, t)

  private Void checkIf(IfStmt stmt)
    stmt.condition = coerce(stmt.condition, ns.boolType) |->|
      err("If condition must be Bool, not '$stmt.condition.ctype'", stmt.condition.loc)

  private Void checkThrow(ThrowStmt stmt)
    stmt.exception = coerce(stmt.exception, ns.errType) |->|
      err("Must throw Err, not '$stmt.exception.ctype'", stmt.exception.loc)

  private Void checkThrowExpr(ThrowExpr expr)
    expr.exception = coerce(expr.exception, ns.errType) |->|
      err("Must throw Err, not '$expr.exception.ctype'", expr.exception.loc)

  private Void checkFor(ForStmt stmt)
    if (stmt.condition != null)
      stmt.condition = coerce(stmt.condition, ns.boolType) |->|
        err("For condition must be Bool, not '$stmt.condition.ctype'", stmt.condition.loc)

  private Void checkWhile(WhileStmt stmt)
    stmt.condition = coerce(stmt.condition, ns.boolType) |->|
      err("While condition must be Bool, not '$stmt.condition.ctype'", stmt.condition.loc)

  private Void checkBreak(BreakStmt stmt)
    if (stmt.loop == null)
      err("Break outside of loop (break is implicit in switch)", stmt.loc)

    // can't leave control of a finally block
    if (finallyDepth > 0)
      err("Cannot leave finally block", stmt.loc)

  private Void checkContinue(ContinueStmt stmt)
    if (stmt.loop == null)
      err("Continue outside of loop", stmt.loc)

    // can't leave control of a finally block
    if (finallyDepth > 0)
      err("Cannot leave finally block", stmt.loc)

  private Void checkReturn(ReturnStmt stmt)
    ret := curMethod.ret
    if (stmt.expr == null)
      // this is just a sanity check - it should be caught in parser
      if (!ret.isVoid)
        err("Must return a value from non-Void method", stmt.loc)
    else if (ret.isVoid)
      // Void allows returning of anything
    else if (ret.isThis)
      stmt.expr = coerce(stmt.expr, curType) |->|
        err("Cannot return '$stmt.expr.toTypeStr' as $curType This", stmt.expr.loc)
      stmt.expr = coerce(stmt.expr, ret) |->|
        err("Cannot return '$stmt.expr.toTypeStr' as '$ret'", stmt.expr.loc)

    // can't use return inside an it-block (might be confusing)
    if (!stmt.isSynthetic && curType.isClosure && curType.closure.isItBlock)
      err("Cannot use return inside it-block", stmt.loc)

    // can't leave control of a finally block
    if (finallyDepth > 0)
      err("Cannot leave finally block", stmt.loc)

    // add temp local var if returning from a protected region,
    // we always call this variable "$return" and reuse it if
    // already declared by a previous return
    if (stmt.expr != null && protectedRegionDepth > 0 && !stmt.expr.ctype.isVoid)
      v := curMethod.vars.find |MethodVar v->Bool| { v.name == "\$return" }
      if (v == null) v = curMethod.addLocalVar(stmt.expr.ctype, "\$return", null)
      stmt.leaveVar = v

  private Void checkTry(TryStmt stmt)
    // check that try block not empty
    if (stmt.block.isEmpty)
      err("Try block cannot be empty", stmt.loc)

    // check each catch
    caught := CType[,]
    stmt.catches.each |Catch c|
      CType? errType := c.errType
      if (errType == null) errType = ns.errType
      if (!errType.fits(ns.errType))
        err("Must catch Err, not '$c.errType'", c.errType.loc)
      else if (errType.fitsAny(caught))
        err("Already caught '$errType'", c.loc)

  private Void checkSwitch(SwitchStmt stmt)
    dups := Int:Int[:]

    stmt.cases.each |Case c|
      for (i:=0; i<c.cases.size; ++i)
        expr := c.cases[i]

        // check comparability of condition and each case
        checkCompare(expr, stmt.condition)

        // check for dups
        literal := expr.asTableSwitchCase
        if (literal != null)
          if (dups[literal] == null)
            dups[literal] = literal
            err("Duplicate case label", expr.loc)

// Expr

  override Expr visitExpr(Expr expr)
    switch (expr.id)
      case ExprId.typeLiteral:    checkTypeLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.slotLiteral:    checkSlotLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.listLiteral:    checkListLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.mapLiteral:     checkMapLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.rangeLiteral:   checkRangeLiteral(expr)
      case ExprId.boolNot:        checkBool(expr)
      case ExprId.cmpNull:
      case ExprId.cmpNotNull:     checkCompareNull(expr)
      case ExprId.assign:         checkAssign(expr)
      case ExprId.elvis:          checkElvis(expr)
      case ExprId.boolOr:
      case ExprId.boolAnd:        checkBools(expr)
      case ExprId.same:
      case ExprId.notSame:        checkSame(expr)
      case ExprId.shortcut:       checkShortcut(expr)
      case ExprId.call:           checkCall(expr)
      case ExprId.construction:   checkConstruction(expr)
      case ExprId.field:          checkField(expr)
      case ExprId.thisExpr:       checkThis(expr)
      case ExprId.superExpr:      checkSuper(expr)
      case ExprId.isExpr:
      case ExprId.isnotExpr:
      case ExprId.asExpr:
      case ExprId.coerce:         checkTypeCheck(expr)
      case ExprId.ternary:        checkTernary(expr)
      case ExprId.throwExpr:      checkThrowExpr(expr)
    return expr

  private Void checkTypeLiteral(LiteralExpr expr)
    checkTypeProtection((CType)expr.val, expr.loc)

  private Void checkSlotLiteral(SlotLiteralExpr expr)
    checkSlotProtection(expr.slot, expr.loc)

  private Void checkListLiteral(ListLiteralExpr expr)
    // check the types and ensure that everything gets boxed
    listType := (ListType)expr.ctype
    valType := listType.v
    expr.vals.each |Expr val, Int i|
      expr.vals[i] = coerceBoxed(val, valType) |->|
        err("Invalid value type '$val.toTypeStr' for list of '$valType'", val.loc)

  private Void checkMapLiteral(MapLiteralExpr expr)
    // check the types and ensure that everything gets boxed
    mapType := (MapType)expr.ctype
    keyType := mapType.k
    valType := mapType.v
    expr.keys.each |Expr key, Int i|
      expr.keys[i] = coerceBoxed(key, keyType) |->|
        err("Invalid key type '$key.toTypeStr' for map type '$mapType'", key.loc)

      val := expr.vals[i]
      expr.vals[i] = coerceBoxed(val, valType) |->|
        err("Invalid value type '$val.toTypeStr' for map type '$mapType'", val.loc)

  private Void checkRangeLiteral(RangeLiteralExpr range)
    range.start = coerce(range.start, ns.intType) |->|
      err("Range must be Int..Int, not '${range.start.ctype}..${range.end.ctype}'", range.loc)
    range.end = coerce(range.end, ns.intType) |->|
      err("Range must be Int..Int, not '${range.start.ctype}..${range.end.ctype}'", range.loc)

  private Void checkBool(UnaryExpr expr)
    expr.operand = coerce(expr.operand, ns.boolType) |->|
      err("Cannot apply '$expr.opToken.symbol' operator to '$expr.operand.ctype'", expr.loc)

  private Void checkCompareNull(UnaryExpr expr)
    // check if operand is nullable, if so its ok
    t := expr.operand.ctype
    if (t.isNullable) return

    // check if operand is inside it-block ctor
    if (curMethod != null && curMethod.isItBlockCtor)
      // check that operand is this.{field} access
      field := expr.operand as FieldExpr
      if (field != null && field.target != null && field.target.id == ExprId.thisExpr)

    // if we made it here, compirson to null is an error
    err("Comparison of non-nullable type '$t' to null", expr.loc)

  private Void checkBools(CondExpr expr)
    expr.operands.each |Expr operand, Int i|
      expr.operands[i] = coerce(operand, ns.boolType) |->|
        err("Cannot apply '$expr.opToken.symbol' operator to '$operand.ctype'", operand.loc)

  private Void checkSame(BinaryExpr expr)
    checkCompare(expr.lhs, expr.rhs)

    // don't allow for value types
    if (expr.lhs.ctype.isVal || expr.rhs.ctype.isVal)
      err("Cannot use '$expr.opToken.symbol' operator with value types", expr.loc)

  private Bool checkCompare(Expr lhs, Expr rhs)
    if (!lhs.ctype.fits(rhs.ctype) && !rhs.ctype.fits(lhs.ctype))
      err("Incomparable types '$lhs.ctype' and '$rhs.ctype'", lhs.loc)
      return false
    return true

  private Void checkAssign(BinaryExpr expr)
    // check that rhs is assignable to lhs
    expr.rhs = coerce(expr.rhs, expr.lhs.ctype) |->|
      err("'$expr.rhs.toTypeStr' is not assignable to '$expr.lhs.ctype'", expr.rhs.loc)

    // check that lhs is assignable
    if (!expr.lhs.isAssignable)
      err("Left hand side is not assignable", expr.lhs.loc)

    // check not assigning to same variable
    if (expr.lhs.sameVarAs(expr.rhs))
      err("Self assignment", expr.lhs.loc)

    // check left hand side field (common code with checkShortcut)
    if (expr.lhs.id === ExprId.field)
      expr.rhs = checkAssignField((FieldExpr)expr.lhs, expr.rhs)

    // check that no safe calls used on entire left hand side

    // take this opportunity to generate a temp local variable if needed
    if (expr.leave && expr.lhs.assignRequiresTempVar)
      expr.tempVar = curMethod.addLocalVar(expr.lhs.ctype, null, null)

  private Void checkElvis(BinaryExpr expr)
    if (!expr.lhs.ctype.isNullable)
      err("Cannot use '?:' operator on non-nullable type '$expr.lhs.ctype'", expr.loc)

    expr.rhs = coerce(expr.rhs, expr.ctype) |->|
      err("Cannot coerce '$expr.rhs.toTypeStr' to '$expr.ctype'", expr.rhs.loc);

  private Void checkNoNullSafes(Expr? x)
    while (x is NameExpr)
      ne := (NameExpr)x
      if (ne.isSafe) err("Null-safe operator on left hand side of assignment", x.loc)
      x = ne.target

  private Void checkShortcut(ShortcutExpr shortcut)
    switch (shortcut.opToken)
      // comparable
      case Token.eq: case Token.notEq:
      case Token.gt: case Token.gtEq:
      case Token.lt: case Token.ltEq:
      case Token.cmp:
        if (!checkCompare(shortcut.target, shortcut.args.first)) return

    // if assignment
    if (shortcut.isAssign)
      // check that lhs is assignable
      if (!shortcut.target.isAssignable)
        err("Target is not assignable", shortcut.target.loc)

      // check left hand side field (common code with checkAssign)
      if (shortcut.target.id === ExprId.field)
        checkAssignField((FieldExpr)shortcut.target, shortcut.args.first)

      // check that no safe calls used on entire left hand side

    // take this oppotunity to generate a temp local variable if needed
    if (shortcut.leave && shortcut.isAssign && shortcut.target.assignRequiresTempVar)
      shortcut.tempVar = curMethod.addLocalVar(shortcut.ctype, null, null)

    // we need two scratch variables to manipulate the stack cause
    // .NET is lame when it comes to doing anything with the stack
    //   - scratchA: target collection
    //   - scratchB: index
    indexedAssign := shortcut as IndexedAssignExpr
    if (indexedAssign != null)
      target := (ShortcutExpr)indexedAssign.target
      indexedAssign.scratchA = curMethod.addLocalVar(target.target.ctype, null, null)
      indexedAssign.scratchB = curMethod.addLocalVar(target.args[0].ctype, null, null)

    // perform normal call checking
    if (!shortcut.isCompare)

  ** Check if field is assignable, return new rhs.
  private Expr? checkAssignField(FieldExpr lhs, Expr? rhs)
    field := ((FieldExpr)lhs).field

    // check protection scope (which might be more narrow than the scope
    // of the entire field as checked in checkProtection by checkField)
    if (field.setter != null && slotProtectionErr(curType, field) == null)
      checkSlotProtection(field.setter, lhs.loc, true)

    // if not-const we are done
    if (!field.isConst) return rhs

    // for purposes of const field checking, consider closures
    // inside a constructor or static initializer to be ok
    inType := curType
    inMethod := curMethod
    if (inType.isClosure)
      curType.closure.setsConst = true
      inType = inType.closure.enclosingType
      inMethod = (curType.closure.enclosingSlot as MethodDef) ?: curMethod

    // check attempt to set static field outside of static initializer
    if (field.isStatic && !inMethod.isStaticInit)
      err("Cannot set const static field '$field.name' outside of static initializer", lhs.loc)
      return rhs

    // we allow setting an instance ctor field in an
    // it-block, otherwise dive in for further checking
    if (!(curType.isClosure && curType.closure.isItBlock))
      // check attempt to set field outside of owning class or subclass
      if (inType != field.parent)
        if (!inType.fits(field.parent) || !inMethod.isInstanceCtor)
          err("Cannot set const field '$field.qname'", lhs.loc)
          return rhs

      // check attempt to set instance field outside of ctor
      if (!field.isStatic && !(inMethod.isInstanceInit || inMethod.isInstanceCtor))
        err("Cannot set const field '$field.name' outside of constructor", lhs.loc)
        return rhs

    // any other errors should already be logged at this point (see isConstFieldType)

    // if non-const make an implicit call toImmutable
    ftype := field.fieldType
    if (ftype.isConst)
      return rhs
      return implicitToImmutable(ftype, rhs)

  private Expr implicitToImmutable(CType fieldType, Expr rhs)
    // leave null literal as is
    if (rhs.id == ExprId.nullLiteral) return rhs

    // wrap existing assigned with call toImmutable
    call := CallExpr.makeWithMethod(rhs.loc, rhs, ns.objToImmutable) { isSafe = true }
    if (fieldType.toNonNullable.isObj) return call
    return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(call, fieldType)


  private Void checkConstruction(CallExpr call)
    if (!call.method.isCtor)
      // TODO
      warn("Using static method '$call.method.qname' as constructor", call.loc)

      // check that ctor method is the expected type
      if (call.ctype.toNonNullable != call.method.returnType.toNonNullable)
        err("Construction method '$call.method.qname' must return '$call.ctype.name'", call.loc)

      // but allow ctor to be typed as nullable
      call.ctype = call.method.returnType


  private Void checkCall(CallExpr call)
    m := call.method
    if (m == null)
      err("Something wrong with method call?", call.loc)

    name := m.name

    // can't call method on Void
    if (call.target != null && call.target.ctype.isVoid)
      err("Cannot call method on Void", call.loc)

    // check protection scope
    checkSlotProtection(call.method, call.loc)

    // if a foreign function, then verify we aren't using unsupported types
    if (m.isForeign)
      // just log one use of unsupported return or param type and return
      if (!m.returnType.isSupported)
        err("Method '$name' uses unsupported type '$m.returnType'", call.loc)
      unsupported := m.params.find |CParam p->Bool| { !p.paramType.isSupported }
      if (unsupported != null)
        err("Method '$name' uses unsupported type '$unsupported.paramType'", call.loc)

    // arguments
    if (!call.isDynamic)
      // do normal call checking and coercion
      // if dynamic all ensure all the args are boxed
      call.args.each |Expr arg, Int i| { call.args[i] = box(call.args[i]) }

    // if constructor
    if (m.isCtor && !call.isCtorChain)
      // ensure we aren't calling constructors on an instance
      if (call.target != null && call.target.id !== ExprId.staticTarget && !call.target.synthetic)
        err("Cannot call constructor '$name' on instance", call.loc)

      // ensure we aren't calling a constructor on an abstract class
      if (m.parent.isAbstract && !m.isStatic)
        err("Calling constructor on abstract class", call.loc)

    // ensure we aren't calling static methods on an instance
    if (m.isStatic)
      if (call.target != null && call.target.id !== ExprId.staticTarget)
        err("Cannot call static method '$name' on instance", call.loc)

    // ensure we can't calling an instance method statically
    if (!m.isStatic && !m.isCtor)
      if (call.target == null || call.target.id === ExprId.staticTarget)
        err("Cannot call instance method '$name' in static context", call.loc)

    // if using super
    if (call.target != null && call.target.id === ExprId.superExpr)
      // check that super is concrete
      if (m.isAbstract)
        err("Cannot use super to call abstract method '$m.qname'", call.target.loc)

      // check that calling super with exact param match otherwise stack overflow
      if (call.args.size != m.params.size && m.name == curMethod.name && !m.isInstanceCtor)
        err("Must call super method '$m.qname' with exactly $m.params.size arguments", call.target.loc)

    // don't allow safe calls on non-nullable type
    if (call.isSafe && call.target != null && !call.target.ctype.isNullable)
      err("Cannot use null-safe call on non-nullable type '$call.target.ctype'", call.target.loc)

    // if this call is not null safe, then verify that it's target isn't
    // a null safe call such as foo?.bar.baz
    if (!call.isSafe && call.target is NameExpr && ((NameExpr)call.target).isSafe && call isnot ShortcutExpr)
      err("Non-null safe call chained after null safe call", call.loc)

    // if calling a method on a value-type, ensure target is
    // coerced to non-null; we don't do this for comparisons
    // and safe calls since they are handled specially
    if (call.target != null && !call.isCompare && !call.isSafe && !call.method.isStatic)
      if (call.target.ctype.isVal || call.method.parent.isVal)
        call.target = coerce(call.target, call.method.parent) |->|
          err("Cannot coerce '$call.target.ctype' to '$call.method.parent'", call.target.loc)

    // ensure call operator target() not used on non-function types
    if (call.isCallOp && !call.target.ctype.isFunc)
      err("Cannot use () call operator on non-func type '$call.target.ctype'", call.target.loc)

    // ensure @Operator when using add as it-block comma operator
    if (call.isItAdd && !call.method.hasFacet("sys::Operator"))
      err("Missing Operator facet: $call.method.qname", call.loc)

  private Void checkField(FieldExpr f)
    field := f.field

    // check protection scope
    checkSlotProtection(field, f.loc)

    // if a FFI, then verify we aren't using unsupported types
    if (!field.fieldType.isSupported)
      err("Field '$field.name' has unsupported type '$field.fieldType'", f.loc)

    // ensure we aren't calling static methods on an instance
    if (field.isStatic)
      if (f.target != null && f.target.id !== ExprId.staticTarget)
        err("Cannot access static field '$f.name' on instance", f.loc)

    // if instance field
      if (f.target == null || f.target.id === ExprId.staticTarget)
        err("Cannot access instance field '$f.name' in static context", f.loc)

    // if using super check that concrete
    if (f.target != null && f.target.id === ExprId.superExpr)
      if (field.isAbstract)
        err("Cannot use super to access abstract field '$field.qname'", f.target.loc)

    // don't allow safe access on non-nullable type
    if (f.isSafe && f.target != null && !f.target.ctype.isNullable)
      err("Cannot use null-safe access on non-nullable type '$f.target.ctype'", f.target.loc)

    // if this call is not null safe, then verify that it's target isn't
    // a null safe call such as foo?.bar.baz
    if (!f.isSafe && f.target is NameExpr && ((NameExpr)f.target).isSafe)
      err("Non-null safe field access chained after null safe call", f.loc)

    // if using the field's accessor method
    if (f.useAccessor)
      // check if we can optimize out the accessor (required for constants)
      f.useAccessor = useFieldAccessor(field)

      // check that we aren't using an field accessor inside of itself
      if (curMethod != null && (field.getter === curMethod || field.setter === curMethod) &&
          (f.target == null || f.target.id == ExprId.thisExpr))
        err("Cannot use field accessor inside accessor itself - use '&' operator", f.loc)

    // if accessing storage directly
      // check that the current class gets access to direct
      // field storage (only defining class gets it); allow closures
      // same scope priviledges as enclosing class
      enclosing := curType.isClosure ? curType.closure.enclosingType : curType
      if (!field.isConst && field.parent != curType && field.parent != enclosing)
        err("Field storage for '$field.qname' not accessible", f.loc)

      // sanity check that field has storage
      if (!field.isStorage)
        if (field is FieldDef && ((FieldDef)field).concreteBase != null)
          err("Field storage of inherited field '${field->concreteBase->qname}' not accessible (might try super)", f.loc)
          err("Invalid storage access of field '$field.qname' which doesn't have storage", f.loc)

      // cannot use storage operator in mixin
      if (enclosing.isMixin && !curMethod.isSynthetic)
        err("Field storage not accessible in mixin '$field.qname'", f.loc)

  private Bool useFieldAccessor(CField f)
    // if const field then use field directly
    if (f.isConst || f.getter == null) return false

    // always use accessor if field is imported from another
    // pod (in which case it isn't a def in my compilation unit)
    def := f as FieldDef
    if (def == null) return true

    // if virtual/override/native then always use accessor
    if (def.isVirtual || def.isOverride || f.isNative)
      return true

    // if the field has synthetic getter and setter, then
    // we can safely optimize internal field accessors to
    // use field directly
    if (!def.hasGet && !def.hasSet)
      return false

    // use accessor since there is a custom getter or setter
    return true

  private Void checkThis(ThisExpr expr)
    if (inStatic)
      err("Cannot access 'this' in static context", expr.loc)

  private Void checkSuper(SuperExpr expr)
    if (inStatic)
      err("Cannot access 'super' in static context", expr.loc)

    if (curType.isMixin)
      if (expr.explicitType == null)
        err("Must use named 'super' inside mixin", expr.loc)
      else if (!expr.explicitType.isMixin)
        err("Cannot use 'Obj.super' inside mixin (yeah I know - take it up with Sun)", expr.loc)

    if (expr.explicitType != null)
      if (expr.explicitType.isClass)
        err("Cannot use named super on class type '$expr.explicitType'", expr.loc)

      if (!curType.fits(expr.explicitType))
        err("Named super '$expr.explicitType' not a super class of '$curType.name'", expr.loc)

  private Void checkTypeCheck(TypeCheckExpr expr)
    // don't bother checking a synthetic coercion that the
    // compiler generated itself (which is most coercions)
    if (expr.synthetic) return

    // check type is visible
    checkTypeProtection(expr.check, expr.loc)

    // verify types are convertible
    check := expr.check
    target := expr.target.ctype
    if (!check.fits(target) && !target.fits(check) && !check.isMixin && !target.isMixin)
      err("Inconvertible types '$target' and '$check'", expr.loc)

    // box value types for is, as, isnot (everything but coerce)
    if (expr.id != ExprId.coerce && target.isVal)
      expr.target = box(expr.target)

    // don't allow as with nullable
    if (expr.id === ExprId.asExpr && check.isNullable)
      err("Cannot use 'as' operator with nullable type '$check'", expr.loc)

  private Void checkTernary(TernaryExpr expr)
    expr.condition = coerce(expr.condition, ns.boolType) |->|
      err("Ternary condition must be Bool, not '$expr.condition.ctype'", expr.condition.loc)
    expr.trueExpr = coerce(expr.trueExpr, expr.ctype) |->|
      err("Ternary true expr '$expr.trueExpr.toTypeStr' cannot be coerced to $expr.ctype", expr.trueExpr.loc)
    expr.falseExpr = coerce(expr.falseExpr, expr.ctype) |->|
      err("Ternary false expr '$expr.falseExpr.toTypeStr' cannot be coerced to $expr.ctype", expr.falseExpr.loc)

// Check Args

  private Void checkArgs(CallExpr call)
    method := call.method
    base := call.target == null ? method.parent : call.target.ctype
    name := call.name
    args := call.args
    newArgs := args.dup
    isErr := false
    params := method.params
    genericParams := method.isParameterized ? method.generic.params : null

    // if we are calling call(A, B...) on a FuncType, then
    // use the first class Func signature rather than the
    // version of call which got picked because we might have
    // picked the wrong call version
    sig := method.parent as FuncType
    if (sig != null && name == "call")
      if (sig.params.size != args.size)
        isErr = true
        sig.params.each |CType p, Int i|
          // check each argument and ensure boxed
          newArgs[i] = coerceBoxed(args[i], p) |->| { isErr = true }

    // if more args than params, always an err
    else if (params.size < args.size)
      isErr = true

    // check each arg against each parameter
      params.each |CParam p, Int i|
        if (i >= args.size)
          // param has a default value, then that is ok
          if (!p.hasDefault) isErr = true
          // ensure arg fits parameter type (or auto-cast)
          pt := p.paramType.parameterizeThis(base)
          newArgs[i] = coerce(args[i], pt) |->|
            isErr = name != "compare" // TODO let anything slide for Obj.compare

          // if this a parameterized generic, then we need to box
          // even if the expected type is a value-type (since the
          // actual implementation methods are all Obj based)
          if (!isErr && genericParams != null && genericParams[i].paramType.isGenericParameter)
            newArgs[i] = box(newArgs[i])

    if (!isErr)
      call.args = newArgs

    msg := "Invalid args "
    if (sig != null)
      msg += "|" + sig.params.join(", ") + "|"
      msg += "$name(" + params.join(", ", |p| { paramTypeStr(base, p) }) + ")"
    msg += ", not (" + args.join(", ", |Expr e->Str| { "$e.toTypeStr" }) + ")"
    err(msg, call.loc)

  internal static Str paramTypeStr(CType base, CParam param)
    return param.paramType.parameterizeThis(base).inferredAs.signature

// Type

  private Void checkValidType(Loc loc, CType t)
    if (!t.isValid) err("Invalid type '$t'", loc)

// Flag Utils

  private Void checkProtectionFlags(Int flags, Loc loc)
    isPublic    := flags.and(FConst.Public)    != 0
    isProtected := flags.and(FConst.Protected) != 0
    isPrivate   := flags.and(FConst.Private)   != 0
    isInternal  := flags.and(FConst.Internal)  != 0
    isVirtual   := flags.and(FConst.Virtual)   != 0
    isOverride  := flags.and(FConst.Override)  != 0

    if (isPublic)
      if (isProtected) err("Invalid combination of 'public' and 'protected' modifiers", loc)
      if (isPrivate)   err("Invalid combination of 'public' and 'private' modifiers", loc)
      if (isInternal)  err("Invalid combination of 'public' and 'internal' modifiers", loc)
    else if (isProtected)
      if (isPrivate)   err("Invalid combination of 'protected' and 'private' modifiers", loc)
      if (isInternal)  err("Invalid combination of 'protected' and 'internal' modifiers", loc)
    else if (isPrivate)
      if (isInternal)  err("Invalid combination of 'private' and 'internal' modifiers", loc)
      if (isVirtual && !isOverride) err("Invalid combination of 'private' and 'virtual' modifiers", loc)

  private Void checkTypeProtection(CType t, Loc loc)
    t = t.toNonNullable

    if (t is GenericType)
      if (t is ListType)
        x := (ListType)t
        checkTypeProtection(x.v, loc)
      else if (t is MapType)
        x := (MapType)t
        checkTypeProtection(x.k, loc)
        checkTypeProtection(x.v, loc)
        x := (FuncType)t
        checkTypeProtection(x.ret, loc)
        x.params.each |CType p| { checkTypeProtection(p, loc) }
      if (t.isInternal && t.pod != curType.pod)
        err("Internal type '$t' not accessible", loc)

    checkDeprecated(t, loc)

  private Void checkSlotProtection(CSlot slot, Loc loc, Bool setter := false)
    errMsg := slotProtectionErr(curType, slot, setter)
    if (errMsg != null) err(errMsg, loc)

    checkDeprecated(slot, loc)

  static Bool isSlotVisible(TypeDef curType, CSlot slot) { slotProtectionErr(curType, slot) == null }

  private static Str? slotProtectionErr(TypeDef curType, CSlot slot, Bool setter := false)
    msg := setter ? "setter of field" : (slot is CMethod ? "method" : "field")

    // short circuit if method on myself
    if (curType == slot.parent)
      return null

    // allow closures same scope priviledges as enclosing class
    if (curType.isClosure) curType = curType.closure.enclosingType

    // consider the slot internal if its parent is internal
    isInternal := slot.isInternal || (slot.parent.isInternal && !slot.parent.isParameterized)

    if (slot.isPrivate && curType != slot.parent)
      return "Private $msg '$slot.qname' not accessible"

    else if (slot.isProtected && !curType.fits(slot.parent) && curType.pod != slot.parent.pod)
      return "Protected $msg '$slot.qname' not accessible"

    else if (isInternal && curType.pod != slot.parent.pod)
      return "Internal $msg '$slot.qname' not accessible"

      return null

// Utils

  ** Check for the deprecated facet where target is CType or CSlot
  private Void checkDeprecated(Obj target, Loc loc)
    slot := target as CSlot

    // don't check inside:
    //   - synthetic getter/setter or
    //   - synthetic method of type itself
    //   - a deprecated type itself
    if (curMethod != null && curMethod.isSynthetic)
      if (curMethod.isFieldAccessor) return
      if (slot != null && slot.parent == curType) return
    if (curType.facet("sys::Deprecated") != null) return

    // check both slot and its parent type
    CFacet? f := null
    if (slot != null)
      f = slot.facet("sys::Deprecated")
      if (f == null) target = slot.parent
    if (f == null) f = ((CType)target).facet("sys::Deprecated")
    if (f == null) return

    // we got a deprecration warning - log it
    kind := target is CType ? "type" : "slot"
    qname := (Str)target->qname
    msg := f.get("msg") as Str ?: ""
    if (!msg.isEmpty)
      warn("Deprecated $kind '$qname' - $msg", loc)
      warn("Deprecated $kind '$qname'", loc)

  ** Ensure the specified expression is boxed to an object reference.
  private Expr box(Expr expr)
    if (expr.ctype.isVal)
      return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(expr, ns.objType.toNullable)
      return expr

  ** Run the standard coerce method and ensure the result is boxed.
  private Expr coerceBoxed(Expr expr, CType expected, |->| onErr)
    return box(coerce(expr, expected, onErr))

  ** Return if `coerce` would not report a compiler error.
  static Bool canCoerce(Expr expr, CType expected)
    ok := true
    coerce(expr, expected) |->| { ok = false }
    return ok

  ** Coerce the target expression to the specified type.  If
  ** the expression is not type compatible run the onErr function.
  static Expr coerce(Expr expr, CType expected, |->| onErr)
    // route to bridge for FFI coercion if either side if foreign
    if (expected.isForeign) return expected.bridge.coerce(expr, expected, onErr)
    if (expr.ctype.isForeign) return expr.ctype.bridge.coerce(expr, expected, onErr)

    // normal Fantom coercion behavior
    return doCoerce(expr, expected, onErr)

  ** Coerce the target expression to the specified type.  If
  ** the expression is not type compatible run the onErr function.
  ** Default Fantom behavior.
  static Expr doCoerce(Expr expr, CType expected, |->| onErr)
    // sanity check that expression has been typed
    CType actual := expr.ctype
    if ((Obj?)actual == null) throw NullErr("null ctype: ${expr}")

    // if the same type this is easy
    if (actual == expected) return expr

    // if actual type is nothing, then its of no matter
    if (actual.isNothing) return expr

    // we can never use a void expression
    if (actual.isVoid || expected.isVoid)
      return expr

    // if expr is always nullable (null literal, safe invoke, as),
    // then verify expected type is nullable
    if (expr.isAlwaysNullable)
      if (!expected.isNullable) { onErr(); return expr }

      // null literals don't need cast to nullable types,
      // otherwise // fall-thru to apply coercion
      if (expr.id === ExprId.nullLiteral) return expr

    // if the expression fits to type, that is ok
    if (actual.fits(expected))
      // if we have any nullable/value difference we need a coercion
      if (needCoerce(actual, expected))
        return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(expr, expected)
        return expr

    // if we can auto-cast to make the expr fit then do it - we
    // have to treat function auto-casting a little specially here
    if (actual.isFunc && expected.isFunc)
      if (isFuncAutoCoerce(actual, expected))
        return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(expr, expected)
      if (expected.fits(actual))
        return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(expr, expected)

    // we have an error condition
    return expr

  static Bool isFuncAutoCoerce(CType actualType, CType expectedType)
    // check if both are function types
    if (!actualType.isFunc || !expectedType.isFunc) return false
    actual   := actualType.toNonNullable as FuncType
    expected := expectedType.toNonNullable as FuncType

    // auto-cast to or from unparameterized 'sys::Func'
    if (actual == null || expected == null) return true

    // if actual function requires more parameters than
    // we are expecting, then this cannot be a match
    if (actual.arity > expected.arity) return false

    // check return type
    if (!isFuncAutoCoerceMatch(actual.ret, expected.ret))
      return false

    // check that each parameter is auto-castable
    return actual.params.all |CType actualParam, Int i->Bool|
      expectedParam := expected.params[i]
      return isFuncAutoCoerceMatch(actualParam, expectedParam)

    return true

  static Bool isFuncAutoCoerceMatch(CType actual, CType expected)
    if (actual.fits(expected)) return true
    if (expected.fits(actual)) return true
    if (isFuncAutoCoerce(actual, expected)) return true
    return false

  static Bool needCoerce(CType from, CType to)
    // if either side is a value type and we got past
    // the equals check then we definitely need a coercion
    if (from.isVal || to.isVal) return true

    // if going from Obj? -> Obj we need a nullable coercion
    if (!to.isNullable) return from.isNullable

    return false

// Fields

  private Int protectedRegionDepth := 0  // try statement depth
  private Int finallyDepth := 0          // finally block depth
  private Bool isSys