// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 Sep 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   19 Jul 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** MethodDef models a method definition - it's signature and body.
class MethodDef : SlotDef, CMethod

// Construction

  public static MethodDef makeStaticInit(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Block? block)
    def := make(loc, parent)
    def.name   = "static\$init"
    def.flags  = FConst.Private + FConst.Static + FConst.Synthetic
    def.ret    = parent.ns.voidType
    def.code   = block
    return def;

  public static MethodDef makeInstanceInit(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Block? block)
    def := make(loc, parent)
    def.name   = "instance\$init\$$parent.pod.name\$$parent.name";
    def.flags  = FConst.Private + FConst.Synthetic
    def.ret    = parent.ns.voidType
    def.code   = block
    return def;

  new make(Loc loc, TypeDef parent, Str name := "?", Int flags := 0)
     : super(loc, parent)
    this.name = name
    this.flags = flags
    this.ret = parent.ns.error
    paramDefs = ParamDef[,]
    vars = MethodVar[,]

// Methods

  ** Return if this a static initializer block.
  Bool isStaticInit() { name == "static\$init" }
  static Bool isNameStaticInit(Str name) { name == "static\$init" }

  ** Return if this a instance initializer block.
  Bool isInstanceInit() { name.startsWith("instance\$init\$") }
  static Bool isNameInstanceInit(Str name) { name.startsWith("instance\$init\$") }

  ** Return if getter/setter for FieldDef
  Bool isFieldAccessor() { accessorFor != null }

  ** Return if setter for FieldDef
  Bool isFieldSetter() { accessorFor != null && paramDefs.size == 1  }

  ** Return if this is a once method
  Bool isOnce() { flags.and(Parser.Once) != 0 }

  ** Return if this is a constructor with an it-block as last parameter
  Bool isItBlockCtor()
    if (!isCtor || params.isEmpty) return false
    lastArg := params.last.paramType.deref.toNonNullable as FuncType
    if (lastArg == null || lastArg.params.size != 1) return false
    return true

  ** Make and add a MethodVar for a local variable.
  MethodVar addLocalVarForDef(LocalDefStmt def, Block? scope)
    var := addLocalVar(def.ctype, def.name, scope)
    var.isCatchVar = def.isCatchVar
    return var

  ** Make and add a MethodVar for a local variable.  If name is
  ** null then we auto-generate a temporary variable name
  MethodVar addLocalVar(CType ctype, Str? name, Block? scope)
    // allocate next register index, implicit this always register 0
    reg := vars.size
    if (!isStatic) reg++

    // auto-generate name
    if (name == null) name = "\$temp" + reg

    // create variable and add it variable list
    var := MethodVar(this, reg, ctype, name, 0, scope)
    return var

  ** Add a parameter to the end of the method signature and
  ** initialize the param MethodVar.
  ** Note: currently this only works if no locals are defined.
  MethodVar addParamVar(CType ctype, Str name)
    if (vars.size > 0 && !vars[-1].isParam) throw Err("Add param with locals $qname")
    param := ParamDef(loc, ctype, name)
    var := MethodVar.makeForParam(this, params.size, param, ctype)
    return var

// CMethod

  override Str signature() { qname + "(" + params.join(",") + ")" }

  override CType returnType() { ret }

  override CType inheritedReturnType()
    if (inheritedRet != null)
      return inheritedRet
      return ret

  override CParam[] params() { paramDefs }

// Tree

  override Void walk(Visitor v, VisitDepth depth)
    walkFacets(v, depth)
    if (depth >= VisitDepth.stmt)
      if (depth >= VisitDepth.expr)
        if (ctorChain != null) ctorChain = (CallExpr)ctorChain.walk(v)
        paramDefs.each |ParamDef p| { if (p.def != null) p.def = p.def.walk(v) }
      if (code != null) code.walk(v, depth)

// Debug

  override Void print(AstWriter out)
    out.flags(flags).w(ret).w(" ").w(name).w("(")
    paramDefs.each |ParamDef p, Int i|
      if (i > 0) out.w(", ")

    if (ctorChain != null) { out.w(" : "); ctorChain.print(out); out.nl }

    if (code != null) code.print(out)

// Fields

  CType ret              // return type
  CType? inheritedRet    // used for original return if covariant
  ParamDef[] paramDefs   // parameter definitions
  Block? code            // code block
  CallExpr? ctorChain    // constructor chain for this/super ctor
  MethodVar[] vars       // all param/local variables in method
  FieldDef? accessorFor  // if accessor method for field
  Bool usesCvars         // does this method have locals enclosed by closure