// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   5 Jun 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** InitInput is responsible:
**   - verifies the CompilerInput instance
**   - checks the depends dir
**   - constructs the appropiate CNamespace
**   - initializes Comiler.pod with a PodDef
**   - tokenizes the source code from file or string input
class InitInput : CompilerStep

// Construction

  ** Constructor takes the associated Compiler
  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)
    loc = compiler.input.inputLoc
    input = compiler.input

// Run

  ** Run the step
  override Void run()

// Validate Input

  ** Validate that all the required input fields are set.
  private Void validateInput()
    catch (CompilerErr err)
      throw errReport(err)

// Validate pod name

  ** Verify that pod name is valid
  private Void validatePodName()
    n := input.podName
    loc := input.inputLoc
    if (n.isEmpty) throw err("Pod name is empty", loc)
    if (!n[0].isAlpha) throw err("Pod name must begin with alpha char", loc)
    n.each |ch|
      if (!ch.isAlphaNum && ch != '_') throw err("Pod name contains invalid char '$ch.toChar'", loc)

// Init Namespace

  ** Init the compiler.ns with an appropriate CNamespace
  private Void initNamespace()
    compiler.ns = input.ns
    input.ns.c = compiler

// Init Pod

  ** Init 'compiler.pod' with PodDef
  private Void initPod()
    meta := Str:Str[:] { ordered = true }
    meta["pod.name"]       = input.podName
    meta["pod.version"]    = input.version.toStr
    meta["pod.depends"]    = input.depends.join(";")
    meta["pod.summary"]    = input.summary
    meta["pod.isScript"]   = input.isScript.toStr
    meta["fcode.version"]  = FConst.FCodeVersion
    meta["build.host"]     = Env.cur.host
    meta["build.user"]     = Env.cur.user
    meta["build.ts"]       = DateTime.now.toStr
    meta["build.compiler"] = typeof.pod.version.toStr
    meta["build.platform"] = Env.cur.platform

    pod := PodDef(ns, input.inputLoc, input.podName)
    pod.meta  = meta
    pod.index = input.index

    compiler.pod = pod
    compiler.isSys = pod.name == "sys"

// Init Depends

  ** Init the compiler.depends with list of Depends
  private Void initDepends()
    compiler.depends = input.depends.map |d->CDepend| { CDepend(d, null) }

// Init Source and Resource Files

  ** Init the compiler's srcFiles and resFiles field (file mode only)
  private Void initFiles()
    if (input.mode !== CompilerInputMode.file) return

    // map pod facets to src/res files
    compiler.srcFiles = findFiles(input.srcFiles, "fan")
    compiler.resFiles = findFiles(input.resFiles, null)
    compiler.jsFiles  = findFiles(input.jsFiles,  "js")

    if (compiler.srcFiles.isEmpty && compiler.resFiles.isEmpty)
      throw err("No fan source files found", input.inputLoc)

    // map sure no duplicate names in srcFiles
    map := Str:File[:]
    compiler.srcFiles.each |file|
      if (map[file.name] != null)
        throw err("Cannot have source files with duplicate names: $file.name", Loc.makeFile(file))
      map[file.name] = file

    log.info("FindSourceFiles [${compiler.srcFiles.size} files]")

  private File[] findFiles(Uri[]? uris, Str? ext)
    base := input.baseDir
    acc := File[,]
    uris?.each |uri|
      f := base + uri
      if (!f.exists) throw err("Invalid file or directory", Loc.makeFile(f))
      if (f.isDir)
        f.list.each |kid|
          if (kid.isDir) return
          if (ext == null || kid.ext == ext) acc.add(kid)
    return acc

// Fields

  private Loc loc                // ctor
  private CompilerInput input    // ctor
