// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   19 Jul 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** Expr
abstract class Expr : Node

// Construction

  new make(Loc loc, ExprId id)
    : super(loc)
    this.id = id

// Expr

  ** Return this expression as an Int literal usable in a tableswitch,
  ** or null if this Expr doesn't represent a constant Int.  Expressions
  ** which work as table switch cases: int literals and enum constants
  virtual Int? asTableSwitchCase() { null }

  ** Get this expression's type as a string for error reporting.
  Str toTypeStr()
    if (id == ExprId.nullLiteral) return "null"
    return ctype.toStr

  ** If this expression performs assignment, then return
  ** the target of that assignment.  Otherwise return null.
  virtual Obj? assignTarget() { null }

  ** Return if this expression can be used as the
  ** left hand side of an assignment expression.
  virtual Bool isAssignable() { false }

  ** Is this a boolean conditional (boolOr/boolAnd)
  virtual Bool isCond() { false }

  ** Does this expression make up a complete statement.
  ** If you override this to true, then you must make sure
  ** the expr is popped in CodeAsm.
  virtual Bool isStmt() { false }

  ** Was this expression generated by the compiler (not necessarily
  ** everything auto-generated has this flag true, but we set in
  ** cases where error checking needs to be handled special)
  virtual Bool synthetic() { false }

  ** If this an assignment expression, then return the
  ** result of calling the given function with the LHS.
  ** Otherwise return false.
  virtual Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f) { false }

  ** Return if this expression is guaranteed to sometimes
  ** return a null result (safe invoke, as, etc)
  virtual Bool isAlwaysNullable() { false }

  ** Assignments to instance fields require a temporary local variable.
  virtual Bool assignRequiresTempVar() { false }

  ** Return if this expression represents the same variable or
  ** field as that.  This is used for self assignment checks.
  virtual Bool sameVarAs(Expr that) { false }

  ** Map the list of expressions into their list of types
  static CType[] ctypes(Expr[] exprs)
    return exprs.map |Expr e->CType| { e.ctype }

  ** Given a list of Expr instances, find the common base type
  ** they all share.  This method does not take into account
  ** the null literal.  It is used for type inference for lists
  ** and maps.
  static CType commonType(CNamespace ns, Expr[] exprs)
    hasNull := false
    exprs = exprs.exclude |Expr e->Bool|
      if (e.id !== ExprId.nullLiteral) return false
      hasNull = true
      return true
    t := CType.common(ns, ctypes(exprs))
    if (hasNull) t = t.toNullable
    return t

  ** Return this expression as an ExprStmt
  ExprStmt toStmt()
    return ExprStmt(this)

  ** Return this expression as serialization text or
  ** throw exception if not serializable.
  virtual Str serialize()
    throw CompilerErr("'$id' not serializable", loc)

  ** Make an Expr which will serialize the given literal.
  static Expr makeForLiteral(Loc loc, CNamespace ns, Obj val)
    switch (val.typeof)
      case Bool#:
        return val == true ?
          LiteralExpr(loc, ExprId.trueLiteral, ns.boolType, true) :
          LiteralExpr(loc, ExprId.falseLiteral, ns.boolType, false)
      case Str#:
        return LiteralExpr(loc, ExprId.strLiteral, ns.strType, val)
      case DateTime#:

        return CallExpr(loc, null, "fromStr", ExprId.construction)
          method = ns.resolveSlot("sys::DateTime.fromStr")
          ctype  = method.parent
          args   = [makeForLiteral(loc, ns, val.toStr)]
        throw Err("Unsupported literal type $val.typeof")

  ** Set this expression to not be left on the stack.
  Expr noLeave()
    // if the expression is prefixed with a synthetic cast by
    // CallResolver, it is unnecessary at the top level and must
    // be stripped
    result := this
    if (result.id === ExprId.coerce)
      coerce := (TypeCheckExpr)result
      if (coerce.synthetic) result = coerce.target
    result.leave = false
    return result

// Doc

  ** Get this expression as a string suitable for documentation.
  ** This string must not contain a newline or it will break the
  ** DocApiParser.
  Str? toDocStr()
    // not perfect, but better than what we had previously which
    // was nothing; we might want to grab the actual text from the
    // actual source file - but with the current design we've freed
    // the buffer by the time the tokens are passed to the parser
      // literals
      if (this is LiteralExpr)
        s := serialize
        if (s.size > 40) s = "..."
        return s

      // if we access an internal slot then don't expose in public docs
      CSlot? slot := null
      if (this is CallExpr) slot = ((CallExpr)this).method
      else if (this is FieldExpr) slot = ((FieldExpr)this).field
      if (slot != null && (slot.isPrivate || slot.isInternal)) return null

      // remove extra parens with binary ops
      s := toStr
      if (s[0] == '(' && s[-1] == ')') s = s[1..-2]

      // hide implicit assignments
      if (s.contains("=")) s = s[s.index("=")+1..-1].trim

      // remove extra parens with binary ops
      if (s[0] == '(' && s[-1] == ')') s = s[1..-2]

      // hide storage operator
      s = s.replace(".@", ".")

      // hide safe nav construction
      s = s.replace(".?(", "(")

      // use unqualified names
      while (true)
        qcolon := s.index("::")
        if (qcolon == null) break
        i := qcolon-1
        for (; i>=0; --i) if (!s[i].isAlphaNum && s[i] != '_') break
        s = (i < 0) ? s[qcolon+2..-1] : s[0..i] + s[qcolon+2..-1]

      if (s.size > 40) s = "..."
      return s
    catch (Err e)
      return toStr

// Tree

  Expr walk(Visitor v)
    return v.visitExpr(this)

  virtual Void walkChildren(Visitor v)

  static Expr? walkExpr(Visitor v, Expr? expr)
    if (expr == null) return null
    return expr.walk(v)

  static Expr[] walkExprs(Visitor v, Expr?[] exprs)
    for (i:=0; i<exprs.size; ++i)
      expr := exprs[i]
      if (expr != null)
        replace := expr.walk(v)
        if (expr !== replace)
          exprs[i] = replace
    return exprs

// Debug

  override abstract Str toStr()

  override Void print(AstWriter out)

// Fields

  const ExprId id         // expression type identifier
  CType? ctype            // type expression resolves to
  Bool leave := true { protected set } // leave this expression on the stack

** LiteralExpr

** LiteralExpr puts an Bool, Int, Float, Str, Duration, Uri,
** or null constant onto the stack.
class LiteralExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, ExprId id, CType ctype, Obj? val)
    : super(loc, id)
    this.ctype = ctype
    this.val   = val
    if (val == null && !ctype.isNullable)
      throw Err("null literal must typed as nullable!")

  new makeNull(Loc loc, CNamespace ns)
    : this.make(loc, ExprId.nullLiteral, ns.objType.toNullable, null) {}

  new makeTrue(Loc loc, CNamespace ns)
    : this.make(loc, ExprId.trueLiteral, ns.boolType, true) {}

  new makeFalse(Loc loc, CNamespace ns)
    : this.make(loc, ExprId.falseLiteral, ns.boolType, false) {}

  new makeStr(Loc loc, CNamespace ns, Str val)
    : this.make(loc, ExprId.strLiteral, ns.strType, val) {}

  static LiteralExpr makeDefaultLiteral(Loc loc, CNamespace ns, CType ctype)
    if (!ctype.isNullable())
      if (ctype.isBool())  return make(loc, ExprId.falseLiteral, ctype, false)
      if (ctype.isInt())   return make(loc, ExprId.intLiteral, ctype, 0)
      if (ctype.isFloat()) return make(loc, ExprId.floatLiteral, ctype, 0f)
    return makeNull(loc, ns)

  override Bool isAlwaysNullable() { id === ExprId.nullLiteral }

  override Int? asTableSwitchCase()
    return val as Int

  override Str serialize()
    switch (id)
      case ExprId.nullLiteral:     return "null"
      case ExprId.falseLiteral:    return "false"
      case ExprId.trueLiteral:     return "true"
      case ExprId.intLiteral:      return val.toStr
      case ExprId.floatLiteral:    return val.toStr + "f"
      case ExprId.decimalLiteral:  return val.toStr + "d"
      case ExprId.strLiteral:      return val.toStr.toCode
      case ExprId.uriLiteral:      return val.toStr.toCode('`')
      case ExprId.typeLiteral:     return "${val->signature}#"
      case ExprId.durationLiteral: return val.toStr
      default:                     return super.serialize

  override Str toStr()
    switch (id)
      case ExprId.nullLiteral: return "null"
      case ExprId.strLiteral:  return "\"" + val.toStr.replace("\n", "\\n") + "\""
      case ExprId.typeLiteral: return "${val}#"
      case ExprId.uriLiteral:  return "`$val`"
      default: return val.toStr

  Obj? val // Bool, Int, Float, Str (for Str/Uri), Duration, CType, or null

** LocaleLiteralExpr

** LocaleLiteralExpr: podName::key=defVal
class LocaleLiteralExpr: Expr
  new make(Loc loc, Str pattern)
    : super(loc, ExprId.localeLiteral)
    this.pattern = pattern
    this.key = pattern
    eq := pattern.index("=")
    if (eq != null)
      this.key = pattern[0..<eq]
      this.def = pattern[eq+1..-1]

    colons := key.index("::")
    if (colons != null)
      this.podName = key[0..<colons]
      this.key     = key[colons+2..-1]

  override Str toStr() { "<${pattern}>" }

  Str pattern
  Str key
  Str? podName
  Str? def

** SlotLiteralExpr

** SlotLiteralExpr
class SlotLiteralExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, CType parent, Str name)
    : super(loc, ExprId.slotLiteral)
    this.parent = parent
    this.name = name

  override Str serialize() { "$parent.signature#${name}" }

  override Str toStr() { "$parent.signature#${name}" }

  CType parent
  Str name
  CSlot? slot

** RangeLiteralExpr

** RangeLiteralExpr creates a Range instance
class RangeLiteralExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, CType ctype, Expr start, Expr end, Bool exclusive)
    : super(loc, ExprId.rangeLiteral)
    this.ctype = ctype
    this.start = start
    this.end   = end
    this.exclusive = exclusive

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    start = start.walk(v)
    end   = end.walk(v)

  override Str toStr()
    if (exclusive)
      return "${start}...${end}"
      return "${start}..${end}"

  Expr start
  Expr end
  Bool exclusive

** ListLiteralExpr

** ListLiteralExpr creates a List instance
class ListLiteralExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, ListType? explicitType := null)
    : super(loc, ExprId.listLiteral)
    this.explicitType = explicitType

  new makeFor(Loc loc, CType ctype, Expr[] vals)
    : super.make(loc, ExprId.listLiteral)
    this.ctype = ctype
    this.vals  = vals

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    vals = walkExprs(v, vals)

  override Str serialize()
    return format |Expr e->Str| { e.serialize }

  override Str toStr()
    return format |Expr e->Str| { e.toStr }

  Str format(|Expr e->Str| f)
    s := StrBuf.make
    if (explicitType != null) s.add(explicitType.v)
    if (vals.isEmpty) s.add(",")
    else vals.each |Expr v, Int i|
      if (i > 0) s.add(",")
    return s.toStr

  ListType? explicitType
  Expr[] vals := Expr[,]

** MapLiteralExpr

** MapLiteralExpr creates a List instance
class MapLiteralExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, MapType? explicitType := null)
    : super(loc, ExprId.mapLiteral)
    this.explicitType = explicitType

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    keys = walkExprs(v, keys)
    vals = walkExprs(v, vals)

  override Str serialize()
    return format |Expr e->Str| { e.serialize }

  override Str toStr()
    return format |Expr e->Str| { e.toStr }

  Str format(|Expr e->Str| f)
    s := StrBuf.make
    if (explicitType != null) s.add(explicitType)
    if (vals.isEmpty) s.add(":")
      keys.size.times |Int i|
        if (i > 0) s.add(",")
    return s.toStr

  MapType? explicitType
  Expr[] keys := Expr[,]
  Expr[] vals := Expr[,]

** UnaryExpr

** UnaryExpr is used for unary expressions including !, +.
** Note that - is mapped to negate() as a shortcut method.
class UnaryExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, ExprId id, Token opToken, Expr operand)
    : super(loc, id)
    this.opToken = opToken
    this.operand = operand

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    operand = operand.walk(v)

  override Str toStr()
    if (id == ExprId.cmpNull)
      return operand.toStr + " == null"
    else if (id == ExprId.cmpNotNull)
      return operand.toStr + " != null"
      return opToken.toStr + operand.toStr

  Token opToken   // operator token type (Token.bang, etc)
  Expr operand    // operand expression


** BinaryExpr

** BinaryExpr is used for binary expressions with a left hand side and a
** right hand side including assignment.  Note that many common binary
** operations are actually modeled as ShortcutExpr to enable method based
** operator overloading.
class BinaryExpr : Expr
  new make(Expr lhs, Token opToken, Expr rhs)
    : super(lhs.loc, opToken.toExprId)
    this.lhs = lhs
    this.opToken = opToken
    this.rhs = rhs

  new makeAssign(Expr lhs, Expr rhs, Bool leave := false)
    : this.make(lhs, Token.assign, rhs)
    this.ctype = lhs.ctype
    this.leave = leave

  override Obj? assignTarget() { id === ExprId.assign ? lhs : null }

  override Bool isStmt() { id === ExprId.assign }

  override Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f)
    if (id === ExprId.assign && f(lhs)) return true
    return rhs.isDefiniteAssign(f)

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    lhs = lhs.walk(v)
    rhs = rhs.walk(v)

  override Str serialize()
    if (id === ExprId.assign)
      return "${lhs.serialize}=${rhs.serialize}"
      return super.serialize

  override Str toStr()
    return "($lhs $opToken $rhs)"

  Token opToken      // operator token type (Token.and, etc)
  Expr lhs           // left hand side
  Expr rhs           // right hand side
  MethodVar? tempVar // temp local var to store field assignment leaves


** CondExpr

** CondExpr is used for || and && short-circuit boolean conditionals.
class CondExpr : Expr
  new make(Expr first, Token opToken)
    : super(first.loc, opToken.toExprId)
    this.opToken = opToken
    this.operands = [first]

  override Bool isCond() { true }

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    operands = walkExprs(v, operands)

  override Str toStr()
    return operands.join(" $opToken ")

  Token opToken      // operator token type (Token.and, etc)
  Expr[] operands    // list of operands


** NameExpr

** NameExpr is the base class for an identifier expression which has
** an optional base expression.  NameExpr is the base class for
** UnknownVarExpr and CallExpr which are resolved via CallResolver
abstract class NameExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, ExprId id, Expr? target, Str? name)
    : super(loc, id)
    this.target = target
    this.name   = name
    this.isSafe = false

  override Bool isAlwaysNullable() { isSafe }

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    target = walkExpr(v, target)

  override Str toStr()
    if (target != null)
      return target.toStr + (isSafe ? "?." : ".") + name
      return name

  Expr? target  // base target expression or null
  Str? name     // name of variable (local/field/method)
  Bool isSafe   // if ?. operator

** UnknownVarExpr

** UnknownVarExpr is a place holder in the AST for a variable until
** we can figure out what it references: local or slot.  We also use
** this class for storage operators before they are resolved to a field.
class UnknownVarExpr : NameExpr
  new make(Loc loc, Expr? target, Str name, ExprId id := ExprId.unknownVar)
    : super(loc, id, target, name)

** CallExpr

** CallExpr is a method call.
class CallExpr : NameExpr
  new make(Loc loc, Expr? target := null, Str? name := null, ExprId id := ExprId.call)
    : super(loc, id, target, name)
    args = Expr[,]
    isDynamic = false
    isSafe = false
    isCtorChain = false

  new makeWithMethod(Loc loc, Expr? target, CMethod method, Expr[]? args := null)
    : this.make(loc, target, method.name, ExprId.call)
    this.method = method
    this.ctype = method.isCtor ? method.parent : method.returnType
    if (args != null) this.args = args

  override Str toStr()
    return toCallStr(true)

  override Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f)
    if (target != null && target.isDefiniteAssign(f)) return true
    return args.any |Expr arg->Bool| { arg.isDefiniteAssign(f) }

  override Bool isStmt()
    // stand alone constructor is not a valid stmt
    if (method.isCtor) return false

    // with block applied to stand alone constructor is not valid stmt
    if (method.name == "with" && target is CallExpr && ((CallExpr)target).method.isCtor)
      return false

    // consider any other call a stand alone stmt
    return true

  virtual Bool isCompare() { false }

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    target = walkExpr(v, target)
    args = walkExprs(v, args)

  override Str serialize()
    // only serialize a true Type("xx") expr which maps to Type.fromStr
    if (id != ExprId.construction || method.name != "fromStr")
      return super.serialize

    argSer := args.join(",") |Expr e->Str| { e.serialize }
    return "$method.parent($argSer)"

  override Void print(AstWriter out)
    if (args.size > 0 && args.last is ClosureExpr)

  private Str toCallStr(Bool isToStr)
    s := StrBuf.make

    if (target != null)
      s.add(target).add(isSafe ? "?" : "").add(isDynamic ? "->" : ".")
    else if (method != null && (method.isStatic || method.isCtor))

    if (args.last is ClosureExpr)
      s.add(args[0..-2].join(", ")).add(") ");
      if (isToStr) s.add(args.last)
      s.add(args.join(", ")).add(")")
    return s.toStr

  Expr[] args         // Expr[] arguments to pass
  Bool isDynamic      // true if this is a -> dynamic call
  Bool isCtorChain    // true if this is MethodDef.ctorChain call
  Bool noParens       // was this call accessed without parens
  Bool isCallOp       // was this 'target()' (instead of 'target.name()')
  Bool isItAdd        // if using comma operator
  CMethod? method     // resolved method
  override Bool synthetic := false

** ShortcutExpr

** ShortcutExpr is used for operator expressions which are a shortcut
** to a method call:
**   a + b     =>  a.plus(b)
**   a - b     =>  a.minus(b)
**   a * b     =>  a.mult(b)
**   a / b     =>  a.div(b)
**   a % b     =>  a.mod(b)
**   a[b]      =>  a.get(b)
**   a[b] = c  =>  a.set(b, c)
**   -a        =>  a.negate()
**   ++a, a++  =>  a.increment()
**   --a, a--  =>  a.decrement()
**   a == b    =>  a.equals(b)
**   a != b    =>  ! a.equals(b)
**   a <=>     =>  a.compare(b)
**   a > b     =>  a.compare(b) > 0
**   a >= b    =>  a.compare(b) >= 0
**   a < b     =>  a.compare(b) < 0
**   a <= b    =>  a.compare(b) <= 0
class ShortcutExpr : CallExpr
  new makeUnary(Loc loc, Token opToken, Expr operand)
    : super.make(loc, null, null, ExprId.shortcut)
    this.op      = opToken.toShortcutOp(1)
    this.opToken = opToken
    this.name    = op.methodName
    this.target  = operand

  new makeBinary(Expr lhs, Token opToken, Expr rhs)
    : super.make(lhs.loc, null, null, ExprId.shortcut)
    this.op      = opToken.toShortcutOp(2)
    this.opToken = opToken
    this.name    = op.methodName
    this.target  = lhs

  new makeGet(Loc loc, Expr target, Expr index)
    : super.make(loc, null, null, ExprId.shortcut)
    this.op      = ShortcutOp.get
    this.opToken = Token.lbracket
    this.name    = op.methodName
    this.target  = target

  new makeFrom(ShortcutExpr from)
    : super.make(from.loc, null, null, ExprId.shortcut)
    this.op      = from.op
    this.opToken = from.opToken
    this.name    = from.name
    this.target  = from.target
    this.args    = from.args
    this.isPostfixLeave = from.isPostfixLeave

  override Bool assignRequiresTempVar() { isAssignable }

  override Obj? assignTarget() { isAssign ? target : null }

  override Bool isAssignable() { op === ShortcutOp.get }

  override Bool isCompare() { op === ShortcutOp.eq || op === ShortcutOp.cmp }

  override Bool isStmt() { isAssign || op === ShortcutOp.set }

  Bool isAssign() { opToken.isAssign || opToken.isIncrementOrDecrement }

  Bool isStrConcat() { opToken == Token.plus && args.size == 1 && target.ctype.isStr }

  override Str toStr()
    if (op == ShortcutOp.get) return "${target}[$args.first]"
    if (op == ShortcutOp.increment) return isPostfixLeave ? "${target}++" : "++${target}"
    if (op == ShortcutOp.decrement) return isPostfixLeave ? "${target}--" : "--${target}"
    if (isAssign) return "${target} ${opToken} ${args.first}"
    if (op.degree == 1) return "${opToken}${target}"
    if (op.degree == 2) return "(${target} ${opToken} ${args.first})"
    return super.toStr

  override Void print(AstWriter out)

  ShortcutOp op
  Token opToken
  Bool isPostfixLeave := false  // x++ or x-- (must have Expr.leave set too)
  MethodVar? tempVar    // temp local var to store += to field/indexed

** IndexedAssignExpr is a subclass of ShortcutExpr used
** in situations like x[y] += z where we need keep of two
** extra scratch variables and the get's matching set method.
** Note this class models the top x[y] += z, NOT the get target
** which is x[y].
** In this example, IndexedAssignExpr shortcuts Int.plus and
** its target shortcuts List.get:
**   x := [2]
**   x[0] += 3
class IndexedAssignExpr : ShortcutExpr
  new makeFrom(ShortcutExpr from)
    : super.makeFrom(from)

  MethodVar? scratchA
  MethodVar? scratchB
  CMethod? setMethod

** FieldExpr

** FieldExpr is used for a field variable access.
class FieldExpr : NameExpr
  new make(Loc loc, Expr? target := null, CField? field := null, Bool useAccessor := true)
    : super(loc, ExprId.field, target, null)
    this.useAccessor = useAccessor
    this.isSafe = false
    if (field != null)
      this.name  = field.name
      this.field = field
      this.ctype = field.fieldType

  override Bool isAssignable() { true }

  override Bool assignRequiresTempVar() { !field.isStatic }

  override Bool sameVarAs(Expr that)
    x := that as FieldExpr
    if (x == null) return false
    return field == x.field &&
           target != null &&
           x.target != null &&

  override Int? asTableSwitchCase()
    // TODO - this should probably be tightened up if we switch to const
    if (field.isStatic && field.parent.isEnum && ctype.isEnum)
      switch (field.typeof)
        case ReflectField#:
          ifield := field as ReflectField
          return ((Enum)ifield.f.get).ordinal
        case FieldDef#:
          fieldDef := field as FieldDef
          enumDef := fieldDef.parentDef.enumDef(field.name)
          if (enumDef != null) return enumDef.ordinal
        case FField#:
          ffield := field as FField
          attr := ffield.attr(FConst.EnumOrdinalAttr)
          if (attr != null) return attr.u2
          throw Err("Invalid field for tableswitch: $field.typeof $loc.toLocStr")
    return null

  override Str serialize()
    if (field.isStatic)
      if (field.parent.isFloat)
        switch (name)
          case "nan":    return "sys::Float(\"NaN\")"
          case "posInf": return "sys::Float(\"INF\")"
          case "negInf": return "sys::Float(\"-INF\")"

      if (field.isEnum)
        return "${field.parent.qname}(\"$name\")"

    return super.serialize

  override Str toStr()
    s := StrBuf.make
    if (target != null) s.add(target).add(".");
    if (!useAccessor) s.add("@")
    return s.toStr

  CField? field       // resolved field
  Bool useAccessor    // false if access using '*' storage operator

** LocalVarExpr

** LocalVarExpr is used to access a local variable stored in a register.
class LocalVarExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, MethodVar? var, ExprId id := ExprId.localVar)
    : super(loc, id)
    if (var != null)
      this.var = var
      this.ctype = var.ctype

  static LocalVarExpr makeNoUnwrap(Loc loc, MethodVar var)
    self := make(loc, var, ExprId.localVar)
    self.unwrap = false
    return self

  override Bool isAssignable() { true }

  override Bool assignRequiresTempVar() { var.usedInClosure }

  override Bool sameVarAs(Expr that)
    x := that as LocalVarExpr
    if (x == null) return false
    if (var?.usedInClosure != x?.var?.usedInClosure) return false
    return register == x.register

  virtual Int register() { var.register }

  override Str toStr()
    if (var == null) return "???"
    return var.name

  MethodVar? var        // bound variable
  Bool unwrap := true   // if hoisted onto heap with wrapper

** ThisExpr

** ThisExpr models the "this" keyword to access the implicit this
** local variable always stored in register zero.
class ThisExpr : LocalVarExpr
  new make(Loc loc, CType? ctype := null)
    : super(loc, null, ExprId.thisExpr)
    this.ctype = ctype

  override Bool isAssignable() { false }

  override Int register() { 0 }

  override Str toStr() { "this" }

** SuperExpr

** SuperExpr is used to access super class slots.  It always references
** the implicit this local variable stored in register zero, but the
** super class's slot definitions.
class SuperExpr : LocalVarExpr
  new make(Loc loc, CType? explicitType := null)
    : super(loc, null, ExprId.superExpr)
    this.explicitType = explicitType

  override Bool isAssignable() { false }

  override Int register() { 0 }

  override Str toStr()
    if (explicitType != null)
      return "${explicitType}.super"
      return "super"

  CType? explicitType   // if "named super"

** ItExpr

** ItExpr models the "it" keyword to access the implicit
** target of an it-block.
class ItExpr : LocalVarExpr
  new make(Loc loc, CType? ctype := null)
    : super(loc, null, ExprId.itExpr)
    this.ctype = ctype

  override Bool isAssignable() { false }

  override Int register() { 1 }  // Void doCall(Type it)

  override Str toStr() { "it" }

** StaticTargetExpr

** StaticTargetExpr wraps a type reference as an Expr for use as
** a target in a static field access or method call
class StaticTargetExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, CType ctype)
    : super(loc, ExprId.staticTarget)
    this.ctype = ctype

  override Bool sameVarAs(Expr that)
    that.id === ExprId.staticTarget && ctype == that.ctype

  override Str toStr()
    return ctype.signature

** TypeCheckExpr

** TypeCheckExpr is an expression which is composed of an arbitrary
** expression and a type - is, as, coerce
class TypeCheckExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, ExprId id, Expr target, CType check)
    : super(loc, id)
    this.target = target
    this.check  = check
    this.ctype  = check

  new coerce(Expr target, CType to)
    : super.make(target.loc, ExprId.coerce)
    if (to.isGenericParameter) to = to.ns.objType // TODO: not sure about this
    this.target = target
    this.from   = target.ctype
    this.check  = to
    this.ctype  = to
    this.synthetic = true

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    target = walkExpr(v, target)

  override Bool isStmt()
    return id === ExprId.coerce && target.isStmt

  override Bool isAlwaysNullable() { id === ExprId.asExpr }

  override Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f) { target.isDefiniteAssign(f) }

  override Str serialize()
    if (id == ExprId.coerce)
      return target.serialize
      return super.serialize

  Str opStr()
    switch (id)
      case ExprId.isExpr:    return "is"
      case ExprId.isnotExpr: return "isnot"
      case ExprId.asExpr:    return "as"
      default:               throw Err(id.toStr)

  override Str toStr()
    switch (id)
      case ExprId.isExpr:    return "($target is $check)"
      case ExprId.isnotExpr: return "($target isnot $check)"
      case ExprId.asExpr:    return "($target as $check)"
      case ExprId.coerce:    return "(($check)$target)"
      default:               throw Err(id.toStr)

  ** From type if coerce
  CType? from { get { &from ?: target.ctype } }

  Expr target
  CType check    // to type if coerce
  override Bool synthetic := false

** TernaryExpr

** TernaryExpr is used for the ternary expression <cond> ? <true> : <false>
class TernaryExpr : Expr
  new make(Expr condition, Expr trueExpr, Expr falseExpr)
    : super(condition.loc, ExprId.ternary)
    this.condition = condition
    this.trueExpr  = trueExpr
    this.falseExpr = falseExpr

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    condition = condition.walk(v)
    trueExpr  = trueExpr.walk(v)
    falseExpr = falseExpr.walk(v)

  override Str toStr()
    return "$condition ? $trueExpr : $falseExpr"

  Expr condition     // boolean test
  Expr trueExpr      // result of expression if condition is true
  Expr falseExpr     // result of expression if condition is false

** ComplexLiteral

** ComplexLiteral is used to model a serialized complex object
** declared in facets.  It is only used in facets, in all other
** code complex literals are parsed as it-block ClosureExprs.
class ComplexLiteral : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, CType ctype)
    : super(loc, ExprId.complexLiteral)
    this.ctype = ctype
    this.names = Str[,]
    this.vals  = Expr[,]

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    vals = walkExprs(v, vals)

  override Str toStr() { doToStr |expr| { expr.toStr } }

  override Str serialize() { doToStr |expr| { expr.serialize } }

  Str doToStr(|Expr->Str| f)
    s := StrBuf()
    s.add("$ctype {")
    names.each |Str n, Int i| { s.add("$n = ${f(vals[i])};") }
    return s.toStr

  Str[] names
  Expr[] vals

** ClosureExpr

** ClosureExpr is an "inlined anonymous method" which closes over it's
** lexical scope.  ClosureExpr is placed into the AST by the parser
** with the code field containing the method implementation.  In
** InitClosures we remap a ClosureExpr to an anonymous class TypeDef
** which extends Func.  The function implementation is moved to the
** anonymous class's doCall() method.  However we leave ClosureExpr
** in the AST in it's original location with a substitute expression.
** The substitute expr just creates an instance of the anonymous class.
** But by leaving the ClosureExpr in the tree, we can keep track of
** the original lexical scope of the closure.
class ClosureExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, TypeDef enclosingType,
           SlotDef enclosingSlot, ClosureExpr? enclosingClosure,
           FuncType signature, Str name)
    : super(loc, ExprId.closure)
    this.ctype            = signature
    this.enclosingType    = enclosingType
    this.enclosingSlot    = enclosingSlot
    this.enclosingClosure = enclosingClosure
    this.signature        = signature
    this.name             = name

  once CField outerThisField()
    if (enclosingSlot.isStatic) throw Err("Internal error: $loc.toLocStr")
    return ClosureVars.makeOuterThisField(this)

  override Str toStr()
    return "$signature { ... }"

  override Void print(AstWriter out)
    if (substitute != null)
      out.w(" { substitute: ")
      out.w(" }").nl

  override Bool isDefiniteAssign(|Expr lhs->Bool| f)
    // at this point, we have moved code into doCall method
    if (doCall == null) return false
    return doCall.code.isDefiniteAssign(f)

  Expr toWith(Expr target)
    if (target.ctype != null) setInferredSignature(FuncType.makeItBlock(target.ctype))
    x := CallExpr.makeWithMethod(loc, target, enclosingType.ns.objWith, Expr[this])
    // TODO: this coercion should be added automatically later in the pipeline
    if (target.ctype == null) return x
    return TypeCheckExpr.coerce(x, target.ctype)

  Void setInferredSignature(FuncType t)
    // bail if we didn't expect an inferred the signature
    // or haven't gotten to InitClosures yet
    if (!signature.inferredSignature || cls == null) return

    // between the explicit signature and the inferred
    // signature, take the most specific types; this is where
    // we take care of functions with generic parameters like V
    t = t.toArity(((FuncType)cls.base).arity)
    t = signature.mostSpecific(t)

    // sanity check
    if (t.usesThis)
      throw Err("Inferring signature with un-parameterized this type: $t")

    // update my signature and the doCall signature
    signature = t
    ctype = t
    if (doCall != null)
      // update parameter types
      doCall.paramDefs.each |ParamDef p, Int i|
        if (i < signature.params.size)
          p.paramType = signature.params[i]

      // update return, we might have to translate an single
      // expression statement into a return statement
      if (doCall.ret.isVoid && !t.ret.isVoid)
        doCall.ret = t.ret

    // if an itBlock, set type of it
    if (isItBlock) itType = t.params.first

    // update base type of Func subclass
    cls.base = t

  Void collapseExprAndReturn(MethodDef m)
    code := m.code.stmts
    if (code.size != 2) return
    if (code[0].id !== StmtId.expr) return
    if (code[1].id !== StmtId.returnStmt) return
    if (!((ReturnStmt)code.last).isSynthetic) return
    expr := ((ExprStmt)code.first).expr
    code.set(0, ReturnStmt.makeSynthetic(expr.loc, expr))

  // Parse
  TypeDef enclosingType         // enclosing class
  SlotDef enclosingSlot         // enclosing method or field initializer
  ClosureExpr? enclosingClosure // if nested closure
  FuncType signature            // function signature
  Block? code                   // moved into a MethodDef in InitClosures
  Str name                      // anonymous class name
  Bool isItBlock                // does closure have implicit it scope

  // InitClosures
  CallExpr? substitute          // expression to substitute during assembly
  TypeDef? cls                  // anonymous class which implements the closure
  MethodDef? call               // anonymous class's call() with code
  MethodDef? doCall             // anonymous class's doCall() with code

  // ResolveExpr
  [Str:MethodVar]? enclosingVars // my parent methods vars in scope
  Bool setsConst                 // sets one or more const fields (CheckErrors)
  CType? itType                  // type of implicit it

** ClosureExpr

** DslExpr is an embedded Domain Specific Language which
** is parsed by a DslPlugin.
class DslExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, CType anchorType, Loc srcLoc, Str src)
    : super(loc, ExprId.dsl)
    this.anchorType = anchorType
    this.src        = src
    this.srcLoc     = srcLoc

  override Str toStr()
    return "$anchorType <|$src|>"

  override Void print(AstWriter out)

  CType anchorType  // anchorType <|src|>
  Str src           // anchorType <|src|>
  Loc srcLoc        // location of first char of src
  Int leadingTabs   // number of leading tabs on original Fantom line
  Int leadingSpaces // number of leading non-tab chars on original Fantom line

** ThrowExpr

** ThrowExpr models throw as an expr versus a statement
** for use inside ternary/elvis operations.
class ThrowExpr : Expr
  new make(Loc loc, Expr exception)
    : super(loc, ExprId.throwExpr)
    this.exception = exception

  override Void walkChildren(Visitor v)
    exception = exception.walk(v)

  override Str toStr() { "throw $exception" }

  Expr exception   // exception to throw

** ExprId

** ExprId uniquely identifies the type of expr
enum class ExprId
  nullLiteral,      // LiteralExpr
  localeLiteral,    // LocaleLiteralExpr
  slotLiteral,      // SlotLiteralExpr
  rangeLiteral,     // RangeLiteralExpr
  listLiteral,      // ListLiteralExpr
  mapLiteral,       // MapLiteralExpr
  boolNot,          // UnaryExpr
  assign,           // BinaryExpr
  boolOr,           // CondExpr
  isExpr,           // TypeCheckExpr
  call,             // CallExpr
  shortcut,         // ShortcutExpr (has ShortcutOp)
  field,            // FieldExpr
  localVar,         // LocalVarExpr
  thisExpr,         // ThisExpr
  superExpr,        // SuperExpr
  itExpr,           // ItExpr
  staticTarget,     // StaticTargetExpr
  unknownVar,       // UnknownVarExpr
  ternary,          // TernaryExpr
  complexLiteral,   // ComplexLiteral
  closure,          // ClosureExpr
  dsl,              // DslExpr
  throwExpr         // ThrowExpr

** ShortcutId

** ShortcutOp is a sub-id for ExprId.shortcut which identifies the
** an shortuct operation and it's method call
enum class ShortcutOp
  plus(2, "+"),
  minus(2, "-"),
  mult(2, "*"),
  div(2, "/"),
  mod(2, "%"),
  negate(1, "-"),
  increment(1, "++"),
  decrement(1, "--"),
  eq(2, "==", "equals"),
  cmp(2, "<=>", "compare"),
  get(2, "[]"),
  set(3, "[]="),
  add(2, ",")

  private new make(Int degree, Str symbol, Str? methodName := null)
    this.degree = degree
    this.symbol = symbol
    this.methodName = methodName == null ? name : methodName
    this.isOperator = methodName == null

  static ShortcutOp? fromPrefix(Str prefix) { prefixes[prefix] }
  private static const Str:ShortcutOp prefixes
    m := Str:ShortcutOp[:]
    vals.each |val| { m[val.methodName] = val }
    prefixes = m

  Str formatErr(CType lhs, CType rhs)
    if (this === get) return "$lhs [ $rhs ]"
    if (this === set) return "$lhs [ $rhs ]="
    return "$lhs $symbol $rhs"

  const Int degree
  const Str methodName
  const Bool isOperator
  const Str symbol